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13.0 hrs on record
模组的各方面要素都制作的非常精细,包括但不限于俄语和德语语音、单位和地图。最难能可贵的是本模组至今(2024年)仍在更新,可以说是Company of heroes系列一定不可错过的自制模组了。
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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2.7 hrs on record
大梦谁先觉?平生我自知。从宋太祖陈桥创业,到蒙元铁骑兵临城下,悠悠大宋几百年彷佛过眼云烟,虽穿梭在历史的长河中但只留下了点点涟漪。还有谁曾记得东京梦华录里的辉煌?还有谁曾记得靖康之耻的羞愧?也还有谁记得崖山之战后的凄凉?我很欣慰,这一切White Star Studio都还记得。感谢他们为我们这些大宋子民的后代带来唤醒祖先一件件回忆的艺术作品,也感谢当今的时代为我们提供了安宁祥和的生存环境,让我们不需要像大宋祖先一样在异族蛮夷面前卑躬屈膝。大汉兴则中华兴,大汉亡则中华灭。有我汉家一人在,不叫胡马度阴山!
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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23.0 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)

#更新:玩了一阵后发现,游戏会小概率报错退出。解决办法是把游戏文件里的Ra2.exe、game.exe以及Ra2MD,exe和gameMD.exe等exe后缀的文件全部以兼容性模型运行,兼容性修改为Windows XP SP3即可。

Posted 3 December, 2024. Last edited 8 December, 2024.
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5.3 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
从Company of heroes 2入门的PVE轻度玩家感觉本作整体游戏性还不错,虽然战役剧情任务比较单薄,缺乏轴心国的战役任务,从单机内容上看本作整体上定位更接近Company of heroes 2的一款大型DLC。
Posted 1 December, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Posted 28 May, 2022. Last edited 28 May, 2022.
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35.5 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)





另外,本游戏搭配同为Relic开发的英雄连2一起玩体验更佳,俩游戏的引擎基本一样,操作手感类似。当你在帝国时代4里面用罗斯锤爆神罗的时候,不妨也回到英雄连2的世界里去,体验一下罗斯的后代(苏联)去锤爆神罗后代(德三)的爽快感,毕竟还是那句话:War never changes!
Posted 6 November, 2021.
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1.0 hrs on record
Posted 4 September, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Posted 2 August, 2021.
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19 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record


1. 感恩节:所有美国阵营单位对拉科塔和易洛魁阵营单位的杀伤力翻倍,但被其攻击收到的伤害也翻倍。

2. 黑人压迫:当使用黑人拓荒者采集种植园时,获得资源的效率翻倍。可以单独生产黑人拓荒者,价格减半,黑人拓荒者血量减半。

3. 剥头皮悬赏:使用酒馆招募的亡命徒单位攻击敌对的原住民单位、易洛魁和拉科塔阵营单位并将其击毙后,可以获得小额数量的黄金。

4. 黑船叩关的再造之恩:美国阵营的海军单位对日本阵营的海军单位伤害加倍。

5. 矮大紧的野望:当对手为中国阵营时,在第5时代免费获得“间谍”改良技术,获得敌方视野。


7. 政治正确:美国阵营生产的拓荒者中,小概率出现男性建模女性声音的单位。

The United States has added well, but this is not the United States in my mind.

The American civilization in my mind should have the following science and technology tree projects:

1. Thanksgiving Day: All American units have doubled the damage to Lakota and Iroquois units, but the damage received by their attacks also doubled.

2. Black oppression: When black villagers are used to collect plantations, the efficiency of obtaining resources is doubled. Black villagers can be produced separately, the price is halved, and the blood volume of black villagers is halved.

3. Scalping rewards: Use the desperado units recruited from the tavern to attack and kill enemy aboriginal units, Iroquois and Lakota units, and you can get a small amount of gold.

4. The blessings of the rebuilding of the black ship knock: the naval units of the US camp have twice the damage to the naval units of the Japanese.

5. Short, big and tight ambition: When the opponent is the Chinese, in the 5th era, get the "spy" improved technology for free and gain the enemy's vision.

6. Chinese Exclusion Act: All U.S. units have doubled the attack resistance to Chinese units.

7. Politically correct: Among the pioneers produced by the American, there is a small probability that males model female voices.

Is there anything more interesting? I hope other players can add it. First of all~
Posted 13 April, 2021. Last edited 19 April, 2021.
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1.0 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 3 February, 2021.
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