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24.0 hrs last two weeks / 474.0 hrs on record (444.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 31 Dec, 2023 @ 12:51am
Updated: 19 Feb @ 2:56pm

optimized like absolute ass,
so most of my recent playtime is using this game to heat up my pc and to keep my room warm during these brutal negative degree winter nights.

theres a lot of ♥♥♥♥ i hate about hunt showdown 1896.
• everyone gets the same weekly challenges so have fun dying to the same weapon over and over and over all week long haha so fun
• ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass menus are a ui nightmare and finagling with the free hunters takes too long. then once you waste a bunch of time building another hunter, taking the contraband stuff off the default skin to put it on my twitch drop skin with the extra perks, it takes forever to find a match for no reason at all.
• runs like complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥. thank goodness for dlss 4 overrides or else this would be unrunnable on my rtx rig.
• devs prioritized the inclusion of post malone dlc over adding basic ass barebones mechanics like being able to queue up with a friend and a third player for your team.
• the changes to the prestige progression system make the mechanic pretty much worthless now, so theres no point in progressing past Rank 0 imo. i reached Rank 6 before they changed the way prestiging works and just stopped wasting my time resetting myself back to blank just for the stuff they used to give you in the trials mode that they took out of the game.
• absolutely sick of shotgun inconsistency and shooting someone in the head and the game telling me it was a shoulder or chest shot, especially after playing much more responsive shooters lately and even mobile game ports that play better than this
• mmr is more scum♥♥♥♥ than its ever been. bounty clash is all i play anymore and that affects your kd but not your mmr i don't think because i constantly kill five and six stars and i've been exclusively stuck to three star for four months straight
• unfair visual glitches and broken ui elements are becoming more and more common with every update they add to this already broken piece of garbage. you know how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying it is to have your mouse cursor left on the screen or the number of bullets you have left not show up?

i used to love this game to death but i will never give crytek my money ever again for anything anymore. tbh the positive changes that will be coming to the game soon are officially too little too late for me.
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Komi 11 Feb @ 10:10am 
realest heck review to date