
Nous Dawnpaw の最近のレビュー

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19件中 1-10 を表示
総プレイ時間:87.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:7.6時間)
投稿日 2022年9月3日.
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Only buy if you are a furry.
Abandoned by devs, repetitive and deeply flawed in current state.
投稿日 2022年5月25日.
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総プレイ時間:12.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.7時間)
It's abandonware. It's quite fun, but bosses, despite being playermade, often suffer from similar attack patterns, ideas, and since the goal is to make a difficult boss fight and not necessarily a fun one, things sort of just stay the same. I played through the game multiple times, until I got a message that legitimately said "You have defeated all the bosses!" that just sent me back to the hub.
I'd say try it, but I seriously doubt how long this game's servers will stay up, and once they're down, this game is less than dust.
投稿日 2022年2月6日.
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総プレイ時間:27.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.5時間)
Dead By Daylight but with more effort required for both parties.
Run around a jungle gym with 4 other nerds and a jock, or just 5 nerds because you're about to beat them up.
Collect blood from the deceased older version of the game and deliver it to obelisks to open up the Exit Gates to win as the Scavengers, using your bow to mark things along the way.
Collect blood from the Scavengers and execute all of them in order to win as the Hunter. All you have to do is actually find them, that's the hard part. You're an unstoppable killing machine (until they re-add stun and slow arrows, that is), so go hog wild.
Use your special powers like "The Crusader's Crossbow," "The Gunslinger," "Cloak And Dagger," and many others to either further your chances at survival, or lower the nerds' chances of survival.
The fact that this game managed to come back from the dead solely thanks to the devs' willpower and refusal to let Dead By Daylight win is honestly impressive in itself, but it's also a pretty fun and frantic game on it's own.
8.5/10, A bit spotty around the edges but if you have some friends or are happy to go in alone, will make for a good night.
"Teammates? They're only teammates if you win."
投稿日 2019年6月29日.
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My copy deleted my hard mode savefile after like 6 hours of playing and then completely refused to work properly thereafter. I legitimately cannot launch the game even if i reinstall it.
The game was good for the 6 hours i played it.
投稿日 2019年6月5日.
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総プレイ時間:280.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:33.4時間)
i wanted a fun little platform game.
i got existential depression and a complete disconnection from the real world.
10/10 would get eaten again

edit after about 4 years and roughly 50 hours of expeditions:
i regret nothing
the cycle continues
投稿日 2018年1月5日. 最終更新日 2023年2月22日
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総プレイ時間:924.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:892.7時間)
worst game i regret playing every single week
投稿日 2017年9月12日. 最終更新日 9月22日
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総プレイ時間:157.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:40.4時間)
<- Bought game two days ago.
game goes for almost half price for entire week after.

oh yeah and the game's pretty fun. It's like a strategy board game and RPG board game put into one and it's done really well.
Major warning though, if you buy this game, you will be Marked For Death by the Brotherhood Of Steel, Institute, Dark Brotherhood, the Enclave, the Fiends, and have a notable 1000% chance that at least ONE of your friends will reply to each and every post about this game (including buying it) with something about furries, furry porn, needing a second Genocide, and a well-done chance of asking why you put an entire ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lemon into your salsa.

9/10 it's fun, lotto rng tho. has real-life reprecussions if you don't take note of everyone on your friends list.
投稿日 2017年8月22日.
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総プレイ時間:12.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.6時間)
I've come back to this game.
And now with more than two hours I can write a "eh" review.

This game is fun, frentic, and enjoyable.
If you want a game to pick-up and play, this is not the right game.
It's like a german borad game: It makes no sense, it takes a long time to learn everything needed, but once you accpet those facts, and learn what you need to, it's good fun.

Natural Selection 2 Is a cluster♥♥♥♥ of RTS, FPS, and MOBAs, and I love it.
There's two factions: TSF Marines (the shooty people,) and the Khaara (pretty angery alien chubmonsters.)
Each side has advantages and disadvantages. Thankfully neither are big enough to warrant one side being vastly superior.
As A Marine, you get to shoot guns. Yeah, crazy. You start each life with an Assault Rifle, a Pistol, and a combat toothbrush. Believe it or not, the toothbrush isn't any good on the field. You'll want to upgrade to constantine-barbed floss first thing. You can do this using resources, which you get over time, with you having your own resources to get guns, grenades jetpacks, and exosuits with, and a big amount of resources near the Minimap called "TEAM RESOURCES", for the Commander to use. And here's the main aspect of the marines: Building up your base.

No matter what team you're on, you are lead by a Commander. The commander's job is to place down things like armories, spawnpoints, sentries, teleporters, power nodes, harvesters... basically everything. This is where a big problem can come up, and why I updated my first review:
There's a lot of stress, as your decisions heavily affect how the other players are forced to play. If you make a base in the wrong place, make the wrong building, or just have bad timing, you can get screwed big time.
If you love RTS gameplay, then please for the love of god, PLEASE play Commander! It's a role you might love to play, and you'll be doing everyone a favor doing it.


when these little blueprint thingies are put down, they aren't instantly built if you are a Marine. This is because, in RTS fashion, you need people to build them. ...but there are no peasants, no things you can control (at least early), not even a magical robot to do this. Well, you have teammates. As a Commander of the Marines, you need to know the philosophy of TEAMWORK!

Other fellow Marines build your stuff with either welders, or these weird 3-D printing laser guns. This game is totally proletariat-inclined, with the workers being what makes a team a team. But they ain't shooting no Allens without gouns. It's a symbotic relationship if you play as the Marines, with you helping spread the base into further and further regions, in order to get sweet upgrades, like a better machine gun, a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, jetpacks, and the end-all-be-all of the Marines: The Hulking, Unstoppable, Interchangable EXOSUIT.

With the main thing of the Marines being teamwork, the Khaara are totally independent.

As the Khaara, you have one goal, and one goal only: DESTROY AND KILL ALL MARINES AND MARINE BUILDINGS. Without guns, your one weapon is this dinky little bite. It may look weak, but it can actually kill a marine in seconds if you are careless enough to let you get near. Now, we need to get some better bites. This is where the most independent aspect of the Khaara begins. Evolution. As an Alien, you will want to save up resources, in order to evolve. You're probably going to say "well, i'm just going to get something like a tiny bit of armor, or sharper teeth..." and that is where you are WRONG.
The Khaara are a heavily evolved threat. They have evoled to the point where some of them are specialized in very particular ways.
Some prefer to sneak around and assault the Marines behind enemy lines, invisible.
Some defend the mother Hive, spitting corrosive goo and healing the other Aliens.
When you evolve, you have the choice of either upgrading aspects of your current form using resources, or to transform into a different lifeform altogether.
First, there is the Skulk. A small, four-legged creature, with a big bite. Mobile, efficient, and most of all, free.
Next up, there's the Gorge. A chubby little critter. Acidic spit. Healing bile. The ability to construct obstactles for the Marines. And a slide for increased movement.
Third, the Fade. Bipedal. Arms easily seen as scythes. Adaptable hide, allowing for transversal through enemy areas unseen.
Fourth, the aerial Lerk. Evoled arms into wings. A vicious, stinging tail. Horrible, poisonous bites. Clouds of spores to choke out the competition and block ranged attacks.
And there is one that is fairly well known. One with monstrous horns, and fangs feet long. With impressive strength, and armor plating that makes bullets feel like tic-tacs.
The one called the Onos.
All of these mostrosities can be yours, but only if you work for it.
Speaking of work, let's talk about the commander.
As the Alien hive commander, you support your team and spread infestation everywhere.
You can unlock upgrades so that your team can fight with more armor, more power, more evolutions, and more safe ground. You can also support any aliens on the field by making healing gas, and
ok i'll be honest with you here
i've never played aliens because i hate melee mostly
also orange is not my color
alien commander is basically just wait for your team to do the work and then put little stickers that say "we did it!" everywhere they win.
stickers that make them ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SWOLE

De storie

This game probably has a story. but you don't want to know about it, do you? It's just like "hey aliens are taking over the galaxy, let's kill them". There, five minutes well spent.


This game is several years old at this point in time.
It has new players flowing in to this day, oddly enough.
The servers are still running, some community, some legit, all playable.
Most players you can find are pretty okay. Some don't have mics, some do, lots won't so expect for some silence and interesting plans.
PROTIP: "Enter" brings up ALLCHAT. Do not use it to plan out your very important stuff.

ravioli reviuw

Basically, Natural Selection 2 is a shooter and RTS combined into one weirdly fun package. If your leader isn't good, you might fail. If you play leader and your players are bad, you can consider a great loss. Bring some friends, some not friends, and some welders and you can have a lot of adrenaline or even "fun"!
like, 8/10, buy it for yourself and possibly your friends if you like RTS or FPS games.
++A fun combination of FPS and RTS
+Both teams are very different but somehow still balanced
+Interesting fun mechanics
-One team requires good teamwork
-The game has some problems with framerates, resolutions,and other technical issues
-Not a large playerbase
-Takes a while to learn the basics of the game
comes with bonus katano
投稿日 2017年1月3日. 最終更新日 2017年7月2日
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♥♥♥♥ this game, it's so amazing that i can cut people into 500 pieces, and somehow find their spine in it and fully heal!
Bosses: 16/10, there isn't one that can be considered "good". They're all pretty amazing.
Soundtrack:13/10, These songs will be stuck in your head for years, and they're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful too, so don't worry.
Gameplay:10/10, controls are a bit iffy on PC, but ♥♥♥♥ it's still amusing to cut everything into all the pieces.
Graphics: 7/10, looks ok by today's standards, but this was 2013- 11/10
Story:9/10, It's semi-serious, but unlike the trailer, a part of this game's plot is memes. you have an unskippable cutscene where a boss talks about memes, and you can watch a guard play with a cat during it. it's cool.

Overall rating: 14.5 / 10, get it now, if it's on sale, buy it, if it's not, get it anyways, but if you want to have no problems with the game at all, get a controller.
投稿日 2016年12月26日.
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19件中 1-10 を表示