Afrikanda, Murmansk, Russian Federation
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Mean comment guide
Have you played against or with me, and have had a bad experience. Fear not! Here you can leave a comment that will make you feel better about yourself. I have created a set of comments for you to choose from, so you actually don't need to type yourself. Smart yeah? So instead of you wasting 1 to 40 seconds (depending on how fast you type) to come up with something to write, this list could help you. It is not guaranteed that this will hurt my feelings, but it will most likely make you feel better about yourself. Feel free to create own insults too, but you can also choose to move on and maybe leave a "ggwp". This is the most difficult phrase to copy and paste, so don't worry if you haven't learned it yet. Here is the easier task to copy and paste:

:thestar: Noob, you suck!!!
:thestar: wh cheater
:thestar: worst player ever
:thestar: you have a short pp
:thestar: are you even trying?
:thestar: say hi to your mom and thank her for last night
:thestar: If some gorillas drove a truck over Greta Thunberg's face and then later jumped and trampled on it, and later pooped on top of it and then smudged it all around of it... that will look like your face.
:thestar: I hope you participate in The Voice blind auditions and get a no chair turn.
:thestar: Wish you have to tax on the christmas gifts you get, even though you get none.
:thestar: hate you, wish you died and get reborn as a brontosaurus, and try to get a job as Dinosaur-actor in Jurassic Park and get rejected.

Some caps lock versions for even more impact!
:thestar: NOOB, YOU SUCK!!!!
:thestar: WH CHEATER
:thestar: -REP

These are only the free comments for you to copy and paste. For even more vulgar comments, I am working on a premium feature that will sadly cost. And with the premium comments you will be guaranteed to hurt my feelings. Have a great day!
wareega 27 Mar @ 3:15pm 
I'm sorry. You have mistaken me for someone else. I am the beauty.
hoops 10 Mar @ 7:47pm 
+rep BEAST
wareega 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:50am 
War is never good, but I am struggling to see the relevance. You lost a CS match, and you wanna talk politics? Alright! What do you think about Unge Høyre?
Rico | ŇῐḴΘϨꞴḀŔ 19 Aug, 2023 @ 6:11pm 
regarding your country you can learn more about bombing your country ;)
wareega 19 Aug, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Oh I actually do that! We learn new stuff every day. Remember to have a nice day!
Rico | ŇῐḴΘϨꞴḀŔ 19 Aug, 2023 @ 5:55pm 
cool Invest in your brain now