Agent Orange Baby
CutiePie   Tutong, Brunei Darussalam
Account is going to be fully restricted in under 24 hours due to too many scam reports which you received lately. Purchasing, gifting, trading, cd-key activation, and Steam Community access will be disabled. We suggest you to move all of your tradable items to a different steam account until we resolve this issue or else they are going to be automatically permamently removed once the ban appears on your steam account
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cl_crosshairalpha 999; cl_crosshaircolor 0; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -2.5; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0.7; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0

bind mouse4 "+speed; r_cleardecals"

bind mouse5 "toggle cl_radar_scale 0.5 1"

BindToggle k gameinstructor_enable

Bind alt "toggle cl_crosshairsize 2 1000"

cl_disablefreezecam 1

r_dynamic 0

cl_autowepswitch 0

bind MOUSE3 "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang"

bind y "use weapon_c4; drop"

bind mwheelup "slot1"; bind mwheeldown "slot2"

bind F2 "buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy hegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy flashbang;"

cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0
Предметы на обмен
3 129
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26 759
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Once broken consider sold!
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124 860
Любимое руководство
Создано: Synisa
Оценок: 319
A no BS guide on how to improve your Trust Factor. Along with disputing rumors that will not help you improve your trust factor.
Витрина мастерской
Hi, we are back with the first SMG in the series! This one started out on the mp5, but mid process it was switched and completely reworked for the UMP, since the shape of the side body supports the big illustration much better! This SMG would be awesome to
Оценок: 105 706
Статус - Ожидает рассмотрения, Создано: donschi и Blazer
Витрина обзора
156 ч. сыграно
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't perfect, but it is ambitious. It marries a gripping story with a huge open world absolutely dripping with atmosphere; one in which, after six hours of gameplay, I still feel like I've only scratched its surface. Even now I'm itching to jump back in and complete yet more side jobs, not only because they're enjoyable, but also just in case they offer V more options when it comes to ending their story. I'm even contemplating starting over anew to change the outcome of some events with the benefit of hindsight. If you were expecting a light-hearted affair full of futuristic hijinks then you might not find what you want here – though it does let its hair down every once in a while. Instead, what Cyberpunk 2077 delivers is a surprisingly serious story that's genuinely touching at times, with gameplay that lets you be in charge of your destiny. If you want your experience in Night City to be as polished as possible, perhaps hold back until a patch or two has landed to iron out some kinks, but you'll definitely want to visit soon. Phenomenal, that's what Cyberpunk 2077 is.

Everything became boring once you finished the game.

Great to have some updates from time to time.
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Kezlav 13 янв в 9:49 
love ur inventory bro <3
KIM JONG-UN 20 июл. 2023 г. в 5:34 
idiot noob
ImpressioN 12 мая. 2022 г. в 20:06 
+rep good trader
🎈 25 апр. 2022 г. в 5:48 
brunei number 1 rich people
hardy. 29 дек. 2021 г. в 17:15 
hey, added
Lé bè la bà 10 ноя. 2021 г. в 17:56 