4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 854.3 hrs on record (536.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Nov, 2018 @ 7:46pm
Updated: 11 Jun, 2019 @ 7:11pm

The most fun you'll ever have swinging your arms alone in your bedroom

As a point of reference, I'm 500+ hours into Beat Saber and have consistently sat around rank 300 global since release.
Also I'm skinny(er) now.

First of all, quick disclaimer to anybody looking to buy Beat Saber.
The game is currently going through a small review bomb phase. Most negative reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.
The majority of these reviews come from misinformed or uneducated users, experiencing issues with their 3rd party mods. These issues are not at fault of the devs, but the users themselves.

The game

With VR becoming more and more main stream every day, Beat Saber has caused quite a splash with it's latest 1.0 release.
If you're a fan of music based games, Beat Saber is the best that virtual reality, and possibly the whole rhythm game genre has to offer. Beat Studios has been making players feel like hardcore light saber ninjas for over a year, and they've won dozens of awards along the way to prove their success.

The game(play)

I'm literally just copy/pasting and summarizing a Wikipedia page because I'm lazy AF

This game has songs. Each song sends bloqs at the you, which are synced to the beat and arranged in a 4x3 grid.
You wield a pair of lightsabers that are used to slash bloqs. Each bloq is colored red or blue and given an arrow to indicate which saber should be used and what direction to cut bloq.
There's also mines.
Mines suck.
Dodge mines.
Or delete the song.

What does Beam Taser offer?

The base game itself is packed full of a decent amount of content for it's $29.00 price point.
It features a few dozen songs, a fully fledged campaign mode, competitive leaderboards, a custom song editor, and a whole lot more.

But lets be honest here... The one thing that everybody comes to play Beat Saber for is the-...


Yes! The mods! Hands down the greatest part of the game. Beat Saber features and extremely vast and active modding community. Every day there are hundreds of new custom songs, sabers, stages, avatars, and so much more being added. All community run and curated by a ground of passionate players.

If you're looking to play some songs by your favourite artist, music genre, or maybe even the entire Shrek movie, you'll most likely be able to find it available for play. And if somebody hasn't already charted a song, you have the power to create it yourself! With multiple different 3rd party mapping tools available, you'll be able to pump out music and become the next best known mapper!

THE MODS (The bad?)

Honestly, there really is nothing bad I can say about the mods themselves.
The downside of having a game so heavily reliant on the modding community is the inevitability for things to break when new updates or patches are rolled out by the devs (as seen during the 1.0 launch).
When the game code changes, your 3rd party mods need to be updated so work with those changes.

I'll say this right now:

Your. Mods. Will. Break.
The. Devs. Aren't. Killing. Mods.
Update. Your. Mods.
Don't. Review. Bomb.

Another common complaint you hear is:
"Why should we have to pay for official DLC when we have mods?"
I'm going to summarize an official dev response

"Creating new levels and bringing new content to the game is an extremely complex process.
We have to deal with music labels
Licensing the music so we have rights to use it.
Map all the levels for all difficulties and later test everything over and over again.
This process is made of many steps and takes a lot of time and effort to many people.
Licensing music costs money, we are sharing revenue with artists and labels and we are paying our mappers team too.
We believe, that quality content deserves recognition.
Also, we want our players who prefer to get their content legally, to have a chance to purchase new music content with respect to law."

Basically, I feel most negative reviews are either uneducated, unjustified, or completely misinformed.


bruh. yes.
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