Egor Vilkin   Minsk, Minsk, Belarus
:abs_surprised: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :shipwrecksword:
:batsymbol: DC Universe Fan :arkham:
:cell: Achievements Addiction Confirmed :Walkie:
Sin conexión
Expositor de logros más infrecuentes
Colección de juegos
Total Progress Stats
46 G - 100% completion
10 G - completed, but without nailing all the achievements
11 G - unfinished
36 G - never played

11 G - don't want to play
Juego favorito
Expositor de capturas
Batman™: Arkham Knight
E.Vil. 11 ENE 2020 a las 11:03 a. m. 
For history:
1 Dec I finally got the last achievement in the Gauntlet! This game is WOW!:Gauntlet_Gold:
I bought it when it was just released in 2014. 92 hours played since, not that much to be honest... But it's always nice to come back to the game when you want to play smth but don't know exactly what to play)) Easy to understand - very hard to master! :Gauntlet_Ham:
E.Vil. 26 DIC 2017 a las 7:28 a. m. 
ONE HUNDRED GAMES! A huge leap for a human being like me, who's always trying to at least play every single game. And for the last year or two I was struggling for a 100% complition in both in-game and achievement progress!

At the moment my overall stats are:
:batsymbol: 42 games with a 100% complition
:Shoot: 9 games are unfinished
:brawler: 32 are totally unplayed!

Anyway, GOOD JOB ME and keep on playing those time-burning games! :kelvinsmile:
E.Vil. 21 JUL 2016 a las 6:22 a. m. 
I absolutely recommend Shipwreak to everyone!! This game made my day and put me back into the past :shipwrecksword:
KilatiF 16 FEB 2016 a las 12:31 p. m. 
Первый нах! :D