
V_e_n_o_m_u_s の最近のレビュー

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Welcome to the absolute worst installment of Mortal Kombat. The story, The overall graphics if you even get that far are quite beautiful. However this game , after multiple so called fixes and patches has only gotten worse.

Those who played Mortal Kombat 9 experienced terrible netcode. It couldn't possibly be worse could it?

"It's over 9000" times worse.

It's a shame the Refund System doesn't apply in my situation concerning this game.

So much anticipation for this game, and all we got was a gloomy dark screen....
and if we were lucky after multiple (and I mean multiple) attempts the game finally runs...
We were treated to some of the worst netcode imaginable...
The game acted more like a turn based attack RPG than a Fighter.
Inputs failed over and over. the term "wait for it" was used quite often.

This game is being deleted as I write this review.....total garbage.

We all deserve at least one tender short kiss after this Brutal @$%'ing we received buying this game.

Mortal Kombat had a great run. This Crappy installment of this great franchise has ruined it for me.
Shelling out the kind of money for this game as I and many others have will never happen again.

Congrats.... In closing.... Excellent work Warner Bros./High Voltage you managed to perform a brutal FATALITY.....
投稿日 2015年6月2日.
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
This game is by far the worst attempt at a zombie game ever. It has the qualities of being the Retarded Little brother of Left 4 Dead the family keeps hidden from public view down in the cellar. However I will admit the joy of watching your turned dead body chase down the remaining survivors is mildly entertaining. I am aware there is a "strategy" to this game...In my case it was trying not to fall asleep....Save your Bandwidth, DO NOT desecrate your Hard Drive with this abomination...unless you are very easily amused.
投稿日 2013年12月20日.
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