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14.4 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
I just completed the game - with both characters. I absolutely understand why this game has mixed reviews on Steam, and with that said, I recommend this game, but it does have heavy downsides.

- Backgrounds are really bad, just too dark without much details (AI generated?)
- Writing is worse than in Shadows and Coteries
- Story is linear - there's no multiple endings, choices do not matter at all (compare it to Shadows f.e.)
- Soundtrack is a straight downgrade compared to previous entries

That said I enjoy VTM New York series too much to give it a negative review and the story is a real banger!! Hoping to play the next entry soon.
Posted 20 March.
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54.9 hrs on record
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Diablo IV. I'm not an ARPG fan, having played only Victor Vran and Grim Dawn previously. But Diablo IV had a very good story; with famous voice actors (my personal favorite is Anthony Howell, whom you may remember from Vampyr and Call of Cthulhu) and nice cutscenes (which seem to be locked to 30 fps?).

I enjoyed the gameplay although I can see how streamlined it was, including a linear skill "tree". I had no trouble killing any of the bosses at higher difficulties, and bosses even on Torment I difficulty (which I'm playing at the moment of writing this review) are a breeze. Gear is very easy to get & level up and at the end I had an abundance of legendary items. In fact, I had so many I did not know what to do with them all.

Upon finishing the main campaign and running through 25 pit levels I decided to take a break and play some other games for a while even though I feel like I could play Diablo much more (which doesn't happen often, as I usually feel the urge to stop playing immediately upon finishing main story in most games) for the sole reason of having such a large backlog; but I may pick the game up when the expansion is on a steep discount.

All in all it is an excellent game albeit with some small flaws like the streamlined skill trees and (personal opinion) too easy enemies, which don't take away too much from the entire experience. Would recommend to anyone.
Posted 17 February.
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0.6 hrs on record
I write this review as a massive fan of Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup (I have quite literally spent hundreds of hours playing this game).

I could not stand playing Quidditch Champions for more than half an hour. Controls are horrible; I've tried both keyboard and mouse, as well as a controller. Character design is awful — the game looks more like the Sims. Upon merely starting the tutorial I unlocked three achievements?

I might try playing it again in the future but I rather doubt I'll ever manage to enjoy it. Hard pass from me.
Posted 7 February. Last edited 7 February.
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7.2 hrs on record
I was a bit lazy and didn't immediately write a review for this game, but here it is. I'm not really going to go in-depth, but I still feel obliged to praise its storytelling.
The story was very interesting, I could barely leave the game (finished it in two sittings). The music is great, the atmosphere, animated backgrounds, are all quite pretty. The characters are interesting.
It was overall a very enjoyable experience. Would recommend.
Posted 31 March, 2021.
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6.2 hrs on record
Forget about Bloodlines, Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries and Shadows of New York are the real pinnacle of World of Darkness storytelling. Both games are equally as fantastic, but this review is about Shadows, which is a sequel to Coteries.

In a thrilling finale to the series, we follow the story of a recently fired investigative journalist, Julia Sowinski in her climb to the top of the vampire society. Will she be able to overcome her struggles and the traps set by the New York's night elite?

I just couldn't put this game down. It felt shorter than the first one, and it had some minor differences, but overall it was a great experience. Would definitely recommend.
Posted 12 March, 2021.
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34.6 hrs on record
I've just finished the game, so it seems fitting to leave a review.
The first thing you probably noticed about this one is that it is positive.
I'm giving this game a Yes, but BARELY.
This is precisely the kind of game that you'd give a Mixed review to.

So, what's wrong with the game?
- The camera is BAD. I mean REALLY BAD. I got headaches just trying to move around. Forget about watching a youtube walkthrough, or you're gonna need epilepsy pills. You know the worst part? There are MULTIPLE levels where you need to run while the roof is falling behind you. If you make a single misstep you're going to die and have to restart. What seems so tough about it? Well, the fact that the screen is constantly SHAKING!! Not just that, it shakes even more when you run, so good luck doing that. I had to boot up the Cheat engine and slow the game to 0.25x to be able to finish the last running level. After trying to finish it for like 50 times.

- My God, the FOG! I get it, it's an island near Boston, it's gotta have fog. But it's not the kind of fog that you'd usually expect - it's the "Make-you-completely-blind" type of fog. I felt like a blind man with a support dog and a stick just walking around. The lighting is generally bad too.

- Puzzles are neither intuitive nor fun. I recommend just reading a walkthrough.

- Your choices don't actually matter that much, except for a few different endings (which don't differ that much either)

Well then, are there any pros?

+ The actor who voiced Dr Jonathan Reid is back! I just adore that voice.

+ The character design is nice. I really liked most of the characters.

+ The story is a mindfoook, precisely what you'd expect from a Lovecraftian horror. I enjoyed reading letters and torn pages of lore about the island.

+ The songs are wonderful (especially "I'll see you in my dreams")

+ I enjoyed the art, especially the paintings by Sarah Hawkins

I wouldn't recommend this game at full price. Recommend getting it on a sale for 5-10$. In the end it's a good-story-bad-gameplay experience. Even though most levels gave me a headache, it was an enjoyable game. Get it in a bundle if you can.
Posted 7 November, 2020. Last edited 24 January, 2021.
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71.9 hrs on record
Where do I even begin?
I've started this game about a week ago (already at 72 hours), and I just couldn't put it away. The main story, side investigations and lore completely mesmerized me.
I wouldn't call it the best story ever, but it certainly is a BIG plus. +
Most of the characters are interesting, the voice acting is excellent and the main character, although a tortured soul, is very well done.
Environment is beautiful most of the time, and the lighting is great for a game set in the dark and gloomy streets of London night life, which is a gigantic plus from someone as visually impaired as myself.
What I really liked about the game was its fantastic musical score. A majestic violin piece, if I'm not mistaken. I enjoyed it very much.

The game, sadly, has its shortcomings, such as THE DAMN CAMERA. It irritated me so much, it would just bounce around, move and rotate weirdly. I almost wanted to throw up at times. Don't get me started at the "lock camera on enemy" feature because it'd bounce and swap locks from one enemy to another every half a second, which made it unusable in combat with more than one opponent.
The game also suffers from heavy frame drops while merely walking around. It appears to be a problem with loading assets, one which a lot of people complained about.

Somewhat of a mixed opinion I have on game's combat mechanics. Health and stamina replenishes when you re-spawn, but ammunition, health packs (serums), and blood level sadly, do not. A mechanic which created a lot of frustration in me and caused me to repeatedly die. I mean, if I can't defeat the enemy WITH a serum and ammo, how am I supposed to beat it WITHOUT?

In the end, I got over all of the not-insurmountable cons and wonderful pros, and enjoyed an overall great experience, one which I'd recommend to anyone even remotely interested in a good story as I am.
Posted 10 October, 2020.
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6.0 hrs on record
I'm a bit embarrassed to say I've put off playing this game for so long. This game, although having literally no combat whatsoever, was a breath of fresh air in the KILL-SHOOT-FIGHT smog ridden neighborhood. I much rather prefer games without combat but with touching story than mere FPS multiplayer shooters.

I fully recommend this game to everyone who at least remotely likes stories, especially sad ones with relatively happy endings. Not to say that I cry while playing games with sad stories, but I teared up at the end.
Posted 1 October, 2020. Last edited 1 October, 2020.
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12.8 hrs on record
I've been a fan of Scribblenauts for years, and I've finally gotten the chance to replay this gem (thanks to HumbleBundle's 0,87€ bundle, haha)

In a world where dragons, robots and regular people coexist together, Maxwell goes on a quest to save his sister Lilly.
Equipped with but a mere notepad and a globus, he needs to collect 60 starites in order to break the spell of stone cast on his sister.

This game, while it doesn't have any hard puzzles, does in fact require a bit of creativity and thinking outside of the box. Need to help a cat stuck on a tree? Just write "wings" in your notepad and fly to kitty's rescue!

I've completed every level 100%, everything that's left is object starites, which I didn't find that fun working on. This is a great family game, and I enjoyed it very much.
Posted 1 October, 2020.
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121.8 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
This is literally the best MMORPG I've ever played. It used to be too grind-y, and it's too easy now, but it has most enjoyable storylines out there. The F2P model is great, and you'll get all of the expansions FOREVER if you sub for one (1!) month.

If you're playing on Darth Malgus, feel free to add me. I'm mostly playing as Aleus Romello these days, but I've got 7-8 years old characters like Adriator which I use from time to time.
Posted 22 July, 2020. Last edited 22 July, 2020.
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