BigDuccEnergy TTV
Miek   United States
They don't know it be like it is, but it do
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The Gelatinous Overlord 11 Mar @ 1:51am 
At a certain point, like in ANY moba, souls genuinely don't matter, damage barely matters, status effects are king, and the game becomes about mobility and creeps and picks and nothing else. And creeps are only there to trigger the backdoor protection. It LOOKS like I'm just afk farming, or running headfirst into towers, but I'm playing a game of influence and misdirection. I push lanes. I swap lanes (mid -> sidelane guardians is my favorite). I cut lanes. I know the map and the hallways people don't check. If players keep their lanes out, and respond quickly, you can shut down most of it. The goal is to keep the creeps from triggering backdoor protection on your towers. If your walker is one creep wave drop from being pushed, it's too close. Not JUST for me, but for any meatball that might be lurking in fog of war. You shouldn't react to the player, you should react to the map. I ignore players the same way they ignore the creeps at their guardians.

<3 u
The Gelatinous Overlord 11 Mar @ 1:50am 
Hey there, I was that McGinnis you talked about on stream for a bit.

Been playing MOBAs all my life, dude. Sure, it's a problem with McGinnis that she's better at backdooring than teamfighting- I personally think burst and mobility creep are significantly more toxic- but Deadlock (and other MOBAs) are not just teamfight simulators. It's a lot of macro. I had my eye on the minimap for most of the game once laning phase ended. Pushing lanes, farming, teleporting, etc. We were not winning teamfights, so being in a losing fight constantly applying zero pressure is infinitely worse than doing something else with my time.
Q 6 Mar @ 11:17pm 
added u im #8 kelvin NA LF DUO
Lucky Waifu 25 Sep, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
A rear end like a North Korean Dictator, even had me going ATM
PUKE_ 25 Apr, 2021 @ 4:35am 
Took a dump in this mans house turned that ♥♥♥♥♥ into a smokehouse
PUKE_ 12 Sep, 2016 @ 3:20pm 

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