TF2 Pyro
A Practical Man
Just want to have a good day and do my work :summer2019boost::cozytf2mug:

talk to me if you have a discussion

Currently In-Game
Darkest Dungeon®
Welcome Beep Boop
To my profile, you are here for buying, selling or just perusing. Hey there i am Robot, a good humanoid, i like to designs little things in animate and Photoshop and trade fair and square.

Things you need to now:

--------------------------------------------------------Good stuff------------------------------------------------------------
:hollowknight: If you add me as friend, note that people can impersonate me (steams is full of scamers and hakers)
:hollowknight: If you want advice for trading i have a group that can help you a lot, to F2P to buying games whit keys (I bought state of decay 2 like that)
:hollowknight: Be honest to me and i will treat you like a brother
:hollowknight: I only ask one thing in steam, be nice to me and i will be nice to you
:hollowknight: You want to gift me something? i will gift you my knowledge for trading
:hollowknight: If you have a hard time in life and you are a friend, I can talk to you.
:hollowknight: Want to play in a game? just chat me
:hollowknight: Wana know about me? you are curious of what i do? talk me in private, life is a fun to share

--------------------------------------------------------Bad stuff--------------------------------------------------------------
:hollowknight: Dishonest or violent people will be reported
:hollowknight: Any violation of morals rules or steam rules are considered an offence to the community (will report)
:hollowknight: Are you a artist? have YouTube? have fame? well good to now, try to rub that in my face? i dont care if you have fame, is better to be a ghost that a hollow minded person.
:hollowknight: Did i make you angry? you are commenting something aggressive and rude? well prepare to be slap (figuratively)
:hollowknight: If i am being a ♥♥♥♥, tell me and i will cool down (all hatred i have, i discharged on Tf2 Tryhards and hakers, sorry)
:hollowknight: Tf2 players that are piss by my attitude in game are just people that doesn't have a real life, i just play like the community taught me (I really hope that the community improve)

:cleankey: Here for offers
:cleanhourglass: Come to My back pack and check my prices []

:health: ToonHud []

Thanks for reading all the way down, now you are worthy of sending a friend request or a chat

-----------------------------------------------------------Black list-----------------------------------------------------------

This list is aim to know that this people are not a good influence, still is my point of view and the one how got piss off, disappointed or furious to them. hope they change and be better persons. Respect my opinion.

If you dont like what i said here then talk to me

---------------------------------------------------Scammers attempts:---------------------------------------------------

22/04/2017: Some ramdom User call "Curiosity", this guy was really fool if he can trick me in a trade scame.
05/07/2017: Some ramdom User call "sunyday", he try and fail miserable
24/04/2018: Yaffy this guy haked my account and try to steal all my unusuals. He fail real good
15/07/2018: Ronny, try to scamme whit a no. 45 non-craftable for 14 kyes. he fail math
20/01/2020: OL | ⌁KUNA⌁ , try to scamme whit a festive scatergun 9 kyes. A retarded dude
26/03/2020: Mr. Bodyshots , try to scamme whit a festive scatergun 16 kyes. A retarded dude
29/11/2021: Aatrox , invited me to a turnament only to find out I got hijacked my account and a ramdom account log int o get all my items []
29/11/2021: Eremeqmitrofanov the account that try to steal all my items when i got hijacked by Aatrox

---------------------------------------------------Scammers successful: ------------------------------------------------
:steamfacepalm:Slowscount: A ex-friend that stole a key promising to give me 4, waited 20 weeks and you now what happens next

----------------------------------------------------Really salty dudes:----------------------------------------------------

:steamsalty: A very anoying kid that only think about itself like he is god
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Items Up For Trade
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Check my backpack tf
TF2 Pyro 30 Dec, 2024 @ 10:56am 
average madness fan 21 Dec, 2024 @ 9:06am 
accept my tradeeeee
TF2 Pyro 16 Dec, 2024 @ 3:59pm 
thank you,keep the good plays
O Peido da Noite 13 Dec, 2024 @ 9:21pm 
You are a lovely person onichan, keep burning :heart::Firebomb::ultra:
TF2 Pyro 21 Nov, 2024 @ 1:52pm 
thanks a lot ;)
SMOKEY NAGATA 19 Nov, 2024 @ 10:47am 
massive w accepted fast:steamhappy: