Dion   Gelderland, Netherlands
23 year old dude that likes retro games, redheads and bunny girls.
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About me I guess.
Thanks to Crazy7 for the pfp.
Name's Dion, but I go by some other aliases although most are (inside) jokes.

-Uncle Dion(no)
-Lord of the bunny girls
-Dionne (Inside Joke)
-DionneDion (specific username + name i usually use to be creditted for something)

You can call me whatever honestly and if you got a creative nickname i'll probably add it here.
Hi I have an unhealthy obsession with old stuff, old games, old cartoons, old records, old consoles, dvds and last but certainly not least because this might be the biggest one, bunny girls. It's so big it became an inside joke between my friends please help m

I have a big DVD and PS2 collection, though I do collect other games as well like those from the WII, Gamecube, 3DS, XBOX 360, N64, Nintendo Switch, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and so on, and so on.

I also love very simplistic, old but charming games. Examples include those J2ME/Java Mobile Games, or the DSiWare. You can ask me about some of my favorites if you come in contact with me and I'd love to ramble non stop about them haha.

that's all you need to know about me
Review Showcase
Okay so I'm not gonna change it to recommended (yet), but the game certainly got better over time. It's still a ♥♥♥♥ runnin' ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a terrible story and map, but they are working on it. It's still not enjoyable however. It still feels like a chore to complete.
They overhauled the graphics and blood which makes everything look much better, There's a couple of things added and fixed as per usual, but it's far from enough. The unfunny and overuse of sex jokes (that just feel forced) aren't funny in the slightest and still haven't really been toned down upon either. The only thing I noticed that changed was the sign at the start of the beginning doesn't have them anymore so it's a start at least. The bugs that somehow can even soft lock me are still there, and the feel definitely still isn't as great as postal 2.

I'd say it's still not worth giving a go, as postal brain damaged is still more of a sequel than this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is. I cannot recommend this over POSTAL 2. However, it is interesting to know that a bunch of cut content from postal 2 made it into this game, like the weapon permits so if you're into that kind of stuff then this game is interesting enough to try it out. However, take my advice and get it on sale, or just avoid it. You won't miss a single thing aside from Zack Ward's beautiful voice. Postal 2 is a much better game still, and while Postal 4 is far from bad, it's not great either. It still feels bad. But I'm at least filled with hope now that they're actually gonna make this a fun game (somewhat). The only complaint is the story itself, and how padding the first day is. Why can't they just make us choose between the three jobs, rather than doing them all at once? It's a terrible start of the game. (Edit: the entire game actually still feels like padding. Idk how I overlooked that.) Also the map is just far too big to traverse, it's not even fun to ride the vehicles and it feels like an absolute chore. But we'll see where this all goes.

TL;DR, it's still NOT worth a shot with the recent improvements, just please stick with POSTAL 2 for now. Grab on sale in case you're really interested in this, and you might actually get some enjoyment out of it. It includes some cut content from Postal 2, they overhauled the graphics and they're definitely still updating. Those are the best points I can give at the moment, and the game itself seems to be giving a bit more hope about it being decent enough in the future.
The prototype was better, the humor is literally fecalfunny.com + unfunny sex jokes, and in a lot of ways is a downgrade from Postal 2. I had a positive view on this game first but seeing as the story is finished I found it incredibly lame. Some pros though, it still plays like a postal game and it's certainly fun to just mess around with the npcs, but compared to Postal 2 and the things you could do there, it's still quite lacking. RWS itself is also quite cool, it's just a shame this game is what alot of people see as a "true sequel" even though POSTAL Brain Damaged is more of a Postal sequel than this game will ever be. Maybe updates will improve this mess of a game.

As a Postal fan I'd say ignore this game, Ignore Postal 3 and just buy the other games instead, especially noteworthy are Postal 2 and Brain Damaged.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
shade 5 Jan @ 7:52am 
Dionno 5 Jan @ 6:46am 
sometimes, i like to look back at this section and see the sad excuse of a guy raiding my profile because i was playing team fortress 2 The Way It Was Intended which is still just really ♥♥♥♥♥♥' funny to me. Callin' me a sweat for getting the intel like brooo this is why I quit TF2 bro the players are absolutely mentally insane :sob:
shade 16 Sep, 2024 @ 9:16am 
lebron james reportedly tried starting the game whilst not having 10 cards selected
JI06CT3P 16 Sep, 2024 @ 8:38am 
Nice my man ^^
Dionno 23 Jun, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
Got lost in ikea once, had to stay for a week before someone found me. All the sections looked like real rooms and I couldn't find the exit for a while. I thought I was living in my own home. Would not recommend.
shade 15 Apr, 2024 @ 12:29am 
lebron james reportedly tried sleeping in the nether