TwoTonMoon #FixTF2
TF2 Workshopper

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Προθήκη εργαστηρίου
A collection of items I've worked on that are intended for the Summer 2024 update, check em out! (Or don't, I'm not your boss)
3.535 ψήφοι
Δημιουργήθηκε από - TwoTonMoon #FixTF2
Προθήκη αντικειμένων
Πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα
162 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 25 Μαϊ
856 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 22 Μαϊ
albaniasoldier32 22 Μαϊ, 17:37 
Added for d@d baker
TwoTonMoon #FixTF2 16 Μαϊ, 14:50 

I regret to inform you that as an official agent of the TF2 Emporium, I'm contractually obligated to make items that fit the categories of "game-destroying" and "unfitting of the artstyle".
As such, I am unfortunately unable to align to your request.

Thanks for reaching out!
no balls 16 Μαϊ, 9:38 
Hey, I've seen you sent me a friend invite!

I'll gladly accept that, under one condition.

Please remove paint regions from your 25 most popular items on the workshop by June 1st.

TwoTonMoon #FixTF2 3 Μαϊ, 8:57 
thank you! ngl i completely forgot about that one
Festive Morgan 3 Μαϊ, 8:54 
I have to say Fortress Fable has easily won its place in my heart as one of my most wanted effects to be accepted, its absolutely such a fun and creative design!
Np!!! I love your WHOLE summer collection and i hope some make it for tf2 [if tf2 survives til then lmao]