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Neue Rezensionen von blackLynx

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186.9 Std. insgesamt (75.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
EDIT I'm gonna leave my prior comment at its place

but I'm here to tell that I've been having good times playing this game and there were so many memorable moments in it. Community is amazing. It is common to encounter familair faces after several hours of playing, and that makes everyone a big family where ( not literally) everyone know each other. Recommend!


I'd want to recommend the game but due to its problems I can't

I've played this game for a fair amount of time to say that this game has potential, but it's been ruined by players and community. I still remember that last time I played the actual match which balanced and fun. I still remember the time when I was a newbie who didn't know a thing and the guy who helped me and teach me what to do. I still remember when I was the one who give my hand to those newbies and let them learn how to play while I was driving a truck running logistics. I still remember the time when people whom I just met and I helped building halftracks together for the frontline. And there were other moments I had in this game. But last few times I checked the game, I only found unbalanced or empty servers, I don't know much about the toxicity of the community in the game lately but as I know when I was still playing, the community keep getting more toxic and more tixic at the time.

I hope my time in this game will come back again soon. It's been good and fun.
Verfasst am 27. November 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 21. November 2018.
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