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2 people found this review helpful
45.1 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
God knows I loved Gwent. It was was the first Beta I've played and the problem with Gwent is that after a Beta of two years they decided to stop right before the game was actually completed, favoring a revamp of the mechanics that changed it radically.
In my opinion CDPR should have continue to improve the Beta as the goal was to balance the cards.
Instead they changed everything, making it a confused mess.
I liked to learn how to play the game, took some time to play it well and enjoy it (700 hours). I liked the beta way more than Homecoming.
Funny facts, the game is really good the visual so great but my heart is not here.
Wish i could discover this game after the Beta.
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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11 people found this review helpful
59.8 hrs on record (34.6 hrs at review time)
Quelle claque ce remake !

Les graphismes sous RE Engine sont époustouflants, une mention spéciale au effet de lumière criant de réalisme, on se sent vraiment plongé dans la peau du personnage.
Le tout est parfaitement optimisé sur PC. Seul quelques rares animations faciales à certains moments ne paraissent pas très réaliste mais ce n'est pas gênant en soit.

Pour ce qui est du gameplay c'est du Resident Evil à l'ancienne, les caméras fixes en moins. Je ne vais pas vous parler de l'histoire pour ne pas vous la spoiler mais elle reste fidèle à l'originale tout en innovant à sa manière pour ceux ayant fait tout comme moi le jeu de 1998.

Bref, je recommande chaudement ce jeu si vous aimez les survival-horror à l'ancienne.
Posted 26 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
17.5 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Wallpaper Engine is a fantastic application for users and creators alike. As a user, you get to choose between thousands of wallpaper images, many of them animated or interactive. You can also create basic wallpapers quickly using the built-in editor.

Creators with knowledge of the required scripting and programming languages can create interactive wallpapers using the same built-in tools.

The Good
+Price is good.
+Low on CPU (the program itself; what you actually load as wallpaper can eat up CPU usage).
+Warns you on potentially hazardous “wallpapers”

The Bad
-Steam workshop allows you to upload *.exe files and this program doesn’t filter those out. However, it will warn you about them tho.
-Workshop filter not so great.
-Can’t read or send reviews of wallpaper from that app (just a star rating).
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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40 people found this review helpful
121.2 hrs on record (68.5 hrs at review time)
The Borderlands series has a brilliant formula of wacky humor, countless guns, and RPG mechanics. Borderlands 2 has crushed its prequel with modified gameplay, gorgeous graphics, hectic music and an interesting story. While the sequel improved in every department, its story took me by surprise. The strong, unique, and diverse personalities you’ll meet through the well-paced story improves the entire experience. Most importantly, this gives life and excitement to the planet of Pandora, which was just a boring hunk of rock in the original game. The “Bazzilion” guns that Gearbox claimed Borderlands 2 will have was no joke, and it’s more than just a few minor tweaks in damage and accuracy. The guns will sometimes have a huge bayonet, a wacky reload animation, a crazy looking scope, and may not even have any recoil. When the critics can only complain about an imperfect user-interface, we can conclude that the gameplay is as addicting as we all hoped it would be. For fans of the original Borderlands, this is a no-brainer, but for those who are skeptical about the unique gaming experience that Borderlands 2 has to offer, it’s time to come to your senses and get in on the fun that you’ve been missing out on.

The Good
+Lots of great loot
+Humorous writing
+Awesome world
+An actual story this time
+Single-player is finally enjoyable
+Co-op is still king

The Bad
-Underdeveloped visual customization
-A serious lack of being able to approach enemy strongholds stealthily
Posted 18 December, 2013.
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36 people found this review helpful
72.1 hrs on record (47.4 hrs at review time)
I have never been this pleasantly surprised by a video game before. Unfortunately, this is my first Tomb Raider game, so these aren’t the thoughts of a diehard fan. Therefore, I can’t tell you whether the franchise took a step in the right direction or not. I was personally anticipating Tomb Raider to be a copy of an Uncharted game, and I don’t think that my inaccuracy has ever brought me this much happiness. In fact, comparing this with Uncharted is rather silly, because the similarities between the two games end rather quickly. Tomb Raider is its own game with its own unique features. The gameplay is everything I could’ve asked for, and more. You gain XP and purchase skills that are divided into three different branches, or “skill trees”. There are many different ways to gather resources, which allow you to upgrade the 4 weapons Lara finds throughout her journey, each of which have unique advantages in combat. In addition, challenges and collectables are introduced with rewarding incentives, which will encourage you to dive into these fun optional features. While the characters may not have these remarkably appealing personalities, Crystal Dynamics gave us an incredibly strong protagonist. Lara Croft is a clever and tough woman who plays the “hero role” perfectly. Character detail and animations are nearly lifelike and the cut-scenes are cinematically brilliant. Buy this game, you will not regret it.

The Good
+The new Lara Croft
+The captivating setting
+The island is the star of the show
+Lara's world feels brutal, dangerous and frightening
+More depth than you expect

The Bad
-Cliched characters, flat dialogue
-The slow start
Posted 17 December, 2013.
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29 people found this review helpful
58.6 hrs on record (52.2 hrs at review time)
Some games give its sequel demanding expectations to meet and Dead Space is certainly one of them. In Dead Space 2, the gameplay feels much smoother and the controls are more responsive than in its prequel. Isaac Clarke has an entire wardrobe of engineering suits now, each having unique bonuses and advantages in combat. Old weapons are modified and the new weapons bring more excitement into combat. Some of the new enemies will swarm you in a pack, some will charge at you, and some are just overwhelmingly massive, but all present a fun challenge. What really amazes me is that Dead Space 2 still managed to maintain an incredible story. You’ll truly despise some of the characters, but also pray that others survive the necromorph massacre. The graphics are gorgeous and sometimes breathtaking when venturing in space around Saturn. If you enjoyed Dead Space 1, then this is a no-brainer.

The Good
+Campaign starts strong and ends strong
+Dismembering necromorphs is as thrilling as ever
+Some great new necromorph types
+Wonderfully atmospheric visuals and sound design

The Bad
Hmm let me think, none
Posted 16 December, 2013. Last edited 16 December, 2013.
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33 people found this review helpful
17.7 hrs on record
I'd be lying if I said that this game was the best thing since sliced bread. The gunplay is fairly average, the cover system needs a bit more work and the sand mechanic is simply too contextual to be of any interest. However, the game contains what is quite possibly the most profound story I have EVER experienced in a game. This is story that won't just make you question the motives your character has for fighting, it will ask you in quite a lot of different ways "Why do you enjoy playing these sort of games? Do you enjoy butchering and slaughtering people on screen?". It is a game that will ask you, the player "Do you feel like a hero yet?". Couple this with fantastic environments and you will be in an experience you will NEVER forget. It may not be game of the year, but Spec Ops: The Line might be the most important game of our generation in terms of its story and the questions it asks.

The Good
+Gripping story
+Brilliant post-disaster Dubai setting
+Interesting, well-developed characters
+The engaging narrative is bold, and flies in the face of its contemporaries
+Beautiful locations and fantastic set piece battles

The Bad
-Can be frustrating
-The spotty cover system
-Sand amounts to being nothing more than an explosive barrel
Posted 15 December, 2013.
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70 people found this review helpful
18.5 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
This wonderful game helped us to remember the atmosphere of 90-x! The game is full of humor, neon and nice music. If you are caught the time of crazy cyber-thrillers and you want to feel in the role of a hero, then you can safely play in the Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

The Good
+Hilarious dialogue and reverent tone
+Taming blood dragons
+Awesome weapons/upgrades
+Lots of smart references to 1980s pop culture
+A lot of terrific open-ended action for a great value

The Bad
-A few enemy behavior quirks
Posted 11 December, 2013. Last edited 11 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries