I am a Womp Rat ©
Kiran   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Kirjautunut ulos
tuntia pelattu
You know that damage you took? Yeah that was your fault. Features: Small chance that the game will berate your skill when you take damage (see screenshots) If you listen closely, the game may call you a loser when you die :) Toggleable settings if you have
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 119 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 4.7.
400 pistettä
yhteensä 13,6 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 4.7.
yhteensä 8,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.7.
Cactus 7.4. klo 3.43 
Parky the clown from Colonial Cf 4.1.2018 klo 10.00 
Wanna go to the movies with me sometime? All good if no, and if you want we could just go as friends, haha but i'd like it if we went as the other option :3
fobby moron 11.10.2015 klo 18.43 
+rep is much better than comcast
jusidan 1.10.2015 klo 17.54 
+rep doesnt know how to tell time
채채 19.9.2015 klo 22.21 
he swag $$$
mirageCS 14.9.2015 klo 7.00 
+rep I owed this man $60 and then he gave me a $60 knife