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Recenzii recente de Wargasm™

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660.4 ore înregistrate
Until they do something about smurfing I will not return to this game, too bad, because the gameplay loop and all it`s mechanics are excellent, somewhat unbalanced if you play on the higher ranks, but still, it is a very good experience. Just sad that we won`t see a Titanfall 3 for a long time because of this game :(
Postat 30 noiembrie 2020. Editat ultima dată 11 ianuarie 2024.
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269.4 ore înregistrate (225.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A frequently updated MOBA, the 3rd person view gives it a unique taste, for you have to utilise some abilities differently than in a top-down view MOBA. The heroes are based on actual mythologies, which is a big plus for a history nerd like me.


Hunter: This Gods are mostly the classic Carry options. Usually the main focus of your build is built around Physical Power Attack Speed, and Critical Hit. There are characters who benefit from one or the other focus. My favourites would be Artemis, with an Attack Speed and Critical Hit focus, Neith and Skadi with a total Physical Power focus.

Support: in most MOBAs, the Support role usually means Healer, not in this case, while there are certainly support units that can heal, there are also those which role is to take the beating as a tank would and provide Aura support for the team, or you can even build them aggressively to chase down fleeing enemies, For me Athena is the best support if I want to have a high kill number. Yemoja is a fine healer, but her passive greatly benefits form mana-regen items, and some of these items come with huge Magical Power...so you can easily kill anyone. I even saw Supports played as Junglers with great effects...

Jungler: Im still relatively new in this role, but basically its the same as in other MOBAs...you must be very agile as a player to support all 3 lanes. Usually they are primarily Physical/Magical Power focused with a healthy amount of Lifesteal.

Warrior: Classically speaking they are the Solo lane players... they focus either on Physical Damage or Physical/Magical Protection. The standard Tank units. But they are a frightening opponent if they are played as a Support. The most versatile role in the game, which is something to say.

Mage: In a Standard Conquest game they would be the MID-laners, As far as I see you have to focus on THREE main attributes: Magical Power, Lifesteal, Attack Speed. The mages items are well balanced for these three attributes, and IMO they are a must, there are both ranged and melee mages, these are the Gods that can deal the most amount of damage in a match, but also they are the most easily to kill due to lack of any protection or escape. Technically I would say that they are the same as a Jungler, only instead of Physical Power, they have Magical Power, but Junglers have at least one ability to escape.

In conclusion: I love how the Gods don't fall into one single role, and yes, mostly this is based on items, but I found for example in Dota2 that you cant really mix-up your gamestyle as much as in this game. Of course some people will call you out if lets say you are playing a Support who focuses on Magical Power rather than Protections and Auras, but they quickly shut up, if I mention them that lets compare the Kill/Death/Assist ratio.

Constant updates, buffing and nerfing, constant new Gods. The Gods themselves you have to unlock with in-game cash, or you can pay for them, which I don't recommend. The skins are very nice, Sometimes I feel they deserve my money and I buy a thing or two...

Postat 30 iulie 2020.
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22.6 ore înregistrate
Its nice and long, but a bit too grindy, you have to do the same small things 5x until you can progress with the same girl, and its nowhere said that you need to grind like that... there are some hints in this, pretty good ones, but ultimately, too much grind. You are grinding a lot for a girls affection, which would be OK, if not for the same dialogue, same actions...kinda weird, compared to real life, still had a great time, although I wish the girls would not have EE breasts in this game, one would be enough, but all of them? really weird...also, the Main Characters face looks like a 15 year old boys..... still recommending it though...
Postat 29 iunie 2020.
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3.5 ore înregistrate
I came here to fap....I was so wrong... 10/10
Postat 6 ianuarie 2018.
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246.8 ore înregistrate (124.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Too many negative reviews based on the amount of bugs that was in the game when it was released....I bought this game later, so I missed these game breaking bugs....considering the historical period and the gameplay this is my favourite TW game after Shogun 2.
Postat 13 februarie 2017.
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209.9 ore înregistrate (209.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The game that made me fall in love with the Warhammer 40K universe, now I passed several novels and painting my own models, I don't think a game ever had this kind of impact on my life outside my PC :)

Postat 13 februarie 2017.
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495.9 ore înregistrate (483.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
500 hours taken from my life....

PROs for me:
- lot's of heroes to choose from/lot's of styles of play
- the map is one of the best balanced map in online video games

- toxic community - one of the worst in my experience
- really long matches - normally for me it was between 30-75 minutes, although I can't deny it gives great satisfaction if you win after a 60 minutes of struggle, but now, that I am a working human being I cannot allow this long matches

Now which one is the best? This? LOL? HOTS? Other? For me it's definitely not this, that's why I stopped playing it permanently and choose something else....

My recommendation would be...try out all the moba's, than decide for yourself...
Postat 13 februarie 2017.
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10.7 ore înregistrate (8.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name...
Postat 1 octombrie 2015.
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125.0 ore înregistrate (59.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I listened to cassette tapes for 1h and 20m all at once, I loved every second of it,

10/10 Will listen cassette tapes again...

Now for the real review:

- AI - they will search for you, and they will find you, you cannot predict their paths, they have different attitude during the day and the night...usually at night they are guarding at their posts, using searchlights, but they are fewer, because some of them are sleeping in their bunks, and they spot you harder at night, during the day all of them are out but they have a more casual attitude, less guarding, but than again they can spot you from far away
- Mother Base - you can recruit freed prisoners and captured enemy units to fight for you, you can expand the base by gathering resources on the field and by selecting the right units for the right task, you have lots of departments , which need they own experts, you can also capture base defenses like mortars, machine guns and AA turrets from the field which will fortify Mother Base and even containers with resources
- Research - 300+ research options, you can easily find your own taste, whether you are the silent type or whether you like more straight forward assaults
- Customization - literally you can customize everything, your own gear, buddy's gear, helicopter, mother base, your own emblem, captured vehicles, the soldiers who guard your base, etc.
- Buddy system - so far I have only 3 buddies, D-Horse, D-Dog and D-Walker, all of them can be equipped with different gear, D-Walker is a highly customizable two legged walker, either for stealth or assault, you can equip it with gatling gun, flamethrower, some kind of energy weapon and even silent, non-lethal weapons, you can develop new body types for it and new heads which have their own abilities
- Support system - you can call in your helicopter which have all sorts of upgraded weapons, like machine guns, guided missiles, armor plating, flares to shoot up the base while you make a run for it, or order an artillery strike on a base to ease their numbers of enemy combatants
- Everything counts - you gather herbs, animals, resources, diamonds, manpower, vehicles, defensive weapons...everything goes back to your base so you can use it...and you will need every resource
- Unpredictable gameplay - in previous MGS games the story was always unpredictable, that's one of the many staples of this franchise, but now even the gameplay is unpredictable....e.g. I was riding on D-Horse to a low-level side mission, to find a blueprint, than out of nowhere a sniper fires a shot at me, the game starts a cut-scene, and a main story mission starts...and this happened twice already, a simple side mission turns into an actual main mission
- The graphics - nice, smooth, one of the best I've seen in current-gen games, besides Arkham Knight, but the optimization here is flawless, the game has huge environments and it only takes up like 20gb of hdd space, now that's impressive
- It's huge - like really huge, I played 23hours at the time of this review, and the game is only finished for 19%...I hope this pacing will keep up
- True sandbox - a regular mission in my style of gameplay looks like this: you get a target zone on your map, usually a base, an outpost or a village...you have to find a soldier or a prisoner, now you have nothing else, this is the only info you get, to get a more precise location you have to interrogate some of the soldiers, usually there is a smaller outpost half a mile from your objective, you can start the interrogation there, than you get a more precise location for your targets whereabouts...than you move on the base, but first you would like to scout it, so you climb on cliff nearby to get a better vantage point, you mark all targets that you can see, while you mark them you notice that some of the enemy soldiers are highly trained and they would be a great asset for your base, so you mark them nav point. Now you search for a weak point in their defense, a path where are less soldiers, you have D-Dog with you, so he can sniff out any enemy that you missed earlier, you hide in shadows, you walk slowly, and prone in the grass so they wouldn't see you, you get closer to the highly skilled enemies you want to take with you, you use a non-lethal pistol that will put them to sleep, once you take the body to a further place, you fulton it up to a heli, that will bring him back to Mother Base, you find your target neutralize him and fulton him to Mother Base OR you just go in with artillery strikes, gunship support while you ride a tank :D that's the beauty of it, the freedom which this game gives you is unprecedented...

- sometimes the AI is bugged when they try to climb a ladder
- I really have nothing else, so far
- cut-scenes are a bit far off considering its amount in previous games, but this is understandable since this is an open-world game

will finish the review, once I finish the game
Postat 5 septembrie 2015.
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Really love the idea and promise of this game, it can turn out to be a very good sci-fi exploration game...

- beautiful Unreal Engine 4
- love the art style
- the idea of the Stutter Drive is fraking amazing
- the price seems too cheap for this kind of quality

- well, since it's in Early Access I am not gonna get into this, because I really can't find anything that is bad about this game, so far :D

will try to update this review constantly
Postat 29 august 2015.
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