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Senaste recensioner av Felixinius

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Visar 21–30 av 130 poster
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
219.8 timmar totalt (4.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Two words, absolutely stunning.

I've grown up being a huge fan of all the HP games, PC and Playstation ones.

I thought that Order of Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince had Hogwarts as detailed as possible but this one surpasses it. You can literally go inside every single door, even some you dont need, like the backdoor inside classrooms that only the teacher comes from.

The stuttering and high cpu usage exists, but even in my old pc it runs much better than other most recent titles, like Darktide. So give it a go even if your PC is very old. My specs:

CPU: AMD FX-6300 (That's BEFORE Ryzen 3. Yes, really, lmao)
GPU: GTX 970 4GB
Running the game on HDD.
Windows 10, tho. Can't say if it runs on 7.
Upplagd 19 februari 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
223.0 timmar totalt
Let me rephrase my review so it doesn't sound like I went in, got two bad games and then ♥♥♥♥ all over the steam review box.

I've been around this game community a long time ago.
Was always a huge Valve games fan, back in the day where they actually made games.

Left 4 Dead 1 took me by a storm, I bought it on the release day, played the HELL out of it, participated in dozens of communities, even got to the Top 10 in the "Garena" L4D communityu of my country. Game was one of my favorites for sure.

Then Left 4 dead 2 came, It felt like a total upgrade, specially when they added the L4D1 content. The new specials were challenging, the new weapons were cool, and the newly dismembering feature (which was brand-new at the time) was amazing and satisfying.

Some of my hours are not clocked into this account because I used another account at the time.

So. After a while, of course I moved on. Not every game I'll go crazy 5000 hours like I did with Payday 2.

Then recently I saw a video of my friend playing it and felt like trying again. Missed the simpler times.

Oh boy I was wrong.
Of course, I had a handful of great games, even got an achievement for finishing dead center before the first tank spawned, met some cool peeps, alright, cool, cool.

But then I had people purposely friendly-fire others, shooting every car they see, locking people outside, doing all sorts of childish shenanigans and spamming a lot of crap in the chat that would definitely get the social media platforms of nowadays very angry with them. lol.

I shrugged, and kept going. Found another team of lads, same thing, different MO.

Kept going, yep, same thing.

Then at some point I got enough and asked some guys that were already going psycho on the mic:

"Why are you guys playing a coop videogame if you all you want is havoc chaos to other players, there are better platforms to do that."

He laughed and then told me I'm the one who was wrong, because "This game Main objective is Versus, and this "other gamemode" was not meant to be taken seriously, specially because it was such an old game, lmao, lol, kek, etc."

That's when I quit and uninstalled.

What I assumed that happened was that a bunch of late Gen Z's found the game, said "lmao so old lmao lmao lol kek" as they usually do and then just decided to ♥♥♥♥ around, which is fine if the game is meant to be like that. But this ain't one.

Now the concept of the community is so twisted that people will behave in this way thinking THIS is how the game was always supposed to be played.

This is why I'm highly against coop games getitng a pvp mode. It attracts THAT type of people. They don't like 100% coop games because it's "too boring" for them. And thank God it is.

So my review was: If you're from the era I was, please play with only friends or just go solo. The CURRENT community kinda ♥♥♥ ked the pub games.
Upplagd 17 januari 2023. Senast ändrad 21 januari 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.8 timmar totalt (1.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Holy balls I'm impressed.
Went in thinking "oh nice, indie game from my country, looks cute, nice animations, it's cheap too. Gonna buy to support local game development."

Finally got myself around to try it and ended up getting my old DKC era hardcore back into the game.
This game FEELS like Donkey Kong Country but different. I love all the challenges and stuff you can try and do, and nothing feels unfair, every time you mess up, it's something you didn't fully pay attention or just didn't know about.

I just finished the first hub almost completely, still need gold medal + crown on the secret stage, but I'm tired for now.
Thank you PixelHive for such a great yet simple game. I was needing a breath of fresh air among all the incredibly annoying AAA titles that try to be over the top and end up just being too exaggerated.
Upplagd 30 december 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
11 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.0 timmar totalt
Not worth it, and has issues:

- As you most likely expected, everything in this pack is 100% purely cosmetic. The backpack doesn't give you anything gameplay-wise, which is fine, but just making it clear for people who are wondering if it does.

- 2500 aquillas is equal to US$15,00 and barely gets you a single set in the shop. They cost 2400 each.
Notice how you end up with exactly 100. It's a very old trick from microtransactions promos where they give you exactly what you need for 1 thing and plus a little more, so anything else you want to buy you feel more conditioned to spend more.

- Psyker headgear clips through most of psyker hairs.

- Psyker chestplate is missing the gold adornments, it's literally there on the picture and not in-game. FIXED in Patch 1.0.13

- The weapon skins are (mostly) literally the same as default skin except the handle / rod / etc of the weapon is BLACK instead of green.


- Soundtrack is amazing, so basically you're paying this just for the soundtrack.
Upplagd 1 december 2022. Senast ändrad 7 december 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.6 timmar totalt (0.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I've sold my Among Us cards to buy this game.

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Upplagd 26 november 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
161.7 timmar totalt (81.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Anything I could say has already been said by everyone multiple times.

Vermintide 2 is a polished game, and keeps getting decent love and attention even to this day.

Darktide is a hot mess forced to be a cash grab simulator. You literally can't even play solo. They promised it, and then withdrew on it, like "oops".

Game runs much better now in comparsion to what it was in launch, i literally get no problems regarding my computer processing the game anymore. it's perfect.

... But i get constant disconnect errors, constant lag spikes, constant everything regarding network THAT DIDNT EXIST ON LAUNCH. It's funny, they fixed one thing and worsened the other.

Just... Just go play Vermintide instead. It's almost like it's ANOTHER company taking care of it, because that one actually gets care put into it.
Upplagd 21 november 2022. Senast ändrad 17 oktober 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
72 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
28 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
49.6 timmar totalt

This game taught me Spanish can be scary when it WANTS to be.
Upplagd 20 oktober 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
55 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1,842.4 timmar totalt (17.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Okay, so: It's Megaman, but at the same time, it's not.

If you're a long story fan, then just focus on the "Story" mode for a long time, see how you like it. Don't worry about it being piss easy, it gets hard soon enough.

Yes, you can use keyboard or a controller, Might want to set it up on the "controls" button that's kinda hard to find, but it's there.

This is a gacha, yes. But one that allows you to actually sink hours doing stuff because you get a bunch of currencies for free by just playing the game. I'm already lv40 with over 107,000 power and I didn't spend ♥♥♥♥. Cap level is 180.

THere are daily quests. There are daily challenges. THere are daily pvp challenges. There are daily coop challenges. There are daily everything.

Every single day there are things you can just grab or redo and get stuff for free. And yes you do easily get S chars and weapons, but dont focus too much on them at first. A high star rank + high "Upgrade" (NOT LEVEL) weapon is usually much better than a 0 star and 0 upgrade "S" weapon. So the big letter is not everything.

THere are guides on steam telling you how to do stuff. RiCO (the blue hair navigator lady reploid) will make sure to interrupt you every now and then to teach how things work. As much annoying as it can be, give her a moment and actually learn what she tells you.

This is not the global server, this is the Taiwan server. You can't transfer your account that uses "Nebula Joy" login here.

The big majority of the community is on the Taiwan server anyway cause it's older and by the time the global server released people said "no way i'm gonna trash hours of my game away".

So yeah, it's still megaman, but at the same time it's not.
Upplagd 10 september 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
58 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.9 timmar totalt
Funny parody of "The Witness".
Just like the previous, it's a game about solving maze puzzles where you draw your path.

Witness is the serious nerds version and no you dont need to play it first good god you'll take forever.
Upplagd 27 augusti 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
32 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
361.8 timmar totalt (86.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Ok, no. Definitely a no.
The game is amazing, no questions asked, but PLEASE for your own sanity, STAY WITH FRIENDS OR SOLO.

Everytime I meet someone with 3 stars on top of their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ avatar they just start events without asking, just press every button out there and if you try to talk with them, they get angry with you.

Commenting on the forum is also impossible because the community is like a religion cult, if the devs decide to say "This week we're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on your mouths" they will go "YES PLEASE LORD DADDY DEV, ♥♥♥♥ SOME MORE" so it doesn't matter if you complain about the community itself, you'll get ♥♥♥♥ because they think you're offending the GAME.

Here's an example of how bad the community can get. There's even some people celebrating the fact there's little to no moderation in the forums, it's a circlejerk, clear as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ day. If Steam forums had the option to post images it would become an extension of /b/.

For a community that tries so hard in saying they are "toxic-free community", it's one of the most toxic I've ever seen, comparable to levels like Call of Duty community.

I've burned out of the game, not sure if i'll ever play it again. But if I will, it's solo or with friends. Bosco is a robot that goes with you everytime you're alone and he's more helpful than most people I've met.
Upplagd 1 augusti 2022. Senast ändrad 9 augusti 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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