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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.5 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Sep, 2023 @ 11:08am

"The Park" is a unique psychological horror game that takes players on a chilling journey through the haunted Atlantic Island Park. Developed by Funcom and released in 2015, this game offers a gripping narrative, immersive atmosphere, and simple controls that combine to create a truly unsettling experience.

Story Plot (8/10):
The game revolves around the story of Lorraine, a mother searching for her missing son, Callum, within the dark and twisted confines of the Atlantic Island Park. As Lorraine ventures deeper into the eerie amusement park, the narrative gradually unfolds, revealing a disturbing tale of sorrow, trauma, and supernatural forces. The storyline is the game's strongest aspect, but it can be somewhat predictable for seasoned horror enthusiasts.

Details and Atmosphere (9/10):
"The Park" excels in building a genuinely eerie and unsettling atmosphere. The deserted amusement park, with its creaking rides, flickering lights, and unsettling ambient sounds, creates a sense of dread that persists throughout the game. The game's visual design is well-crafted, featuring dilapidated structures and eerie landscapes that add to the overall sense of foreboding. The attention to detail in both the park's design and the psychological elements of the story is commendable.

Gameplay and Controls (7/10):
The gameplay in "The Park" is more of an interactive storytelling experience than a traditional game. It leans heavily on exploration, puzzle-solving, and uncovering the narrative. The controls are straightforward and accessible, making it easy for players to navigate Lorraine through the park. However, the lack of real challenges or complex gameplay mechanics may disappoint those looking for more interactive elements in their horror games. The game's length is also relatively short, which might leave some players craving more content.

Horror Elements (8/10):
"The Park" doesn't rely on jump scares but instead aims for a slow-burning psychological horror. It succeeds in creating an uncomfortable atmosphere and unsettling moments through clever storytelling and disturbing imagery. The voice acting and audio design contribute significantly to the game's creepiness, enhancing the overall horror experience.

"The Park" is a psychological horror game that stands out for its compelling narrative, eerie atmosphere, and attention to detail. While it may not offer complex gameplay or extensive replayability, it excels at delivering a chilling and thought-provoking experience. If you're a fan of atmospheric horror games that prioritize storytelling over action, "The Park" is worth a visit to explore its dark secrets and confront the demons that haunt its haunted amusement park. The only thing I wish for is for it to have lasted longer than it did.
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