۞Ġ | NinjaJuan Titan ☭
My name is Juan and I'm a Ninja, and I have a Juanderful story to tell you. So Juan day I was walking down das street and saw dis awesome sale for dis epic ice cream. Der was dis Juan problem though, dis poor Ninja had no dinero to buy dis Juanderful ice cream. He had not Juan dinero to his name. Sad Ninja walked away in the hope that Juan day he could afford to buy Juan ice cream for himself. As he was walking away there was dis Juan other peep who went up and bought ice cream; being jealous as he was, he decieded to take dat ice cream until big bruh showed up and taught poor Juan a lesson.

Video proof of Juan's sad story =( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgdTCVW2nUQ
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DoBzHavKnees 11 Aug, 2017 @ 1:57am 
hentaizillaᴸᴮᴴ 13 Sep, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
Best ninja around.
301Spartan 10 Jul, 2016 @ 2:53pm 
۞Ġ | NinjaJuan Titan ☭ 10 Oct, 2015 @ 8:20pm 
mr64bit 10 Oct, 2015 @ 7:13pm 
Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey ullamco leberkas, brisket velit ipsum picanha incididunt swine officia spare ribs turducken t-bone. Eiusmod frankfurter exercitation kevin qui aute spare ribs laborum. Shank cillum qui capicola. Tenderloin in velit, sed commodo kielbasa officia incididunt sausage ham hock. Cillum et pancetta proident. Cupim leberkas est, prosciutto proident eu commodo anim porchetta tongue. Turkey porchetta sirloin culpa veniam filet mignon id.

Jerky bacon minim, cillum proident deserunt sausage. Mollit jowl ball tip exercitation pastrami corned beef adipisicing do minim swine. Ut landjaeger anim, aliquip pastrami non meatball proident veniam cow sausage cillum ut nulla. Strip steak jerky turducken tenderloin pastrami pariatur. Adipisicing ullamco doner lorem cillum ea nisi exercitation shoulder. Excepteur aliquip dolore exercitation, in ea turducken ut culpa consequat. Laboris consectetur ut pig pastrami.
Unusual Pootis 19 Feb, 2015 @ 10:12pm 
I ever tell you about the time Keith made sushi? Yeah, his mom took him to a sushi place for his birthday and he didn't want to go, but he turned out he LOVED it, man. But it's like 10 bucks a su-sho in one of them places, so Keith figures, "Hey, how hard can it be to roll up some raw food in seaweed," right? As it turns out, it's hard. Now, they say that experience is the best teacher, and experience taught Keith that if you ever eat three pounds of raw chicken, it kills you. Now luckily, Keith's brain went into self-defense mode and started shutting organs down to head the chicken off at the pass, and the doctors were able to get 'em out before his heart stopped. But to this day, Keith has no sensation in his right foot, and doesn't recognize his own brother Paul no more.