Rhode Island, United States
I ask the hard questions, like who you gonna call? Who made who? What does Marsellus Wallace look like? Do I look like I know what a .jpeg is? A Hind D!? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here? Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads. Kept you waiting, huh? Are you saying boo or Boo-urns? Who did you expect? Sportiflop? You wanna get nuts? If they so genius, why they broke? Shoulda took a ψ Ḩ̶͓̫͋̊U̷̢͙̲̽̉̀M̵̜̀͘A̴̢͍̓͠N̴̩̟͍͗ ̴̢̕͝ͅŠ̵̫A̴͍̽C̸̼̿̌̔ͅR̷̰̓Í̵̹̫̣͝F̷̻̘͎̎̂Ȉ̶͉̦͓́̉C̴͕̊͛̀E̷̥̗̭̅ ̶̝̓͜ ⛧
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My Utmost Inner Thoughts...
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An absolutely mind-blowing experience. 10/10 You'll play so much your wife will leaf you.
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Corswain 23 Mar, 2024 @ 6:50pm 
(╭☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞
\ . .\
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Corswain 10 Nov, 2023 @ 3:55am 
you fool. you absolute buffoon. you think you can challenge me in my own realm? you think you can rebel against my authority? you dare come into my house and upturn my dining chairs and spill coffee grinds in my Keurig? you thought you were safe in your chain mail armor behind that screen of yours. I will take these laminate wood floor boards and destroy you. I didn't want war, but I didn't start it.
Corswain 6 Oct, 2023 @ 7:03am 
Corswain 6 Oct, 2023 @ 7:03am 
Corswain 7 Sep, 2023 @ 8:45am 
Sister. I've noticed that your steam avatar is not wearing a hijab. When you wear a hijab, you are obeying the commands of Allah, and you can expect great rewards in return. It is Allah's protection of your natural beauty. You are too precious to be "on display" for each man to see. It is Allah's preservation of your chastity. Allah purifies your heart and mind through the hijab. Allah raises your dignity through the hijab. When a strange man looks at you, he respects you because he sees that you respect yourself. And this applies to your steam avatar as well.
orangeisnon 22 Jul, 2023 @ 4:40pm