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Análises recentes de Sophia

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3,837.7 hrs em registo (162.2 horas no momento da análise)
Online mode is barely playable
-loading screens are ridiculousley long
-if you alt+tab while loading for even a second there is a 80% chance that you will be stuck on the loading screen indefinetely
-cheaters/modders make the game unplayable for everyone else in the lobby
-rewards dont work properly
-80% of times you try to join a job it loads for multiple minutes just to tell you that you cannot join
-no way to be able to play with people of similar level because regardless of rankk players may posess op vehicles and weapons
-you work for half an hour to get a delivery done just for the game to be like "ok something failed you get nothing"
Publicado a 24 de fevereiro de 2020. Última alteração: 11 de abril de 2020.
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