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This is a game. It is indeed a playable game that believe it or not was made by the same developer of the Unloved Standalone game. I'm not going to sugar coat it: This game is kind of average. You run between rooms and open doors in which sometimes enemies just spawn around you or you kill the enemies in front of you. Secrets are kind of obvious once you notice them as the wall pattern is aligned improperly and you just toss a bomb at it and it gets repetitive because you kill the same 3 enemies with some variation and meanwhile you only have 2 weapons to play around with an alt fire, grenades that you probably want to save for the secret rooms and you run around, grab keys, and find all the chests and exit the level or kill everything because there is a level system. Very strange game, but playable. I don't understand why the main character model is the way it is, but it can be ignored although the animation is pretty janky. This game gets a sideways thumb I don't even really know how I came into owning this game I believe it was from a mystery key bundle
Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2021.
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82.6 h registradas (36.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Remember when this game was shown at E3 in like 2014? Remember when this game was just riddled with lies about features that weren't in the game and the ending was always just reaching the center to go into a black hole that then spit you out in a random spot and broke all your stuff? Well the game is no longer just that and has been receiving so many updates to finally turn it into not just a playable game but a truly enjoyable game with endless replayability, base building, exploring, space combat, multiplayer.

No Man's Sky had a rocky start, but it is finally the game that everyone wanted and as a result I highly recommend you buy it and play it if you are into Sci-Fi exploration.
Publicada el 26 de enero de 2021.
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87.4 h registradas (85.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Cyberpunk 2077 is my Top Game of 2020

I have fully completed the game, all side missions, crime reports, bought all cars, completed every ending utilizing a reflex and strength build with crafting maxed. As a result I hit 100% practically and got every single achievement which allows me to feel like I can share my opinion of Cyberpunk 2077. We were all hyped for this game and we were all excited and incredibly disappointed by the cut content, constant bugs and annoyances. This game runs awfully too. Using a I5-9600K, an RTX 2080, and 16 GB of Ram I practically averaged 30 FPS with RTX and Max settings. Sometimes it dipped lower and needed resets. When the game did run at 60 FPS though it looked so smooth and always looked beautiful. I want to preface by simply saying I blame the heads of CDPR, but it is undeniable that the developers put love into this game. Keanu Reeves has amazing moments as Johnny and the characters are all lovable and make you genuinely care for the story and their conflicts that you are intertwined in.


It seems like a lot of RPG games are moving to the looter/shooter action roleplay categories like Fallout 4. It isn't bad but creates a gameplay loop of exploration, kill, collect items and rinse and repeat. This is broken up constantly in this game with just plain good storytelling and writing. Some things are much too over explained and can just be put on shards which are the equivalent of journals in this game, but in other cases they do it well enough to let you figure out how the world works. Crafting is pretty basic ranging from white/common to orange/legendary materials which you need sufficient amounts to craft items which items can be modified with modifiers and upgrading. My major gripe is that Unique weapons can't be locked so you may accidentally scrap quite a few and you need the old one to upgrade them to the next rarity. Some unique items are tagged to quests and aren't deleted which is great except they then get stuck in your inventory taking up weight with no way to remove them or drop them i.e. Johnny's Clothing, Crash (The weapon given by River) and a few others .
Now the main draw is modifying your body which is locked behind some stat requirements for the better quality ones. Equipping mantis blades in a reflex build was the most fun I had. I think the monowire is a little under powered but maybe I was just using it wrong who knows. Didn't play with the other weapons too much but smart link for smart weapons was fun, equipping a double jump and various other effects like simple stat increases are all done through cybermods/cyberwear and it is up to you to explore them.
Collectibles: I am so glad that collectibles aren't tied to achievements and the only main one is find all the fast travel points and the tarot cards which are on your map so they aren't just arbitrarily hidden. I am glad open world games are moving away from hidden collectibles that take way too long to find all of them and even tell from guides which ones you already have. I hope all future games follow what Cyberpunk does.

The Writing

This game is full of moments that are so well written that I was blown away. Some side missions dealt with the dystopia setting, but it was incredible seeing how relatable to our current day and age some of the topics were like how we treat our Veterans that are thrown to the streets, rampant drug use and even darker topics like suicide and depression as well as media influence and the 1% that rule the rest of the population. I will admit though that the way they introduce your first companion who you spend the first act with and supposedly build a backstory together is not done to well, but he does become a very likeable character as well as Takemura who you will meet later in the story. The depth and story involved with some characters is amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The romanceable characters are also pretty well written although it seems like the fan favorites are Judy and Panam which is understandable. Luckily you can complete all of the character stories and their final missions without romancing them and can simply have your favorite for romance which plays a big part in the endings.

The Cons/The Bugs
  • Once spawned my car in and it flew in from the sky and could then drive through every other car and had no collision
  • Crowds of people would just disappear. Once was walking to a plaza that was filled with people and got hit by a car and when I got up that very plaza was empty. Similarly I was fighting a lot of cops and then they suddenly all despawned
  • The visual glitching was stuck and required me to reset my game
  • The racing has really bad rubberbanding on enemy driver's parts and you can literally watch them spawn in behind you when you get too far
  • Ragdolls bug out
  • Sometimes you can just clip into object and I don't mean the popular vending machine one where you get stuck in one permanently I mean random things like boxes on roofs
  • Side Quests that require you to wait and "do other things to wait for a call or text" sometimes just don't work at all and require you to sometimes load a previous save or just keep trying and resetting your game. In particular I triggered the No return save and was using that and it broke a lot of those side quests
  • Quest scenes will just break randomly causing people involve din the conversation to just be talking from across the room and not in their proper place
  • Sometimes quest bodies can just be stuck in the ground in particular ones that are needed to finish the quest
  • Some scenes don't activate properly like the Cyberpsycho that needed you to examine everything in the ritual
  • The A.I. is laughably bad in most cases
  • Some side quests are arbitrary and confusing in what they want like if by no noise it means don't kill or don't even knock enemies out
  • Putting knocked enemies out in containers to hide their bodies count them as killed
  • Some items cannot be looted off bodies or need a specific angle
  • The list goes on


Starting this I just want to say that the story is short and the amount of hours CDPR said it would take is not nearly as much as they estimated. I was surprised that the majority of my time was going from the bottom of the map and up completing all the side missions and hit 50 (The Max Level) and 50 Street Cred Level well before Act 2 was complete.
I felt like I needed to talk about some of the endings. The suicide ending in particular was amazing and portrayed so well. The after credit videos of all your friends and loved ones telling you how angry they were hearing you had killed yourself and it was a shocker. This is part of the reason why I think some of the character writing is the best I have ever seen. The Arasaka ending had interesting choices and endings, but it really wasn't that good in my opinion unless you enjoy roleplaying a Corpo or really like Takemura because the other endings make him hate your guts if you save his life after the attack on Hanako. Finally, the secret ending would be the best but due to it having just the normal stay in night city as a legend or give Johnny your body ending it's the best if you don't want to watch your loved ones die for your cause. Also, the secret ending really depends on how well you treat Johnny and really isn't explained too well pretty much requiring you to use a guide and most guides are wrong on the exact responses you need to get more relationship % with Johnny. Finally, my favorite is the Panam ending because I am a sucker for the romantic ending and it gives you the most hope for your character like V has a chance to find a way to save himself in the end.

Had a lot of fun and this game ate up my life for a good month.
Publicada el 7 de enero de 2021.
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I must admit I have let myself go a bit over quarantine and I finally got a VR headset around black friday and picked this game up. VR in general is a full body work out with your own weight. It's a motivator to actually get moving and do a little exercise. This game made me sweat and reach my target heart rate with its workouts. You get whatever you want out of it though. So if you want to half-ass the squats, uppercuts, side-crosses, jabs, etc. then you won't get a lot out of it. So get this game, actually play it as intended it promote full and faster punches with more points and I can guarentee you will get a workout in and you will feel great.
Publicada el 3 de diciembre de 2020.
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It's okay. I'd give it a sideways thumb review. The original killing floor mod started as a campaign and killing floor 2 started adding story in the form of the objective gamemode and maybe tripwire wanted to expand on it with this game. The gunplay feels pretty good and the horror asthetic is used nicely, but to be honest everyone just wanted a wave survival horde game in VR like Killing Floor 2 and this is not it. Holdout kinda scratches the itch, but it's not Killing Floor like we wanted.
Also, I hate teleporting and while you can walk with the joystick it does this annoying thing where it tunnelvisions your field of view with an ugly grey grid texture. It is awful.
Publicada el 2 de diciembre de 2020. Última edición: 2 de diciembre de 2020.
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46.1 h registradas (11.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
By far the best VR game on the market. Think OSU! but VR and you hit cubes with lightsabers to the beat of the music instead. It's fun and addicting. I say OSU! because custom songs are flooded with anime openings, japanese and korean music with your occasional hit pop and rock songs and electro swing. Amazing with endless replay ability.
Publicada el 2 de diciembre de 2020.
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2.2 h registradas (1.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Getting VR back 3 years ago was something that was so pricey and was out of the hands of the majority of the gaming community. Now though the Quest 2 made it possible for me to play VR and I saw this game. Looking at it without VR it looks like a standard zombie shooter to make a quick buck but when you can fully immerse yourself and be able to hold the weapons and shoot zombies and manage items with your own two hands is beyond fun. This game is so enjoyable and I want to see some more content that adds to the game like the one level where you have to fuel the generator for light. This game is great and if you get a VR headset I highly recommend this one. Friends in local co-op can even play as support on the computer.
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2020.
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12.7 h registradas (12.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Very fun rogue like and definitely worth full price. Amazing soundtrack and fast paced game play.
Publicada el 27 de noviembre de 2020.
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12.6 h registradas
For those of you that are on the fence about buying this game let me start by saying it is simple. There is not a lot to it. You build and manage resources making sure everyone has charcoal, food, tools, and then you defend what you built with massive walls that you stack and connect to farther strengthen your walls and then if you build the towers to a certain height your ballistas get the maximum efficiency and can fire at the farthest ranges. By the end of the game I had no need for archers and footmen because I surrounded my island entirely with walls and ballistas and managed to 100% the game in terms of achievements and called it done. I don't think there is much replayability here if that is what you are looking for and likely you will end up coming to the same conclusion as me or get bored before hitting the final population number for the achievement.

I recommend the game if you can get it for 5 bucks because it is a nice little distraction, but ultimately not a long lasting one.
Publicada el 2 de octubre de 2020. Última edición: 26 de enero de 2021.
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110.2 h registradas (92.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I enjoy the game because of its simplicity. It is probably far more enjoyable because of getting the DLC from the humble bundle too though. The double EXP events are very nice reducing grind to 25 on perks which in my opinion was a major turn off for KF1 was the grind to level was so long. Get the game on sale, don't waste money on the DLC weapons and just enjoy it for that.
Publicada el 30 de septiembre de 2020.
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