Ape Alchemist
Alberta, Canada
We are a slave of the truth. A truth we will never get or grasp.
Rules are for the Ruled (You think rules apply to the rulers?)

The mind is capable of error. Reality is NOT.
This is why we have philosophy

"Once people see evil, they reject evil. Which is why evil must always redefine itself as good."
In other words, evil must be compelled to always create a face of "good", so it can then hide behind it, and not be seen or noticed.

The success of predation is founded on camouflage. This is pure biology.
A shark has a white belly so when the fishes look up they cant really see the shark, and dark above for when swimming below the fish.
The lions would starve to death if there were no tall grasses for them to hide in, and slink up against when they stalk.
So, when you look in nature, the most fundamental aspect of predation is camouflage.

..and government, is the ultimate camouflage for predators. The STATE, is the camouflage, for predation.

If you were the only thief in the world, imagine how easy your job would be! There would be no locks, no security systems, no passwords, no police. You could just take stuff, and people would probably just assume they lost it.
On the other hand, if everyone in the world was a thief, everyone would half starve. No one would create more than they consumed in the moment, cuz it would just be stolen.
So... if you want to be a great thief - the greatest, perhaps - your best strategy would be to convince everyone else to STOP stealing. Not because you think theft is wrong, you are, after all, a thief - but because you don't want the competition.

If everyone is a counterfeiter, money is worthless.
if you want to be a great counterfeiter - the greatest, perhaps - your first step is to convince everyone else that counterfeiting is immoral, wrong, evil, and must be punished.
Then, you must convince everyone that your own counterfeiting is moral, good, virtuous, and must be rewarded.

This is what George Orwell called, "Doublethink"

Ethics, virtue, morality - these were not invented and inflicted from any desire to spread goodness
but rather to disarm and enslave others
To disarm and enslave YOU.

The sequence is always the same - invent a universal standard of good behavior, and then create an invisible exception for yourself and your friends, by calling it something else.

DONT STEAL - Ok, theft is wrong! - Thus those in power have to call their theft "taxation"
DONT KILL - Ok, murder is wrong! - Thus those in power have to call their murders "wars"
NO KIDNAPPING - Ok, kidnapping is wrong! - Thus those in power have to call their kidnappings "incarceration"
VIOLENCE IS WRONG - Ok, using violence is wrong! - Thus those in power have to call their violence "laws" or "spankings."

See the pattern? Create a universal moral rule, then create an exception for yourself, and your friends.

Its very easy to test this theory. Walk up to an average citizen and ask if using violence to solve problems is good. They will say, "no."
Point out that the State initiates force all the time in the pretense of solving problems. They will immediately start to defend the State.
It is inevitable.... People defend moral rules, then defend the most blatant violations of these SAME moral rules!

THIS is how we are controlled. THIS is how we are propagandized.
THIS is how money dies. THIS is how freedom dies.
THIS is how WE die!

If someone gives you a moral rule, the first thing to do is to examine not the rule, but the exception. Who is not bound by that rule? Who gets to do the exact opposite? It will always be those in power - that is why moral rules exist.

Open your mind. Open your eyes.
We can only avoid the traps we can see.

and take your Brain Medicine
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"Light has NO mass." -Albert Einstein

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What is Einstein talking about?
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If u believe everybody is all good, then we dont need a govt, obviously
If u believe everybody is all bad, then we cant have a govt.
The only way that would work would be if u had competing interests to nullify each other.
Everybodys bad, and everybodys armed, so everyones pretty nice, relativly.
Unless one person gets control of a bad society, with the power of the military and all that.
Then you end up with a Mao, Stalin, Cambodian nightmare.
So u cant have a govt for sure, if everyones all bad.
Now if the majority of ppl are good, but the minority of ppl are bad, then u ALSO cant have a govt. Cuz.. bad ppl want to do evil, and escape the consequence of their actions, right? Thats sort of the premise of bad ppl; they dont just want to do bad, they want to do bad and get away with it...
if u have a govt, all that will happen is the bad ppl will be drawn to the power of the govt, so that they can put themselves above the law, do bad things, and get away with them.
Govt power is an absolute open invitation for evil
So u cant have a govt there
Now if the minority of ppl are good, and the majority of ppl are bad. Then what your saying is ur artificially putting the virtuous on one side, and the un-virtuous on the other.
So ur going to need a dictatorship for that.
and those just draw bad ppl in anyways..
and the reason u need a dictatorship, is if u had a democracy, and the majority of ppl are bad, they are just going to vote for bad candidates, and good ppl wont have any access to power.
SO, theres no combination of virtue or vice, that leads to govt EVER being a good thing for GOOD ppl.
Which is why no govt has ever worked, for any length of time in the history of mankind.
Cuz its an absolutely immoral, and illogical and VIOLENT institution.
Iram 28 Oct, 2016 @ 6:38am 
You aight
Ape Alchemist 27 Oct, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
you betcha
Iram 27 Oct, 2016 @ 9:09am 
Are you an anarchist, my friend?
GV-97 7 Dec, 2012 @ 11:56pm 
Warning: A random Demoman has found his way to your profile.
Ransak 12 Jul, 2012 @ 4:14pm 
Down the rabbit hole we go
Eighty 18 Mar, 2012 @ 8:22pm 
oh and realtime mixed with turn based!! wtf