Jonathan Inwood   Central, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Fan of wargaming strategy and tactics, and tycoon business simulation games. Interested in good offers for inventory.
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the_rock0123 1 Jun, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
I’ve done that and yes it gets crazy on all sides and grateful for reinforcements. I use the dreadnoughts to pack a punch.
Nukoolamukmuk 31 May, 2024 @ 12:05pm 
Just finished a monster battle called Fortress 26. The kill ratio was 153:11 plus a lot of my units were badly damaged but we wiped out the orc force. That was the most brutal battle ever. Have you done that one? It is defending a broken down fortress our boys captured from the orcs who counterattack from 4 sides with all types of units lead by a Warboss. The good thing is a lot of our units are reaching level 4 so they have high damage output to rip apart the beasties.
Nukoolamukmuk 22 May, 2024 @ 3:43am 
Sanctus Reach is a very fun game. Lots of tactics and fun units to use. I finished the first 2 battles in the Stormclaw campaign. Want to do more battles but it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Nukoolamukmuk 7 Feb, 2024 @ 12:09pm 
I think this medieval Fog of Empires will be delightful. I like the ancient one a lot and it has a vast array of buildings and nations and stuff so I don't think a simple reskin can work with this style of game which needs everything replaced with era specific stuff. Two years ago the zakblood tester dude told me he was already deep into testing this game so it must be a long time in production.
the_rock0123 25 Jan, 2024 @ 5:36pm 
Its been on my wishlist since first announcement. It will be good, and up there, though I'm generally slow / skeptical of 're-skins' : more of same, different era. It would be VERY hard, for me, to compete with the likes of the original Fantasy General, Civilization 3, Railroad Tycoon original, AGEOD Thirty Years' War, Decisive Campaigns Barbarossa, Grand Prix Manager 2, but could be up there. If I was retired; War In The West. We shall see!
Nukoolamukmuk 18 Jan, 2024 @ 10:46pm 
Most probably this will be the best strategy game ever for us both....