
Jacket の最近のレビュー

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TL;DR if you like exploring different worlds, go for it. Otherwise, be aware that this game is a perfect example of "Jack of all trades, master of none"

The more I played this game, the more I got annoyed by it shortcomings. Halfway through my 150 hours played I had to install mods to make it bearable again.

If, like me, you got interested in the building in automation part and possibly played modded Minecraft before, I am going to say straight away - modded Minecraft is a much better experience.

The game loop is as follows:
Get stronger > Collect materials > Advance Age > Go to next zone

Sprinkled in between are caves, which there are 4-5 variants, followed by treasure rooms, which use the same 2 rooms but with a different puzzle or boss.
Another thing in between are the instances, which also use the 3-4 layouts with a different coloring, mobs and bosses.

It brings up that strange feeling of "same same, different, but still the same". It starts being obvious after first 2 zones. This also includes enemies, which in 95% are different flavor of goblin (insert goblinslayer.jpg).

The things that is the most jarring is the concept of building, automation and inventory. You can automate every single resource in this game if not every item in this game. But doing so will end up with user developing a possible brain aneurysm /s
Automation is just good enough for a user to be able to make every item, but nothing beyond that. The more automation you place and the longer they run, the more the game performance takes a hit, since there is no automatic off switch, nor a way to dispose of overflow of resources, which will cause items on your conveyor belts to stack at the very edge of your container's entrance, waiting for an open slot in order to fall in. Over a long period of time and throughout multiple areas where your place your automations, it grinds the game to a halt.

Building is another thing - wall/floors/roofs are modular and are available in different themes. But not all themes have the same amount of options. When used according to templates (which user can craft and place anywhere in the world, but can only dismantle them piece by piece... annoying as hell) the buildings can look really nice, but at some point you have to choose between practicality and looks - and that is disappointing.
In addition to above, there is placement - there are 3 placement types most of the time - free, grid and "action". I won't go into detail for each one, I'll just say that the building aspect would benefit immensely with a toggleable snap function, since IMO "action" type does not cut it, unless you start building in a spot dictated by world chunks, and that can get really annoying for 'some scenic spots'.

And lastly - inventory. I would risk statement that inventory management is the most important aspect of such games. Or maybe I've been spoiled by "Applied Energistics 2" too much.
A simple "Craft from containers" feature would go a loooong way in alleviating most of the issues. Instead, we have to manage well over 200 different types of items, from which most stack to four stacks of 100 in one slot, but can stack less if some of these stacks are enchanted (and you can only strip enchantments from items manually), while mid-game containers are up to 40 slots large, which forces you to craft dozens of them. Now good luck finding that specific part you need to craft something that will be used to craft something else. Over and over again.
I don't get it why it must be that hard. There is no pride in braving through an annoying inventory system, honest.

Yet despite all that, you can encounter specific parts of the game (puzzles, areas, descriptions etc) that really show developers love and creativity, which IMO makes this game an interesting case study for other game developers.

The sad thing is there is way too many things to do in order to improve the overall experience, while it definitely won't be profitable enough to ever do so. I just hope that the devs of Craftopia learned from this experience and will make sure their next game will be better (at the time of writing this, Palworld is the next game, but I didn't play it and unfortunately cannot afford it right now)
投稿日 2月23日.
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総プレイ時間:153.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:41.5時間)
@EDIT: Reinstalled the game and suddenly everything works fine.

Everything was fine for me for the past month, until the recent patch, which made me reconsider my previously positive review.

Railgun nerfs? Increased spawns? Nah, I am not talking about that.

Since the patch I am being disconnected in the middle of every match with my friends, sometimes even twice per match (after I reconnect). This is downright unplayable and I cannot with good conscience recommend the game until this issue is fixed.

TL:DR venting on steam reviews because the game is unplayable for me

@3 May edit:
Sony, please don't force people to link their Steam game to PSN.

@6 May edit:
Thank you for reverting the change, Sony.
投稿日 2024年2月28日. 最終更新日 2024年5月6日
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総プレイ時間:133.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:130.9時間)
Mankind's best attempt at Time Travel that can only move forward in time.
投稿日 2024年1月8日.
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総プレイ時間:65.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:52.6時間)
>Spot a group of elite enemies that I have to kill for an achievement.
>Start killing until "Suprisingly" one guy puts his hands up in the air
>"huh, they never did that before"
>Approach him to interrogate and let him go
>Throws a punch, puts his hands in the air, then punches again
>He's an elite unit, so his punches hit hard
>Slash him with a knife to grab him and interrogate
>After interrogating him, I let him go
>Game announces "Elite units win the battle"
>No achievement
>mfw got bamboozled
I love indie games.
投稿日 2022年10月29日.
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Lots of love was put into this game. But despite that, it does not deliver the satisfaction, such as feeling of accomplishment once you learn how to play well, defeating the bad guy and saving the world or spending lots of time building something and feeling proud.

If you think it's one of those RTS that you can play with friends - you might be right. I personally didn't had the opportunity (yet), but in terms of PvP gameplay I feel like the game's purpose is not there. To be honest, I feel like the game's purpose is halfway everywhere. It's like putting a 16 hour session of Anno 1800 and squeezing it into 1 hour.

Northgard is like a melon-peach soda - it has a unique taste, but you probably wish you bought Cola instead.

Dear Shiro Games - I know not how to improve your game, but I know for sure that it has content that does not bring out any quality or improvements. Things such as Achievements and Achievement Points, which you can spend on skins - which leads me to believe you wanted to aim for RTS PvP niche. I believe that in this aspect the game could have potential only when it would be assured it brings something new to the genre. There was an attempt there for sure, but I'd rather play good old Warcraft or Starcraft or Dawn of War or Anno 2070. The point is - this genre is very hard to nail it down and just because something is new doesn't mean it's better. Developing skins and achievements does not help that either.

On the positive note - Story was really well done: Voiced cutscenes, artstyle, hidden objectives gives missions replayability with a twist and between all that goodness an interwoven tutorial for the game - that is how story/campaign should be. Story itself was good - just good, but it's fine. Sadly, tutorial part of the story does not cover all parts of the game and IIRC new tribes added through DLC do not come with a story-like mission.

Speaking of DLC - each DLC is weirdly overpriced. I mean, I think I know why it costs that much, but I can purchase 25$ game for the price of all DLC for this game. All DLC's cost more than an actual game and do not provide the same amount of content (other than theoretically endless multiplayer matches).

TL;DR - If you like RTS games, buy Northgard on sale. It's an OK experience, but not something that you must have.
投稿日 2022年8月27日.
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総プレイ時間:3,410.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2,064.0時間)
It's OK I guess
投稿日 2019年11月29日.
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総プレイ時間:96.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:42.1時間)
I had a great time playing this game, despite it being in Alpha stage. Among many titles being released on Steam all the time, this one is definitely a diamond in the rough.

And of course, don't expect miracles. The game isn't bug free and obviously don't expect triple-A audio & video. The game's survival element is done very well - the dev needs a little bit more time to polish everything else.

I am looking forward for future development. The fact that such a great game was made by one person is remarkable.
投稿日 2018年9月8日.
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総プレイ時間:688.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:133.2時間)
I can see lots of negative comments regarding Creation Club. IF these mods main purpose is to milk cash, then community opinion is justified, although I know for a fact that it is not only for the money.

@Bethesda: You should thank god you have such an amazing modding community (outside of Creation Club) for this is the main reason that makes your game fantastic.


As for Fallout 4 "Vanilla", I heard a lot of comments regarding getting Power Armor on the very start of the game and killing deathclaw on level 1. I look upon this differently:

As it is in game development, you want to sell main strengths of your game as soon as possible. That is not a bad approach, since player can make an overall decision about game much sooner.

People think that Fallout 4 is not as good as <other fallout game>.

I had the same issue with Anno 2250. I love Anno 2070 and I was really hoping 2250 would be even better. But once I noticed how diffrent these two games are my levels of saltiness went through the roof.

Later I realized that this difference is actually a very good thing, since new game does not "kill" the old game (google: cannibalization). I believe that comparing games is not a good thing to do. It is better to rate them separately.

I played all Fallout games and I love them all. I agree, nothing beats nostalgic feeling of old school Fallout 1 & 2 and thankfully, Bethesda is always trying something new and interesting.

TL:DR Don't mind haters. The game itself is good (and it is even better with mods).
投稿日 2017年10月21日.
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総プレイ時間:21.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:15.2時間)
Undertale - one of these gems, where half of negative comments on steam are actually positive.
投稿日 2015年12月17日.
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The game is pretty well made. Really a candy to X-COM fans.
投稿日 2015年9月29日.
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