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Posted: 15 May, 2022 @ 4:38am

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Nier Replicant feels like a lesser version of everything that Automata did. While this is understandable for the remake of an older title within the same series, Nier Replicant feels dated despite being reworked.

History Lesson
Nier Replicant is the predecessor to Nier: Automata and is technically another sequel to the Drakengard series and was released originally on the PS3.
Nier Replicant is not only known as Nier Replicant, Nier Gestalt is Nier Replicant minus one change:
Square decided that (to appeal to a western audience), the main character is not a teenager but a father. The story is the same(except for some dialogue). Only Replicant got remade. Gestalt got lost in the annals of history.

What Did Get Changed?
Fundamentally, Nier Replicant sqrt(1.5) is a more polished version of the PS3 title with additional content and numerous changes, aiming to make the game less miserable:
Auto-Aiming, parries, fluid evasion, and quick-switching weapons are some of them. Elaborating more is unnecessary: Nier Replicant will not play better than that.
Additionally, the developers added some content that had to be cut in the past and created a new scenario that ties into Nier: Automata.
A true blessing as this is the best content in the whole game, by a fair margin. Words can not describe how much better the new content is than the old content. Sometimes the remake even breaks the immersion:
It feels like two games of different quality are being duct-taped together.

Nier Replicant is rotten to its core. A harsh statement, to be sure.
Justified, I dare say. While it is unfair to compare products, Nier Replicant and Automata share too many similarities. One can not get discussed without the other.
Nier Replicant lives and dies by its unique story, a strong cast of characters, and creative ideas. All of these qualities are "one-hit wonders". The moment a player knows what will happen, the game loses the majority of its appeal.
And Nier: Automata and Replicant share so many narratives beats that, after playing one of them, you will know what happens in the other.
Not because of covering the same story but because of a bankrupt idea vault, containing no new twists.
Replicant created, Automata refined.
Only one of them is fun to play, and it is not Replicant. Replicant is clunky, has boring and spongey enemies that are not challenging, and takes gimmicks for engaging fights. Even Platinum Games, the masters of hack and slash, were not able to salvage this ship.
After playing Nier Automata, Nier Replicant does not provide anything of worth.

His Fault
Yoko Taro is a free spirit in terms of game design, this being his biggest strength while being his biggest weakness. This ambivalence becomes more apparent the longer you play any of his titles.
I have the theory that he wanted to make the game a chore to play, just like he did make Drakengard 1 feel bad, to invoke the feeling that killing is not fun. Replicant references multiple times how bothersome it is to help people and makes it intentionally tedious to get the message across.
A message that does not contain anything noteworthy. Maybe this is the point, but Nier Replicant creates anti-entertainment for a unique experience for a niche audience.

I can not recommend Nier Replicant for anyone. Just play Nier: Automata and never look back. While some qualities may draw you in, for your own enjoyment and sanity:
Just watch a walkthrough. You are not missing out on much.

Originally posted by author:
As of now, meme curators dominate Steam. So consider following me for reviews that actually cost me some time (and effort) to create. I don't think this will change much, but the majority of my readers are not followers. I am still going to pump my heart into these reviews.
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Terminator855 23 Nov, 2022 @ 12:23pm 
About Automata:
I think it it is the better package as Nier Replicant and Automata share many similarities.
And Nier Automata is not getting a free pass, I know that the bugs exist and nowadays I would have referenced them. Additionally, most of these bugs were not severe enough to actually diminish my enjoyment of the game.
I tried to elaborate why I dislike Nier Replicant, it is not about bugs, it is about design, gameplay and the problem of Replicant not having a unique identity anymore.
The last comment about meme curators was a little harsh I may say.
Kidm0bius 23 Nov, 2022 @ 8:42am 
you also put NA on your 90-100/100 lmao!
Kidm0bius 23 Nov, 2022 @ 8:42am 
bash on this yet give automata a free pass even though this one doesnt have nearly as many bugs. like the res bug for NA. talking about meme curators lol you're worse than them lol