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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.2 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Apr, 2020 @ 1:42am

It's a shame the game is so poorly optimized. I was a huge fan of Metro series and I played every game including Exodus. I gave up after a few hours because of random crashes, random stuttering even with good hardware, random fps drops in certain areas. The bugs are consuming too much time. I just wanted to enjoy the game, but I cannot waste time and money into a game that is making your life hard. One more thing that I would like to ask to the developers: why on earth you're making us watch the full intro/credits every time we open the game? I asked for a refund because I'm wasting time on making the game work instead of actual playing it.
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『Purpeltele』 25 May, 2020 @ 9:51am 
I understand your pain, the game doesn't give a single nut how good your PC is, I've bought new graphic card and such. I've wasted so much money ONLY to play this game. And guess what, of course it didn't work :). Another thing I will add, are the controls, the creators of the game literally took it from console and smashed it in pc, some keys aren't even working (for example, trying to climb something or open doors, that happened to me once, and it COULDN'T be helped, that means I had to literally start from teh very beggining of the game). And what is pissing me off the most, are the developpers not even trying to fix the game, or in the other way, they do try, but it really isn't working. The game itself is good, mainly the story, but men, Iam not having fun when playing, whole game I just pray to god so the game won't crash.
Pavell 7 May, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
I think there was a mod that skips the intro and really are you seriously worried about loosing few additional seconds watching it? Game itself will take around 30 hours to complete so maybe you should just not buy it at all?
Kopseer 3 May, 2020 @ 11:49pm 
You can skip the cinematic that plays when you launch? Using a PS4 controller and skip it using square