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Recent reviews by Kharakian

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51.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Only played the first 3 missions so far, haven't done the Co-Op Operations. The Campaign is a LOT of fun in Co-Op mode. Combat feels meaty and requires some getting used to. But it is fun.

Recommended if you like 40k and 3rd person games. Especially the first Space Marine.
Posted 10 September, 2024.
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58.5 hrs on record
The game is just Fallout 4 in space. The same bugs. The same constant loading screens. The same braindead AI.

The gunplay is okay and the ship combat isn't bad. That is the best thing I can say about the game. The story is not that interesting. The Companions are pretty bland.

Do not recommend. Also, paid mods can ♥♥♥♥ off.
Posted 22 June, 2024.
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301.5 hrs on record (27.2 hrs at review time)
**This is my re-edit now that Sony has capitulated to our demands.**

The game is fun. But it has issues. But I got 140 hours of enjoyment out of it.

However, the Developers now need to show some follow through on bug fixes. Weapons from paid Warbonds still don't work properly due to bugs. Bugs since launch are still in there.

But overall, the game is a lot of fun especially if you have friends to play with.

NOTE: This review is only positive as long as Sony doesn't try to put back in that stupid requirement for a PSN account.
Posted 1 March, 2024. Last edited 5 May, 2024.
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334.9 hrs on record (55.8 hrs at review time)
I played this a bit while it was in Early Access and enjoyed the taste of the game. But I decided to wait until the full game came out before I did a dedicated play through. I have played 30 hours so far since the full game launched and here is my thoughts.

Doing co-op with friends or single player, the game is fantastic. No major complaints I can think of, it runs smooth, looks good, has good writing and interesting characters. The combat is fun and challenging. The D&D 5e rules are implemented in a way that makes them easy to understand for new people.

Tons of options, I can already see lots of replay options as well.

Highly recommend if you want to play a D&D campaign on your PC or you were a fan of Larian's other games like Divinity Original Sin 2.

After 250 hours, my enjoyment of this game hasn't waned. One of my favourite games of all times now.
Posted 8 August, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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106.8 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you like Grand Strategy games, this game is crazy addictive. So many mechanics that I am still learning. Very much enjoying playing this game.

It is still in Early Access, there is still some bugs and balance changes going on. But it isn't an unfinished game. So don't be too turned off by that as long as you are willing to put up with some issues. The Devs are very responsive to fan feedback and concerns on the Official Discord.

Overall, I recommend it. 50 hours of gameplay so far and I haven't finished one run. So maybe a recommendation with a warning that it does suffer 'Just ONE MORE TURN!' syndrome.
Posted 10 October, 2022.
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13.6 hrs on record (12.4 hrs at review time)
Game is a lot of fun, I played it with my PS4 controller and had no issues using it with DS4Windows.

Game has a lot of replay value, I am doing a second playthrough of the campaign at the moment on a higher difficulty and still enjoying it. I haven't even touched the other game mode it has yet. Definitely worth the money if you enjoy Arcade Flight Games.
Posted 28 June, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
204.6 hrs on record (171.0 hrs at review time)
Warning, this game is like crack to people who like to optimize. Programmers you have been warmed.

It is a great game though! Definitely recommend. And once you get bored with the base game, there is a VERY large modding scene for it.

10/10, would not sleep again.
Posted 5 January, 2022.
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26.8 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I only play this game co-op. But I do highly enjoy it. Not for the faint of heart. The jump scares can catch you off guard at times.

Can be quite tricky to figure out what the ghost is in a mission. But very rewarding when you finally nail it for sure.
Posted 24 December, 2021.
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45.3 hrs on record (32.2 hrs at review time)
It's a turn based strategy/squad game similar to the Firaxis X-Com games. Very enjoyable, humor can be a little wacky but it always made me chuckle.

Difficult, but not overly punishing as long as you build your squad right. Also, my advice for characters, build tall, not wide. You get some very nice rewards for being able to pass difficulty 10 checks like Lockpicking, Nerd Stuff and others.
Posted 28 November, 2021.
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75.4 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have played 30 hours of this game in the past week I have owned it. Highly recommend it, especially for playing with friends. Nowhere close to being done, but this game is a lot of fun!

Lots of crafting to do, an intuitive building system and travel being required. Still feel like I have work to do learning the combat system however. But that isn't a criticism.

Only complaint about this game so far, had some weird behavior with your gravestones when you die. But it hasn't been game breaking so far. But it could and losing all your crafted equipment is very annoying.
Posted 17 February, 2021.
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