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1-10/98개 항목을 표시 중
6명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 1.2시간
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Definitely don't buy this game. The community is toxic. Keen put misleading information on their store page (read):

Space Engineers 2 is an open world sandbox game where engineering meets exploration, construction, and survival in the vastness of space. Become a pioneer in the distant Almagest system, a new uncharted world with infinite possibilities for creativity and discovery. Build everything from starships to space stations as you craft your own path in this highly anticipated next chapter of the Space Engineers series!

None of this exists in the game. There is no survival, no exploration, and you can't even access most of the blocks.

Yet when you post about it, the devs are locking the threads and you get inundated by "private accounts" talking trash, then you get responded to by "moderators" with a "developer" tag to make sideways comments (passive aggressive) about how if you didn't go to some blog post on the internet and read what they wrote, it's YOUR fault.

The company openly admits that they are wanting you to pay them to bug test the game for them. The possibility exists to open up a closed 'test' for people, for feedback, and there's also the ability to release a 'demo' to get the feedback.

So, Keen is lying about their reasons. They wanted or needed an influx of cash, so they released a game that isn't a game (it's a demo), then they lock threads if you criticize them, after they let the private accounts attack you and get the last word in before locking it (are these alt accounts?).

Sorry, but you should not buy this game. I'm sick of developers who mislead people on their store page, fall back on "but, but, it's for FREE LABOR" and gamers (or alt accounts) are okay with being exploited by companies to extract free labor from them in the form of bug testing.

This is gross and Keen has enough money they shouldn't be doing this but here we are.
2025년 1월 29일에 게시되었습니다. 2025년 1월 30일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 3.5시간
I don't recommend the game because after you beat it the first time, and it drops some random new "dome" and "character" type, I jumped back into it and was like "wait, this is literally the exact same thing, but with a worse way to dig."

The game would be much better if it was more of a base builder instead of a "quick-but-not-quick" game. It tries to be 'quick' but isn't quick and I quickly got bored of it because it's literally the same thing over and over and over again.

Even after winning, the "new" things you get aren't new - basically a reskin with slightly different mechanics, but it's the same ol' stuff. It needs an overhaul mod. I would have loved to have a "base builder" type game, but nope, you get attacked in the same way by, basically, the same enemies, and killing them is the same. It's all the same and I was bored of it in less than 4 hours.

Game is MAYBE worth $10. Definitely not $18. It's kind of a rip-off, tbh. Don't believe me? Go look at the "positive" reviews and you'll notice a pattern - LOW GAME TIME.

It gets old really, really fast. It looks awesome, imo, and plays well (for what it's trying to do) but the loop just isn't fun and gets old REALLY REALLY fast.

Wish I could refund it, but nope.
2025년 1월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 10.1시간 (평가 당시 5.1시간)
First off, let me just say that this game is amazing. Possibly could be the best game of this genre that I've played in the last 10 years and if you take a look at my library, you'll see this is mostly what I play. Factorio, Satisfactory, Captain of Industry, etc. etc. This game is possibly better than Factorio, though, let's be honest, Factorio is the GOAT. But, hear me out .... this could possibly be better than Factorio and I really mean that.

This game breathes new life into the genre. It actually kinda' reminds me of Desynced, but without all of the unnecessary bloat of Desynced.

Let me try to explain how this is a new take on the genre - your ants only live for a certain amount of time. You can combine ants into different ants to do different tasks, or, just so that they live longer (and we're talking 3-9m of life). The problem you have, from a gameplay standpoint, is that if you have 10 workers grabbing scrap iron, at some point soon, all ten of those workers will die. I mean, they're ants. . .

So now you have to loop your new incubated ants (which come from your queen when fed energy pods from plants), which are gathered by your dying workers. So now, you have to have some ants gathering scrap metal, some gathering energy pods, some feeding your queen, some incubating the larvae from the Queen ... now you start seeing the dilemma - all of the ants will die soon.

Enter logic gates. This is where the game really shines. In the demo, you have access to 'counter' gates where, in a loop, a certain # of ants are 'allowed' into the loop. Once it drops below that level (i.e. they die), then more ants will hop into that loop.

So basically, you would have an inner loop where ants are dropping off larvae into incubators, then when those ants leave the incubator, they then go into an outer loop and based on the counter gates (or just dividers), will feed back into, and fill up, those tertiary loops that need workers (gathering energy pods, gathering scrap metal, smelting scrap metal, making screws or plates, etc) and now you have a self-sustaining colony.

The tech tree in the demo is (obviously) limited, but you can see just how big it is for 'full' game and it's big. It could get bigger.

What I didn't see but what I hope to see is a gate that checks 'type' of ant. For example, when I make an inventor ant, I want that inventor ant looping straight from the combiner to an 'inventor-only' loop, looking for a free inventor pad, then jumping on it. Or, an average worker being put into the loop that fills the other worker loops, etc.

Honestly, this game is amazing. I've put over 4 hours into this demo, reached the end of the demo, but am starting my game back over again so that I can maximize and do the loops better.

The game is really, really, really, REALLY good. The devs are really onto something here and if they stay on top of this, this game will be the new Factorio.

If devs allow modding - this game will be absolutely amazing (but even w/o mods, it will be amazing).

I'm really excited for this game. Yes, you should wishlist and follow this game and buy it when it comes out. We have to support this type of innovative thinking.
2025년 1월 12일에 게시되었습니다. 2025년 1월 13일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1.9시간
앞서 해보기 평가
It's a no for me. It's too complicated for the sake of just being complicated. Having to click a button to "allow external" goods to pick up 'medicine' that you have to purchase in order to progress, but the game tells you nothing about it and you can drive the truck over there, but you just can't right-click on the 'trade depot' to pick up the goods you already bought, which you can clearly see in the inventory. Nah.

And then the constant meddling with everything because it wants to send raw mats to the storage on the other side of the chain, so you then have to filter all of the belts (maglev whatever) in order to keep that item from passing THROUGH the smelter into the storage. . . . like, wtf?

No, no, no. this game needs a LOT of work and it's nearly 3 years since launch and that crud should've been fixed already. no thank you.

I got a refund. Ugh.
2025년 1월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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12명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 20.8시간 (평가 당시 16.4시간)
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I wish I could do a "maybe" on this. The game feels solid enough but it's the same Dev that abandoned Crea, so be careful with this.

The game is currently well done and I plan to put more hours into it as I figure things out, but it's kinda' all over the place and given the way the game is, it's hard to set up good factories. There are a lot of unexplained things, like the material refiner. Nowhere does it say to get metal you need to insert iron ingot - you just have to guess. It actually shows the icon for 'metal' as the thing you insert to get metal. That's an example of some of the weird things in the game. It's trial and error, which is okay for EA, I suppose.

Yes, I do recommend it but I do so cautiously. I hope the dev learned from the failures of Crea (though honestly, I wish he'd finished it because it was a cool concept).

This game does offer a fresh take on automation games. It is NOT as god as factorio, as some reviewers suggest, but it is neat.

I've also read that if the procgen does you dirty, you'll run out of your base materials like iron and such - to me, that's unacceptable for a game like this. That needs to be fixed, for sure.

Also, this game would definitely benefit from a workshop.

Cool game, though. I think $15 is a good price for it. Maybe $20 w/inflation, but I wouldn't pay more than that for it.
2024년 11월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.5시간
The game is nice, relaxing, gorgeous, and well made. The reason I won't recommend it? It should cost about $4.99. The price tag, for what you get, is just too much.

Maybe over time, if they add more stuff to it, can justify it, but right now there's very, very, very little to do. There's very, very little customization at all. Not worth what they're asking.

Great game, though. Very relaxing. I won't refund it because I think the game is great, but without more to the game, it's not worth what they're asking.
2024년 9월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 5.3시간 (평가 당시 4.6시간)
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Stacking the stacked, flipped, swapped, and turned shapez is pure satisfaction.

Buy it.
2024년 8월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 77.3시간 (평가 당시 49.8시간)
This game could be better with more to do, but I recommend it because it's addictive and is VERY satisfying to chew up planets. It's like power-washing or something - very satisfying. So satisfying, I'm about to play it again from scratch even though I beat it already.
2024년 7월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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9명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 14.7시간 (평가 당시 14.5시간)
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I'm surprised by how many positive reviews the game has because if you boil it down to its core gameplay, there's really nothing here.

It's the same map, same progression, same enemies, same skillsets over and over and over and over again. I noticed this about 2 hours into the game. I wanted to play a little longer to see if grabbing a few new classes would help, but nope. This game is the same. It's all same same.

I just did a run for over an hour, choosing the same things over and over and over again with minor increases to keep up with the horde and there was no end to it in sight so I chose the portal to take me back to the menu. I completed 6 map runs in one go and was killing the Void guys in under 10 seconds.

There was no "build" or "thought" that went into it. I had golems to taunt, purify to heal and did a smattering of multi-cast, cast frequency, health, and area. Too easy. Way, way, way too easy.

Even if it was hard, the game wouldn't be fun and I couldn't recommend it because it has no soul, no character, nothing unique about it.

The game is overpriced for what you get.

It's fun for about 2-3 hours and then you realize just how shallow it is. Nothing changes. The maps are just different skins. That's it.

It's b-o-r-i-n-g once you get an OP build. It's really boring. Just go around in a circle, facing the guys taunted by your golems and win. It's dumb.
2024년 7월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 9.5시간 (평가 당시 7.9시간)
I put "no" on recommend because I NEED the devs to see this.

First, the game is fantastic, tbh. It's laggy as heck, even with a ridiculous internet (which I have), but aside from the occasional glurp, it's phenomenal. I love, love, love Warframe and this is basically that, but unfortunately without sliding and acrobatics (please add).

But I cannot - WILL NOT - recommend this game until they fix the flippin' AMMO DROPS. Oh, my gurd.


Once you fix this, I will change my review. I have two High-powered round weapons and they just don't get ammo drops. Not from the enemies and not from the resource boxes and not from the replenish bot.

And what's up with the replenish bot?? I use it, wait 5 seconds to use again and it says I can't get anymore, despite it not filling up my ammo. If ammo drops are going to be so scarce, the least you could do is have the replenish bot replenish ALL ammo in one go, or, make us do it for one weapon, wait for cooldown, swap to other weapon, replenish, rinse repeat.

But nope - I run around with 3 guns, 2 of which are constantly empty and one of which has a decent enough resupply but that I can still run out mid-mission and be totally screwed.

This is a completely borked design decision and it needs to be fixed. I will not recommend until you fix it. I just won't.

And honestly I don't know why the reviews are "mixed" because, really, aside from an overpriced shop, the game is f2p and it really is a lot of fun grinding, upgrading, dismantling, etc. It's an awesome game that needs some QoL things and additional tutorials for some of the other meta systems within the game, but the game really is good.

2024년 7월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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