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기록상 29.3시간 (평가 당시 25.0시간)
As the first soulslike game I've played, I can say that I really enjoyed almost everything about this game. Even for somebody with no interest in the Star Wars franchise like myself, I found myself invested into the story and gameplay which proved a challenge throughout my playthrough.

To put this game in a single category would be doing it injustice. The combat is definitely Sekiro / Souls inspired with parries and dodges as the main mechanics, however the introduction of the force as a combat tool is unique and fun. The combination of abilities you unlock feel rewarding and when chained together feel satisfying. Playing at Jedi Grandmaster, I had a very hard time adjusting to the combat and with no prior experience, I found myself struggling at not only bosses but lesser enemies too. The scripted action sequences and platforming feel great, almost as if it was taken out of a Tomb Raider or Uncharted game. These sections were refreshing and offered a break from the onslaught of blasters and weird extraterrestrial creatures. My only issue with the combat is that at times some of the attacks from enemies felt ridiculous. This may be due to my lack of experience in this type of combat, but I feel as if sometimes their moves sets and animations were janky.

The story is pretty good. There's nothing to shout home about, but it was a nice introduction to the Star Wars franchise for a complete novice. It was interesting and some of the moments were really well executed, but being quite short it doesn't offer the level of character progression and personal insight that a longer game could. I am very interested in seeing how Cal's story continues beyond the game and hope that a second instalment will dive into the aspects I think were a bit weaker.

From a graphical standpoint, this game looks phenomenal. Everything from textures to SFX look great. Respawn have created amazing environments that really make you feel like you're in the game. I was very impressed to find that it ran very smooth too. I had no problems running on a RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16GB memory, minus some loading points where the framerate would tank for a second which is consistent with other reviews.

Overall, I think this is definitely a game you should pick up if you're looking for a challenge or something new to play. I played this game through EA Play, however I think it's worth its' full retail price, and would not hesitate to buy it if I wanted to play it again.
2021년 3월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.2시간
Aragami is worth a playthrough with a friend. Having played the first few missions solo and then replayed the entire campaign with a friend, I can tell you that it's a fun, enjoyable short game. Although it has its' shortcomings, which I'll touch on later, the overall experience was good and it offers refreshing gameplay mechanics coupled with traditional stealth systems.

Firsty, the story in this game might as well not exist. It simply is an excuse to put bosses and enemies in front of you and offers no real substance. If you're going into this game, it should be for the gameplay as opposed to story and lore.

Sometimes repetitive, the gameplay is generally fun and any fans of the stealth genre will feel at home here. The fact that you get to share this experience with a friend is amazing and offers a new direction for players. I would definitely recommend playing with a friend.

The niche factor of this game is stealth in the darkness. I think this was executed perfectly by Lince Works and makes for a great gameplay experience. Although not unique in the genre, its' implementation has never been better before.

Overall, I think Aragami is a game you should play with a friend if you're looking for something mechanically challenging. It ran great on a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600, 16gb memory.
2021년 3월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 51.1시간
After much doubt with the new RPG formula for the series and multiple failed attempts to get into the game, I believe AC Origins is one of the best Assassin's Creed games, offering the refreshing experience the series needed.

For the most part, the main quests story line was interesting. I found myself invested into the relationship between Bayek and Aya, and the struggles they faced throughout the story. The introduction of an RPG levels system forces you to turn to side quests and activities which I enjoyed. The side quests were memorable however most of the activities are very repetitive and pose no challenge if you complete the side missions in each area.

Parkour has only improved from the last instalments of the series. The reworked camera feels so much better and smoother, and although animations are not as fluent as they are in Unity or Syndicate, parkour as a whole feels much more polished. As the world size is astronomical compared to previous iterations, I found myself using the mount quite often to get to objectives. I would've liked it if you could interact with the mount much like in Red Dead. The combat to me is the biggest difference and highlights the direction the series is moving in. Although I was not initially a fan, it grew on me and replaying older AC games feels wrong. The combat is definitely fun and I prefer it to the standard AC combat formula.

I experienced no issues when I tried this game with a GTX 1060 6gb and it ran very smooth with a RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB 3000MHz memory.
2021년 2월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 18.1시간 (평가 당시 6.0시간)
Pre-ordered this game after watching multiple streams and lots of gameplay. Although fun and with promising potential, Mediatonic have failed to give this game the momentum it needs to thrive. From the very first weeks of the game coming out, it was evident that new content would not come until the end of seasons. This made gameplay seem almost repetitive and boring, and although fun with friends for a bit, there is definitely a point where reused content gets stale. The current seasons format is unnecessary and should be replaced by more frequent consistent updates. Until this happens, I can't bare to play this in this current state. I did not have any performance issues playing this game with a GTX 1060 6GB, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16gb memory.
2020년 11월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 12.4시간 (평가 당시 10.7시간)
Never in a hundred years did I think I would enjoy a game like Undertale as much as I did. It's charming, outlandishly funny and ridiculously punishing. I came into this game knowing nothing about it, having seen no gameplay and without watching any trailers, the way I believe this game is best played. I want to keep this short and sweet as to not spoil anything. If you're on the edge about picking up this game, much like I was, buy it. If you're not interested in this game, buy it
2020년 7월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 35.8시간 (평가 당시 18.5시간)
I've had this game since release and only after playing Dishonored again have I tried it properly. Building on the story of the first game, Dishonored 2 provides a refreshing stealth experience for players, introducing new mechanics and cannon. Having heard some bad press about the story, I wasn't too sure what to expect, but was pleasantly greeted with a solid campaign, albeit very short. TL;DR Great stealth gameplay, lots of exploration and choices, amazing attention to detail, wish it was longer.

Much like the first title, Dishonored 2 is very short for a triple A title. If you enjoy replaying games and exploring different routes you can take, this game will be for you. Personally I'm interested in games having rich stories which Dishonored 2 has, but I wish it wasn't so condensed. There were opportunities where the game could have been extended, and I believe it would have benefited from DLC much like the first game, that explore some of the new characters we were introduced to. There is a new game plus and the option to choose either Corvo or Emily as a protagonist which paves way for a second playthrough.

An array of abilities makes this game very fun and enjoyable. There is virtually no limit on how you approach objectives which creates a unique sense of control. In the new game plus campaign, you get access to both Corvo and Emily's powers which only adds to the combinations of powers you can use. This fluid approach to gameplay has forced Arkane to pay close attention to detail and ensure quality is consistent throughout and across the levels which is great from a consumer standpoint. Like the first game, there is a chaos system that will affect the setting, enemies and the conclusion of the story.

The AI has been greatly improved from the first game. NPCs now look more alive and have greater freedoms when it comes to movement paths. They will also tend to branch off as small units as opposed to the original where only enemies that have detected you, would investigate. This in turn has created a harder game, but like I mentioned earlier, the freedom involved in missions, allows you to completely ignore guards if you want.

In my Dishonored review, I called it the best stealth exploration game on Steam. I don't think this quite matches up to that because of it's length and repetition of the same formula, however in what is a mostly unexplored genre, this game sits towards the top of the ranking for me. If you liked Dishonored, you'll like Dishonored 2. If you haven't already played the first and are looking at this review, I would highly suggest you play the original to get a taste of what Dishonored has to offer.

I ran this game at High settings with a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16gb memory with no hiccups. I had to tweak the settings upon launch because the default were too low for my system, but once I had them properly configured, it looks beautiful and runs smoothly. I don't believe the majority of people will have a problem running this game on an older system, and if you could run Dishonored at highest, you should be able to run Dishonored 2 at a stable 60.
2020년 5월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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28명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 1.5시간
Having heard a lot of good feedback about this game, I thought I'd try it. As a newbie to the genre, this game is a perfect introduction to walking simulators and all their glory. TL;DR Lots of replayability, very good narration, funny but not worth full price.

This is a game better experienced without having watched gameplay or read too much on the story, which is the perspective I had going into it. It strives on character choices and coupled with the humorous commentary, this game makes you invest into it. For every action, there is a reaction; not all are so equal and opposite. This dynamic style of gameplay makes it one of the funnest experiences I have come across in a game.

As a very short title, I don't think it's worth paying the full price tag. The replayability is huge and you can spend countless hours exploring different routes and decisions, but for someone not too interested in achievements or completion, there isn't enough content in a single run to warrant a £9.99 price. I did however pick it up while it was on sale and remember it being quite cheap which for the experience, was worth the reduced price. If you're looking forward to this game, I would wait for a sale.

This game is very easy to run and I experienced no crashes or issues running this game at maximum with a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16Gb memory.
2020년 5월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 24.1시간 (평가 당시 12.0시간)
Having played this game cracked years ago, I had to give it another go on steam. With a stellar story and a range of movement and combat mechanics, Dishonored is the definition of an immersive singleplayer experience. In my opinion, it is one of, if not the best, singleplayer titles of our age.

For starters, the story may be short for some but is highly replayable with a number of different endings and outcomes depending on the player's actions. Coupled with multiple approaches towards each objective, the number of chain combinations seems almost infinite. The environment and setting of Dunwall nicely creates an ambience that accompanies the story, in addition to soundtrack and graphics.

For what's nearly an 8 year old game, Dishonored looks and runs amazing. I encountered no frame rate issues or crashes with a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16gb Ram. The stylistic approach Arkane took when making this game is very consistent throughout the story and in my opinion proves itself to be eye candy.

I believe Dishonored is the best stealth exploration game on this platform. Much like other immersive sims, looting plays a key role in managing your arsenal. The game therefore encourages you to explore and come across side missions that open opportunities in real time and the future. The abilities and runes system nicely compliments the stealth aspect of this game. Although possible to completely stealth the game without any powers, once you get blink you'll be hooked. Although not as many powers as in other games like Prey (also developed by Arkane studios), there are enough for an enjoyable experience.

Overall this is a game I believe everyone should have and give a go at.

2020년 5월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 22.2시간 (평가 당시 22.0시간)
Before touching this game, it sat in my library for a good few years; I'm still not sure how it ended up in there, probably a Humble monthly game, but I can say it was definitely worth a playthrough. Tl;dr Very good stealth gameplay, engaging story but very short.

As someone who's never played Deus Ex before, I didn't know what to expect but I didn't feel as if that hindered me in this game as it does a very good job at bringing you up to speed. The story and it's fluidity kept me playing. Much like other immersive sims, your actions throughout the game will have an impact on the ending. This forces you to pay attention to the story throughout the game and at no point did I find this to be a nuisance. The story is very well put together and written as well as a breath of fresh air from other singleplayer games.

The options to play how you want are vast in this game. You are given opportunities and paths to suit your playstyle throughout the game. I found myself sticking to stealth for the whole game, but there were chances to go loud if I wanted to. The game is very good at providing augments for these different playstyles in addition to creating corridors for all playstyles within missions.

Although not the largest, and hidden behind loading screens, the map had some exploration components. Lootable items can be found everywhere but I found the shop system to be quite obsolete and pointless. This could've been integrated better but nevertheless there was an abundance of important consumables in each level.

The story itself was very short, with only a handful of missions besides those that were fetch objectives. This didn't have a big impact on the flow of the story and game, however it would have been nice to have more packed missions to complete. These missions do give you a good range of unique environments to work with which was nice.

I encountered 3 crashes in my playthrough, all seemingly random. These weren't game breaking but coupled with the horrible autosave, you could find yourself 10 minutes away from your last position. The game ran very smooth at 1080p with a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600 and 16GB ram.
2020년 4월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 25.5시간 (평가 당시 22.9시간)
I picked up this game on a whim, having heard a lot of negative opinions about it but was honestly looking for another game to add to my collection. I hardly finish games, but Prey is one I saw to the end with good reason. TL;DR Great story and soundtrack, amazing exploration but lacklustre combat.

Without wanting to spoil anything, the story is an absolute spectacle. At no point did I feel like I was aimlessly trudging through Talos I. The development of the story through clues in the environment is a unique feature that really shines through in this game. The soundtrack only adds to this experience, creating a spinechilling and suspense atmosphere.

This game has one of the best and most detailed locations I have seen in any singleplayer exploration titles. It's completely open world model allows for a large range of interesting side missions and loot gathering opportunities. You will be looting a lot in this game, and having eye candy will definitely prove to be an escape from the Typhon.

The weakest point for me personally was the combat and specifically the gunplay. Security weapons felt very clunky at times, not doing enough damage when they should've have and being a pain to stock up. The neuromod system nicely acts as a substitute for these weapons for the most part. I felt as if at times the gloo mechanics were not where they should've been, and this was quite disappointing.

I had no issues running this game at maximum settings and ~80FPS with a GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 5 3600 Stock and 16GB memory. I did find a glitch, however this wasn't major and ignoring it resolved the problem for me.

Overall if you are a fan of exploration games like Dishonored, Bioshock or Half Life, then I would highly recommend this game.
2020년 4월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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