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"It's up to you, Emma. Take a deep breath. And remember... Stay. Calm."

โ€”Emma Frost Vol 1 8
"I've been breaking little girls beneath my will for longer than you've been talking, Miss Summers. Do not think of crossing me."

โ€”Generation Hope Vol 1 5
"And, yes, I am a massive snob, and there was no need for you all to think it at once."

โ€”Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 26
"It's's nice to know you're not alone in the know you have people who will look out for matter what the dangers may be."

โ€”X-Men / Fantastic Four Vol 1 5
"Spare me, gentlemen. You all want me to take care of you. A girl needn't be a mind reader to know that. "

โ€”X-Men Unlimited Vol 2 6
"I'd die for those children! And if you've endangered them -- so will you! "

โ€”Generation X Vol. 1 54