
Recensioni recenti di Sweet Ninja

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121.9 ore in totale (81.1 ore al momento della recensione)
This is a great game. Love that the premium currency can be found in game. Ive got two of the premium passes from just playing the game. So far none of the premium passes have been overly strong, so it doesn't feel like pay to win, just more neat guns.
Pubblicata in data 6 maggio 2024.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
4.0 ore in totale
What a fun time, the writing is definitely what shines most. I had many laughs while exploring the town. I also really enjoyed the art style, especially the cut scenes. Playing Holidays brought back memories of my youth, I bet Wallace and I played some of the same games growing up. The turn based battles were never too challenging. Which felt like a good choice, since I was there for the story. Occasionally I would unlock a new spell, but the first few spells felt a little useless. Then late game spells are OP, as they should be in a RPG. I’m looking forward to future installments to the storey or whatever the Devs make next.
Pubblicata in data 27 gennaio 2021.
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10 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
12.8 ore in totale (12.4 ore al momento della recensione)
Like most great RPGs, the story is the best part of NO LOVE. It’s very interesting and a good look into the mind of the game’s creator Wallace Lovecraft. The core loop of the game is to explore an area, then do a boss fight, then watch a cool cut scene. You’ll meet an interesting cast of characters with some funny quirks, that feel true to real people.

Grinding for Exp seems pretty optional if you have a good grasp of rpg mechanics, but I found myself grinding some random encounters while looking for secrets. The secret areas had additional cutscenes, definitely worth seeking out.

In the early game I found myself equipping my characters for physical attacks since MP is limited and spells have long cool downs. But as you level up and get more spells, and thus magic attack based loadouts are more viable. But I still felt like I would waste turns having to use a weak physical attack well waiting out some cooldowns. In the late game you are basically forced to use magic attacks.

The final aera felt like a bit of a slogg, just walking through a long maze and repeating the same fight over and over. There was a patch to make that part a bit easier, but the maze is still quite a bit long. Story wise it makes sense, you’re in a dangerous place and it’s probably not supposed to be fun. But once you’re past it, it’s onto good times and a great ending.

In a world of games made by committee, NO LOVE stands out as a game by one person, and their thoughts on the world.
Pubblicata in data 23 dicembre 2019.
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4.7 ore in totale (3.5 ore al momento della recensione)
This is a great game. It's nice to play a game where the world has been hand crafted, and each quest is carefully written. I love how much dialog there is in the game and how characters have multiply things to say if you talk to them more then once. I played the game without the pixelation effect since I thought it looked better. so don't worry about any warnings it gives you if you decide to turn it off too.

Having played the humble version first I'm really happy to play it again for the new content. The new trash island was dope and being able to help get the fox to the top of the mountain was great. I hope one day the interiors of buildings will get added.

This is a great game to play on a rainy day. And the developers deserve to be nominated IGDA award 10/10.
Pubblicata in data 23 agosto 2019.
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15 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
24.8 ore in totale (4.4 ore al momento della recensione)
Overall: Pitfall Planet is a good game. I'd estimate a 4.5 hrs play time for a first run.
Art: Good, lays out the puzzles nicely.
Music: Great, really sets the mood and is memorable.
Controls: Spot on, walking feels free and lining up throws is easy.

Pitfall Planet is game where you solve puzzles in order to collect gold. Most of the puzzles are about how to get from point A to point B. Effectively exploring the level and collecting the gold along the way. Sometimes there's boss battles, which are nice to highlights of the game. The difficultly curve feels natural, starting off easy and progresses to hard. The first half of game takes about an hour to finish, but the difficult puzzles of the second half, took about 3 to 4 hours (In my first play through).

The game is beautiful, the screen shots don't do it justice, I'm a fan of the clean and smooth surfaces. Each level has details in the right spots. There's a cute side story that give a window into the planet before the game's events. The sound track sets the mood appropriately. The songs are mostly chill beats I could hum along with and they put the pressure on for the action levels.

I've played through the game solo. If you use the single controller option you can play both characters at once. To get the most out the game you should play with a friend. Being able to see the look of rage on a friends face when you throw them into lava, or onto a monster is priceless.

Occasionally my brain misjudges how far apart platforms are from one another. And it can be hard to tell if there's an invisible wall to save you from falling off a part of the map or not. In general, it's pretty good about having safety nets where you'd need them.
Pubblicata in data 4 maggio 2016.
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