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投稿日: 2023年9月20日 12時17分

The game is fine, but what you need is the right set of mods to elevate it to perfection.
Allow me to present a scenario.

You select the mission. You are to collect 6 fumos from a bug infested nest.
Management explains to you in 7 layers of google translation that he is part of a street gang, and he insists on calling you "Tim" throughout.
You drop into the mission. You hear the bugs sing Gangsters paradise in the distance. The delivery mule shouts something in Japanese, which you assume to be very vulgar. You find the first fumo. Management lets you know that "Roy" has arrived. Not knowing what this means you proceed to tame a bug which calls you "onii-chan", and then get shot in the face by a googely-eyed spitball-infector. Spitfire by GO2 starts playing.
You get downed to the sound of Windows XP shutting down. 200 instances of the virtual youtuber "Ceres Fauna" surround you and start biting your ankles, you get revived and hear the scout get pulled to the ceiling by a cave-leech speaking french honeyed words into his ear.
While trying to mine some "Blue Minion", you blow up after hearing "Skibidi bop mm dada" layer 4 times.

Mission Status: Cringe
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