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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 46
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12.1 Std. insgesamt (3.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Update 2 - Finished the game a couple days ago, I must say its a pretty short game, clocking in at about 11 hours. I admittedly havent pushed to complete all of the side content, but still overall I feel the experience, while great, is shorter than I'd like for the price. As a side note, im sure you could also extend that play time by playing as Julianna, but for the life of me I could not find a game to join at all, and I searched for a good 10 minutes on multiple occasions, who knows maybe you'll get more mileage out of that than me though. A final overall though, the game as a whole is a very fun experience that I enjoyed every second of, however I probably wouldnt say is worth full price, £30 or less would be about right I'd say for the length of the experience.

Update - The new 'anti-stutter' patch does admittedly help with the pretty severe stuttering the game had, it could still be better, but we're definitely getting updates in the right direction.

Original Review:

Talking about the performance of the game specifically, it runs alright on my 3090, perfectly playable, but definitely not as smooth as it should be. I can certainly see how with most hardware this game would be a nightmare to run. If you had trouble running Dishonored 2 back in the day, it'll be a similar experience here.

The game itself is a great time so far however, I had no idea what was going on in the first hour or so, but once the game opens up proper I got a much better understanding of what was going on and how everything works together.

Overall I'd say for most people to wait for updates on this game, as its an incredible pain to run unless you have some pretty top tier hardware (which is absolutely ridiculous). I hope to see this game being patched soon. Also remove the Denuvo DRM, its absolutely part of the problem, and the anti piracy measures should not be impacting the paying customers.
Verfasst am 14. September 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27. September 2021.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
30.8 Std. insgesamt
Just finished off Blue Reflection, completed in about 30hrs and I finished everything you can do in a first playthrough (besides building all friendships to max).

This game was absolutely amazing to play through, I loved my time with it, and I hope to return to it in the future for a second playthrough (apparently there are more things to experiences on a second playthrough)

My only issues of note for Blue Reflection were some misspellings in the subtitles, and there was definitely a difficulty spike around three quarters through the game, which caused this point of the game to actually be much harder than any of the final boss fights haha. But to add to that I was playing it on Hard so the spike may not be as aggressive on lower difficulties.

Neither of these issues impacted my enjoyment of Blue Reflection one bit however, and I highly recommend it! Amazing job Koei Tecmo!
Verfasst am 23. Juni 2021.
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39 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
20.6 Std. insgesamt (0.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Update: You can now unlock all the achievements in the game with the addition of Truth Quest, also Truth Quest is great, highly recommend. I'll look forward to the next DLC!

New Review: Just 100% completed the game and the whole thing start to finish was an amazing experience, made even better than the PS4 because of all the graphical bonuses that come with PC gaming. As a side note, as of now you cant get all the achievements for this game, there are some that are impossible to get as they are going to be for an upcoming DLC

Original Review: Great game, played on PS4 and now on PC upon its steam release (no chance I was going to Epic for it)
Verfasst am 25. Mai 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 3. September 2021.
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10 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
21.3 Std. insgesamt (3.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Yes Playstation more ports to PC! Keep it up!
Verfasst am 18. Mai 2021.
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15.8 Std. insgesamt (7.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
An excellent addition to the Resident Evil franchise! Just imagine Resident Evil 7 with a sprinkle of Resident Evil 4 and you have this game! Highly recommend picking this up. Biggest con is the lack of FOV slider, come on Capcom its 2021, low FOV is not scary, its nauseating.
Verfasst am 7. Mai 2021.
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33.8 Std. insgesamt (0.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Besides the issue people are having with frame rates in this game. I can personally say, despite only playing the intro as of now, that this is going to be an amazing experience and Im loving playing through it. Nier Automata is officially my favourite game of all time, and I have yet to play any other games prior to it (Drakengard or Nier), but already I can feel this game giving me all the vibes that I had during Nier Automata with its beautiful combat, art, world, and music. I pray that Square Enix will resolve the issues with frame rates soon so this game can get the review rating on here it no doubt will deserve. Thank you Square Enix for Nier, and for making my favourite game of all time. I hope this will become one of my new favourites too.
Verfasst am 23. April 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. April 2021.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
2.9 Std. insgesamt (2.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I never thought I'd see the day when this game came back to steam, but im so glad that I did. Welcome back Stubbs, an absolute classic!
Verfasst am 16. März 2021.
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3.5 Std. insgesamt (1.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
That first music track is an instant hook for me, absolute jam. I like rhythm games, I like fast paced FPS games, this is a beautiful combination of the two. Absolutely recommend.
Verfasst am 7. Januar 2021.
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20 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
0.3 Std. insgesamt
Look How They Massacred My Boy

There isnt much to say about this one that hasnt already been said by some of the more popular reviews on Steam. I admit I have only played the first level, but that really does speak volumes about the quality of this remake.

While I generally like how the game looks during gameplay, the cutscenes look pretty awful, and the animations leave alot to be desired. The audio issues are as bad as people say they are, and generally the gameplay just feels off. Besides the graphical upgrade (which some may argue isnt an upgrade at all), this remake feels inferior to the original in every way (of which I played ALOT of way back in the day).

Im really hoping this game does get patched, as I do feel with work this could be a really great remake of a classic, but to be honest there is alot that needs fixing and im not sure if the developers will dedicate the time required to make the game what it should be.

If you want to experience XIII, for now, I recommend picking up the original. You'll have a great time with it.
Verfasst am 10. November 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. November 2020.
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9 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
4.3 Std. insgesamt (1.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The Walking Dead Onslaught, And The Curious Case Of 'Mostly Negative'

Never before in my time on steam have I been more confused by a games 'mostly negative' rating. I have played through the tutorial, 2 scavenging areas, and about 3 or 4 main missions at the stage of the game that I am up to, and as of now I am yet to see any major issues with the game, which is why I'm baffled by the awful user reviews as of now ( 30/09/20 at the time of writing ).

Don't get me wrong, the faces of the living humans in this game look really bad, and I have seen a few issues with shadows so far, but for the most part the walkers look great and the environments look good too. On top of that I have had no issues running the game on my set up, perfectly smooth with my: Valve Index, RTX 3090, I7-8700K, and 32GB RAM.

Now the biggest issue I have seen with this game so far, according to most people, are how the firearms work. Multiple shots to the head to kill a walker. Yes indeed, this is extremely unsatisfying when playing the game, however I believe this was done to benefit the upgrading system the game revolves around. You upgrade your weapons as you collect materials, and it would make sense that by the end of the game you can become a killing machine with the guns through upgrades. I don't know this for a fact of course, but that's usually how these sort of games go.

Where the most satisfying game play is for me so far, is with the knife. A knife one hits walkers with a hit to the head, and the knife can be quickly upgraded to give you most materials you could need by killing with it (leading to the gun upgrades, and more, that I mentioned earlier.

Now the main point I wanted to make about the mostly negative reviews this game has, is about why I believe it has this rating. I honestly believe that most people went into this game expecting another Saints and Sinners, but this confuses me, because this game was never advertised like that to my knowledge. This game has always looked like an arcade style walking dead game, but people seem to point this out as a huge complaint about the game!

The above point does not stand necessarily true for Quest players however, I have heard many times that this game is completely unplayable on the Quest due to the controls outright not functioning. This complaint in particular is legitimately a huge issue, and people who leave the game with negative reviews because of it are justified. Developers, if you read this, get this fixes, its absolutely unforgivable that some of your market literally cant play the product they purchased.

Edit 1 - The Mist

It has been made aware to me in the comments of this review that I did in fact fail to comment on the very controversial 'mist'. This mist follows you on certain scavenger missions and basically acts as your time limit to scavenge before the horde catches you. The problem that people have is that the horde is represented by this red mist, and the 2D zombies within it, rather than a horde of fully rendered zombies. I personally have mixed opinions on this mist.

Firstly yes, it does seem very lazy to, instead of keeping with the immersion of the game, have this mist instead of a huge terrifying horde. The spectacle and fear this would induce in the player would be amazing, and make you really feel like you need to move fast.

On the other hand there are reason that I back the idea of this mist over a rendered horde.

Firstly it serves the purpose of a horde without having to render lots of zombies. This could be essential when running the game on lower end machines, the stress of loading a full horde of zombies could very well make these missions unplayable on machines with weaker hardware.

Secondly it gives the player a chance. Keeping with the arcade nature of the game, the mist gives the player a chance to survive if they fall behind, this panics the player while still giving them the relief of surviving. In the walking dead universe, you are dead in a horde, this much better fits a more survival horror game rather than an arcade game.

Thirdly, material farming. In the game you can upgrade your knife to gather materials when you get kills with it. These range from common, all the way up to rare materials. I feel like if the horde was rendered, and could be interacted with, you could farm a ridiculous amount of materials from these walkers as they continued to spawn, this would over power the players weapons extremely quickly leading to balancing issues as they continue down the main quest line.

TL:DR and A Final Conclusion

Walking Dead Onslaught is a very misunderstood game for reasons yet unknown to me. Maybe it was advertised poorly by the game company, maybe consumers ignored the advertising and just assumed what they were buying was another Saints and Sinners, I have no idea.

What I do know is that if you want a fun fast paced arcade style walking dead game, with a weapon and base upgrading system, then you will enjoy this game. It has minimal bugs from what I have seen so far besides a couple issues with shadows, and poorly rendered faces, but these are made up for in the main meat of the game, the game play itself.

If you have a Quest, you should absolutely avoid this game for now, it will not work for you. Contact the developers, get the controls fixed, and then I will recommend it to you too.

As I progress further into the game, if I run into any severe issues I WILL absolutely be updating this review, but as for now, it gets a positive rating from me.
Verfasst am 30. September 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1. Oktober 2020.
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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 46