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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,581.9 hrs on record
Posted: 20 Jan, 2019 @ 12:31am
Updated: 10 Dec, 2024 @ 9:42pm

Early Access Review
This is such a joke lmao

Game is "full release" from one of the many yearly alpha updates even though it really isn't a full release so they could find a reason to up the price.

I gave up on this game and moved to Project Zomboid, so much more fun and the community is a million times better.

Originally posted by Faerador:
What with patch notes like this and new features still being implemented, it's almost like the game really ISN'T in a "full release state" and in fact was released uncooked merely so the devs could sell DLC. Why not optimize your game? The pop-ins shouldn't be happening at the level they are, especially when traveling roads. Should be called the Clown Pimps at this point.

Alpha 20 update!

Previous version below for reference. I have played almost 1k hours of this game with friends, solo, and with my wife through many iterations of this game, I think that qualifies me to write a review for it. A lot of the things I mentioned below are still problems but there are some additions that help make it worth dealing with the cons now.

The leveling system still sucks and I wish there was a way to get them to put it back to the level by doing things instead of points, but there is the neat part they added book collections, there is a series of books like for the 44 magnum and when you find them all you get a special bonus for finding them all, that plus the old leveling system would be awesome.

The new POI's are amazing and there is so many, the way the Gen is now with the mini small medium and large to make cities is awesome plus the variety of them it makes exploring a lot more fun.

The fixed the magic pop up zombie thing but I hate the screamers popping up whenever you are scaving a POI, I could understand it spawning a few zombies nearby for making noise but even in a simple house it can spawn 4 or 5 screamers.

The new building system has been simplified in one way and expanded in another, I do think they should of left the scrap iron tier but the rest of the block progression is good and there is no more cure time for concrete which I disagree with.

The weapon mods are cool still and the pipe weapon progression like Fallout is cool but I still miss weapon parts and don't enjoy the simplified item quality.

They added vehicle mods and that is really cool and the vehicles don't chug along like they use to.

The mod system is neat too the mod scene isn't very big but is active and there are mods to tweak things to get exactly what kind of game you want also.

Still hate the rabid fanboy'ism of the community, anyone who has real constructive feedback gets dismissed and drowned out.

Overall now the game is in a good state and I can recommend it, there are flaws but if you are reading this and never really played the older versions you won't know the difference for most of them anyway as they aren't just shoved in it all works, never really come across any bugs even on the unstable versions, the graphics are being improved a lot so all in all, a good game.

Update: Alpha 18 seems promising from what I have read here and there, will add a detailed review for A18 when I feel it is at a reviewable stage.

**NOTE** This was for the transition from 16.4 to 17.1 and does not reflect the current game.
16.4 was fun but 17.1 is something else and it isn't it the right direction especially for the wait. Updated to current patch 17.4

While I feel that A17 added some neat new things like the new POI/dungeons, weapon mods, quests, and new vehicles, below are some of the reasons why I feel you should pass on this until they put out another major update (with the way they do things won't be until 2020+)

Reasons why I am not recommending the game at this time.
  • The AI is terrible. (If they kept the old system and updated it some so they weren't quite as stupid it would of been perfect.) I don't believe that zombies would magically sense you hundreds of feet below the ground and just start digging for no reason.
    Update: Still bad. Now with screamers that constantly spawn no matter what you are doing.

  • The skills system is crap now. Exp distribution is heavily one sided to killing zombies only to the point where it seems like anything else is looked down on. (it was way more fun and interactive leveling things up by doing instead of buying a skill once in awhile also)
    Update: They balanced the XP but still feel they should bring back the old learn by doing system.

  • The vehicle's chug along barely faster than running because the game can't load fast enough for them to feel like vehicles.
    Update: Vehicles feel a little better now.

  • The zombie distribution in Alpha 15 was pretty good I remember trying to fight a cop at like level 5 with my buddies trying to get our base setup it was neat (note this is old cops not the ripoff fallout glowing one puke cops)

  • I never was a fan of making enemies bullet sponges for no reason, if these are zombies headshots should kill them in one shot, otherwise make them something else so that isn't a factor it detracts from people with aiming skill. (also body shots shouldn't kill them but disable them where ever you hit them)
    Update: Found a mod to address this. Still an issue in A20.

  • The scaling to your level and other factors is neat but it isn't balanced right now I feel.
    Update: If you chug along you can actually get cops+ to spawn in the first week. Still not a fan of the progression.

  • The zombie loot thing is dumb, random freakin loot bags that are as big as a zombie magically popping up, there was nothing wrong with zombies having loot on them.
    Update: This still hasn't been addressed.

  • The animal AI is still something to look at for how awful it is, watching a deer bounce around like an idiot into a wall for no reason is always entertaining for a couple minutes for the wrong reasons.
    Update: Yep still derp.

  • The amount of mats for certain things is weird now, like animals drop like 30 meat but you need 5 to make one thing when before it was 1-2 to 1-2, (this is a nit picky thing but there really is no reason for the numbers to have been changed that I can see)

  • The guns have been simplified in a way and mods have been added to add some complexity, while I think mods are a cool addition I think it took away from the game to find gun parts and repair them.
    Update: Found a mod that adds more gun which is neat, still miss gun parts though, like the mods system if it wasn't so wonky with needing the schematic each time.

  • The quality system has been dumbed down, which is ok I guess (I was one of our groups loot runners and it takes away from the awesome feeling you get when you would find a 590 purple, it's childish but I liked the numbers.)

  • I feel the temperature system is still not right, Before it seemed pretty much useless, now it feels too in your face.
    Update: Still really isn't an issue more of an annoyance if you get clothes you can pretty much go anywhere, should just remove the system until they come up with something better.

  • Mining feels crappy now, any resource gathering feels even more like chores now because you get far less and do far less damage with the tools.
    Update: They have addressed a lot of this with options and changing the perks but you still don't get enough resources.

  • The wellness system was neat it rewarded you for staying alive and punished you for not, when my buddy and I first started playing we were always 85hp with broken legs it became a meme and was nice once we learned the game more to feel like I earned more HP and the new system for death is just confusing, it doesn't reward you for staying alive just punishes you for dying which is another tick to the company hates people that play their game.
Update: Still not changed.
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Snek 20 Jan, 2019 @ 7:07am 
Thank you Fleshus, appreciate it.
Ғlϵshus 20 Jan, 2019 @ 2:30am 
One of the best review :WoodAxe: