Squalid Nocturne   Brazil
I'm too bored to think straight
░M░Y░P░ U░S░S░ Y░I░ N░B░I░O ░
Here lies Squalid
:praisesun:He-hoo!:nitori_a: I'm Squalid Nocturnal from Brazil :seriousboss:.
I gave up on consoles and here is my refuge :lunar2020ratinablanket:.
My favorite game genres are: JRPGs :Chrono_e:, VNs :monokuma_DGR:, shmups :mae:, rhythm games :2019headphones:, metroidvanias :robotnamedfight:, action games :cozynier:, platforms :Luminous_Avenger_ix_Lola:, horror games :ghost_pouty:, fighting games :ggxxacky:, boomer shooters :cozywolfensteinII:, monster hunter :mhwgood: and any bizarre indie game that may appear :os_niko:.
But presentations are boring, let's take part in a game of questions and answers? Answer together with me:

1) Best and most important game of all time?:2018bestaward:
Tag (you know, run and catch, tag you're it)

2) Best animal of all?:lunar2020thinkingtiger:

3) Best thing in the world?:lilimok:
Clocks (ticks and tocks are everything)

4) Your name?
Nice anime movie

5) The first question asked?
Let's take part in a question and answer game?

If you got here, congratulations! :cozyrealmroyale::cleancake::marisa_a:I hope you have fun, feel free to leave a comment or add as friend (but please say something after), I like to talk a lot!
:mbnyufufu: Bu-bye! :UncleDeath:
Afișierul cu ilustrații evidențiate
Meowster Hunter
Afișierul cu recenzii
27 ore jucate
Uma jornada nostálgica pela internet recheada de amizades [Eng and pt-br review]
Sábado, tarde da noite. Depois de uma semana cansativa, Squalid (olhos verde esmeralda, pele da cor da noite sem lua e cabelos prateados) liga seu computador e enquanto aguarda o SO carregar prepara um chá quente barato de gosto duvidoso.
Squalid bota a sua playlist favorita para tocar e abre Terranova, e assim acaba mergulhando num universo mararilhoso, tomado pela nostalgia e o calor em sua garganta, conversa com seus amigos online enquanto escrevem fan fics apimentadas...

Voltando ao review... Terranova é um jogo que mergulha direto na nostalgia dos anos 2000. Com uma interface bem imersiva, reviva (ou viva se você não pegou essa época) o entusiasmo de conferir o blog dos seus amigos, tenha conversas de chat com seus amigos e viva o universo do roleplay!
Todos os personagens do jogo são muito bem escritos e carismáticos, as histórias interativas desenvolvidas são realmente interessantes e a interface do jogo é deliciosamente nostálgica!
(agradeço a todos os envolvidos no desenvolvimento de um jogo tão bonito!)

A nostalgic journey through the internet filled with friendships [Eng and pt-br review]
Saturday, late at night. After a tiring week, Squalid (emerald green eyes, skin the color of the moonless night, and silver hair) turns on his computer and while waiting for the OS to load, prepares a cheap hot tea with a dubious taste.
Squalid puts on his favorite playlist and opens TERRANOVA, and thus ends up diving into a wonderful universe, taken by nostalgia and the heat in his throat, chatting with his friends online while writing spicy fan fics...

Back to the review... Terranova is a game that dives straight into the nostalgia of the 2000s. With a very immersive interface, relive (or live if you haven't experienced that time) the enthusiasm of checking out your friends' blogs, chat with your friends and live the roleplay universe!
All the characters in the game are very well written and charismatic, the interactive stories developed are really interesting and the game interface is deliciously nostalgic!
(thanks to everyone involved in developing such a beautiful game!)
Afișierul cu capturi de ecran
5 years of a degenerate happy customer
Afișierul cu ilustrații evidențiate
Gamer cat
Afișierul cu recenzii
23 ore jucate
Trazendo vida de volta ao gênero de mistério [Eng and pt-br review]

Paradise Killer causou muitas risadas nas pessoas quando apareceu o anúncio do jogo num evento que nem lembro agora, mesmo eu achei engraçado. Mas eu realmente fui cativado por toda aquela loucura e joguei a demo, logo já queria o jogo no day one!

Paradise Killer é uma mistura de walking simulator com uma visual novel de mistério, mas isso é ser meio superficial. Muitos comparam o jogo a Ace Attorney ou Danganronpa, mas eu achei ele parecido com The Silver Case, simplesmente um dos meus jogos favoritos.Digo isso porque o visual, OST e lore do jogo te envolvem do mesmo modo que TSC fez comigo.

É impossível não falar da perfeição visual e musical do jogo, como um amante de vaporwave e músicas alternativas em geral, eu adorei o visual e a música. Simplesmente andar pela ilha ouvindo a OST já é uma experiência completa! Mas aí entra o lore do jogo, no começo você é jogado sem pára-quedas (literalmente) num universo bizarro de realidades alternativas, imortalidade, deuses e demônios. Mas dê algumas horas para o jogo e logo você estará como eu, rezando para deuses alienígenas que querem dizimar a humanidade. Os personagens são bons fogem do padrões, todos são bastante humanos e realistas, além de possuírem um design único! Talvez o único ponto negativo seja a falta de uma dublagem no jogo, cada personagem só possui umas 6 frases com voz, mas isso nunca me incomodou.

O jogo também pode ser completado a qualquer momento, mas é claro se você quiser entender como o crime para acabar com todos os crimes aconteceu e mais sobre esse universo louco, você precisa explorar bem a ilha antes. Mas isso em momento nenhum chega a ser um problema, pois simplesmente andar pela ilha é muito divertido, você sempre está descobrindo algo novo, um novo mistério, uma nova chave para velhos mistérios, até pegando novas habilidades de navegação!

Te vejo em Perfect 25, que você alcance a lua.

Bringing back life to the mystery genre [Eng and pt-br review]

Paradise Killer caused a lot of laughter in people when the game announcement appeared at an event I don't even remember now, even though I thought it was funny. But I was really captivated by all that madness and played the demo, soon I already wanted the game on day one!

Paradise Killer is a mix of walking simulator with a visual mystery novel, but that is being superficial. Many compare the game to Ace Attorney or Danganronpa, but I found it similar to The Silver Case, one of my favorite games. I say this because the look, OST and lore of the game involve you in the same way that TSC did with me.

It is impossible not to mention the visual and musical perfection of the game, as a lover of vaporwave and alternative music in general, I loved the visuals and the music. Simply walking around the island listening to the OST is a complete experience! But there comes the lore of the game, in the beginning you are played without a parachute (literally) in a bizarre universe of alternative realities, immortality, gods and demons. But give the game a few hours and soon you will be like me, praying to alien gods who want to decimate the humanity. The characters are good and, very human and realistic, and have a unique design! Perhaps the only negative point is the lack of a voice acting in the game, each character only has about 6 sentences with a voice, but that never bothered me.

The game can also be completed at any time, but of course if you want to understand how the crime to end all crimes happened and more about this crazy universe, you need to explore the island well beforehand. But this is never a problem, as simply walking around the island is so much fun, you are always discovering something new, a new mystery, a new key to old mysteries, even taking on new navigation skills!

See you in Perfect 25, may you reach the moon.
Afișierul cu capturi de ecran
Congratulations for my 200 screenshots of bad jokes! (and my lack of better things to do! T_T)
Afișierul videoclipurilor
∀kashicverse -Malicious Wake- Testing stage 1 and 2
Jocul favorit
Afișierul cu ilustrații
Live Chulinha reaction
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Visual Novels - Grup public
Visual Novels
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Afișierul cu ilustrații
Squalid Quality Seal of Trash
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Statisticile reducerisianului
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Experiență dobândită
Secret Prize Zone!!1! XD O.O
So, did you really read everything until the end of this long profile!?
:Gazingfrombeyond_Existence: Talk about some dedication, but you have my sincere thanks! :MHRISE_Felyne:

:MHRISE_OK: Don't forget to smash that f0cking bell, lick and subscrub! :steamthumbsup:

:leyhappy: As a prize, now have the best joke in the world, according to experts. :Shii:

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He does not seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says, "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence; then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says, "OK, now what?"

:catface: And a kitten image as a secret prize! :happykitty:
:NB_RANGER_NOTE: Love you, bu-bye!
NOBRE™ 31 dec. 2024 la 9:16 
Eu te disse, Skuálid. Tudo melhorou depois da copa de 2014
NOBRE™ 31 dec. 2023 la 18:46 
Ânimo, Skuálid. Tudo vai melhorar depois da copa de 2014
Dr. Formig🅰 23 dec. 2023 la 22:12 
,·´ ¸,·´`)  * 💝🎁:antg:🎁💝   *
 (¸,·´ (¸** Merry Christmas  
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 1 aug. 2023 la 17:29 
:neonbl: :hatsunemiku: Good things take time! :cmwz: :neonbr:
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 25 iul. 2023 la 17:22 
:moon_fade: :hatsunemiku: Be grateful for where you are and be excited for where you are going. :star_fade:
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 17 iul. 2023 la 12:07 
:hatsunemiku: Who you’re becoming is more important than you’ve been 🍃✨