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Скорошни рецензии на spiny[B] -dsb-

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95.8 изиграни часа (94.8 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is the second part to play an assassin and fight against the templers. Assassin's Creed II is the start to the story of a beautiful character called Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The story is interesting and thrilling right from chapter 1 onwards.

I like the free running and climbing of the game cause it feels dynamic which let me have alot of fun during missions or in the open world. The combat is nice which alot of cool finishing animations but it can be boring after some time.
The grafics are really good and i still enjoy them in 2017. Also i really like the effects and cutscenes which made the game interesting and refreshing to play it over again.

The only downsides are that you encounter bugs but they're mostly not annoying and the horse movement especially jumpings feels a bit clunky. The boring part of the story was the collecting of the codex pages cause its the same again and again.

I still recommend this game since it was a blast to play and a great time and expirience.
Публикувана 19 януари 2017. Последно редактирана 19 януари 2017.
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4,186.3 изиграни часа (1,748.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Path of Exile is a Action RPG which is alot of fun to play and to create your own builds. The buildwise customisation is huge so it's at that point actually hard to get in if you play your own build.

This game is just getting better with Path of Exile 2.0. so excited
Публикувана 24 ноември 2016. Последно редактирана 30 ноември 2019.
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11.1 изиграни часа (10.7 часа по време на рецензията)
I recommend this game since I finaly finished it in 2016. I played it when i was a kid but not to the end. So it was nice to replay the game and finish the interesting story. The Prince and his alter egothe dark princeare really well designed as characters.

  • awesome platforming with new elements
  • nice soundtrack
  • grafics are good after some fixes
  • prince and his alter ego(storywise)
  • videosquences
  • good boss fights
  • models looking weird
  • inconsistent safepoint distances
  • darkprince combat and sections
  • cameraangles
  • finishing moves will mostly get stopped
  • last sword is way too good
In general the game is quite nice but it got some flaws. The progress between some safepoints are very different, so sometimes you don't see the end and other times you question yourself "Why do I need to save here?".
I think the concept ofdarkprince is quite nice but combat is basically one combo and you will be forced to die if you don't see the path in the platforming part immediately.
Also the camera angles are really annoying since you can't change'em to landscape view as you want(even Sands of Time does this better) and while running your camera angle get changed back to a fixed angle. That actually annoys and keeps me away from exploring the world, progressing and solving puzzles.

Controller is recommended
Публикувана 23 август 2016. Последно редактирана 23 август 2016.
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184.4 изиграни часа (155.3 часа по време на рецензията)
First thing to mention is that i actually played Black Ops 3 beta and i didn't liked it that much
, mostly cause AW(Advanced Warfare) showed me that flying isn't fun in CoD. I really like the jumpsuit in Bo3 cause you can work with it and have fun but it isn't overdone since you can't spam it all time.

So in this review i will mostly talk about the multiplayer since i think the single player (with coop) is decent aswell as the zombiemode.

To begin this review i wanna explain my point of view. Since i liked Black Ops 2 alot i hoped that i can recommend this game, too. But unfortunatly I can't if i think honestly about it.

The gameplay itself is alot of fun and i enjoyed every hour i was into the game. Most of the weapons are well balanced in my opinion and the specialist feature is fun for most part. The flamethrower and bee traps seems a bit too strong since you will get killed once you get engaged by it. I played mostly TDM with friends FYI. But i still see some problems i wanna point out why in the end i can't recommend this game.
  1. Performence issues

    The graphics are real good the textures are pretty. But with it comes alot of poor optimisation(especially for intel i5 users). I got a pretty good system which should deal with this game and run it smooth on my native resolution on medium or even high settings. But unfortunatly it can't. I played on low details so the game doesn't look as good anymore and i still got parts where the game starts to stutter a bit. This stutter will expand when I'm using one of the last three updated graphics drivers.
    cpu: Intel i7 2600
    graphicscard: MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming 4G

  2. Weapon balancing

    Since this is CoD there must be some real OP weapons. On some parts i can understand the balancing that comes with updates but some I can totally not. Shotsguns got actually buffed and this is way too strong on full- and semi automatic shotguns like Haymaker 12 and 205 Brecci since they got alot of range, firing speed and so you get aimpunched alot. The semiautomatic sniper Drakon can actually one shot people and that doesn't make sense at all since there are bolt action rifles in the game. These get totally outplayed by the drakon. At some point snipers and shotguns got buffed, so they are a no brain pick, sadly.

  3. Secondary weapons

    The secondary pistols are too strong in my opinion. Thats why they will be used as main weapons and not as backup weapons what they should meant to be.

  4. Equipment posibilities

    Another negativ aspect is the availability of a trip mine, which you can't even dodge when placed on walls, in combination with shock charges. That way you can't escape your death.

  5. Updated spawnsystem

    The updated spawnsystem is really annoying since your sometimes get spawned right next to a fight or in the front of 4 enemies right around the corner. The spawnsystem before wasn't good too but it wasn't as ridiculous as this spawns. So after you get spawned you don't need to look at the radar since enemies can be anywhere anyways.

All in all i try to enjoy this game at the most part but the performance issues (and sometimes teammates) annoy me. So i acutally can't enjoy an in other aspects really good game compared to previous cod releases.
Публикувана 16 февруари 2016. Последно редактирана 16 февруари 2016.
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0.3 изиграни часа
First off this is a hidden object game and not a point and click adventure. just to clarify.

I still couldn't enjoy it cause its completly text based. There are no animations, more like screenshots with sometimes different overlays. That's why its just feels very static in 2016. Since there is no voice acting involved and the graphics are not good and i'm not a fan of reading, this game is a no go.

Its maybe worth 2 euros but not 10 at all. You can tell from the way it's been made that its really old and it doesn't live up to today's standards in any way.
Публикувана 16 февруари 2016. Последно редактирана 16 февруари 2016.
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71.0 изиграни часа (33.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I played this game in 2016 for the first time and I enjoyed it. The Sands of Time was made in 2003 but I still liked the graphics. The game is a bit buggy but you can fix most of it. Thats why i made a guide for it.

  • graphics are still good (widescreen resolution fix in the guide)
  • awesome platforming and puzzles
  • nice story
  • good oriental soundtracks
  • enemytypes counter certain attacks
  • nice cutscenes

  • combat gets a bit boring after certain time
  • camera angles(-switches) are annoying on some parts
  • bugs which can be fixed through the guide above
  • sound of cutscenes are sometimes out of sync
All in all its a really great game from 2003 and I enjoyed it more than most of the games from "today". I will play it multiple times through the story for sure.

Controller is recommended and don't forget to calibrate it.
Публикувана 13 януари 2016. Последно редактирана 24 юли 2016.
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9.6 изиграни часа (0.9 часа по време на рецензията)
It looks awesome at it was fun for the time i played but unfortunately i had crashes after every single race. I started a research on it and tried to figure out whats the problem. But i couldn't fix it and cannot recommend this game from this point of view. Thanks to steam i could claim this game.
Публикувана 24 септември 2015.
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3,555.6 изиграни часа (1,916.7 часа по време на рецензията)
CS:GO рецензия
I play this game since beta and immediatly after release. It's a good game since its still feels and plays like a game from the counter-strike franchise but there are some issues.

  1. gets alot of support
  2. competetive gamemode
  3. tagging
  4. awp nerf
  5. Overwatch
  6. GOTV

  7. hitboxes
  8. movement
  9. 64/128 tickrate
  10. m4a1/m4a4
  11. cz-75
  12. tec-9

The game got really big and good support. The developers still trying to improve and balance the game and maps for the competetive mode.

It's good to have a competetive gamemode built into the game cause its easy and simple to play 5on5 matches. I also like that the balancing is based mostly on the competetive scene and opinions of proplayes can make differences in their choises.

Since movement in CS:GO is really fast its good to have tagging. If you "tag" an enemy, his movement will slow down for a moment and he's less likely to run across your screen like he wants to.(more in 8. movement)

The awp nerf does slow down the zoomed-in awper while walking.It's pretty good cause as rifler you can now react better to a peaking awp player. Since there is peakers advantage in the game you mostly didnt even saw the enemy awper standing still while shooting and he could walk really fast in between. I as awper dont like it cause its harder to preaim peak a specific corner for exaple and get the easy kill. In general i still see it positiv cause many awpers would just move and shoot otherwise.

Overwatch might be the best innovation of the game since the VAC(Valve-Anti-Cheat) system is weak. There are improvements on the VAC but there are still alot of cheats undetected. Overwatch gives playes with certain ranks and quantity of competetive matches the chance to work as an investiagator and review a demo of the reportet "suspect". That makes it possible to ban people on their playstyle and not from detecting a hack on their harddrive.

GOTV is implemented on competetive games so you can review or download your last 8 games. Also did it get updated from 16 to 32 tickrate in the demo which also helps Overwatch investigators to better spot an aimbot.

Hitboxes in this game are in general pretty good, but there are issues with it in certain positions or situations. The head hitbox can be pretty awful cause you can shoot trough the very top of the head and don't even hitting the player. The hitboxes from jumping playes are not good in synchronization so you might not hit the head when your shooting on it. Same is for the planting animation. The most annoying hitbox shift are models on a ladder.

Since CS:GO got really fast movements it mostly feels just unlucky or random when people start to spam ADAD to prevent to get easily headshotted. They tried to address this problem with implementing tagging (3.point). But that doesn't help that much cause it's just feels random who gets lucky to win the fight in this case. To be honest they should change values of the acceleration for models.

CS:GO is programmed on a basis for 128 tickrate servers but the offical competetive servers are running on 64 tickrate which results in worse hitregistration.

Splitting the m4 into m4a1-s and m4a4 is bad cause i'm always struggeling between both rifles and you cant change it ingame like you could in cs1.6 and css. Also the difference in the mag size and the ammunition is huge.

The implementation of a fully automated pistol just isn't understandable for me cause it destroys all balance you try to get for pistol or eco rounds. The ammunition doesn't matter but the firepower and rate matters most.

Tec-9 is the most ennoying gun in this game since it got buffed in accuracy. Now it got 24 bullets which is too much in my opinion. It's the reason why people spam so much and dont even try to aim at the target to get some precise shots. With this gun they take peaks they wouldn't do without. So it changes the game by far too much.

All in all its a pretty good game and i would recommend it, cause it still got the competetive environment and the motivation to improve.
Публикувана 1 юли 2015. Последно редактирана 1 юли 2015.
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86.9 изиграни часа (60.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Dark Souls was the most surprising and best gaming expirience i had in 2013, since i don't know the Souls Series in general. It will challange you at all times since you can die easily to the weakest enemy in the game if you do mistakes. So the mechanics itself are easy to learn but hard to master, thats the motive of the whole game.

When you're new to the series its hard to beat the content at the begining, but you will feel the satisfaction when you do progress in the game or beat certain bosses. It can be frustrating, but the game will make up for it by great battles, and really intense and well designed bossfights.

There are also alot of different melee weapons which allows you a different style of play cause every weapon got different attacks or movesets. This affects for example your attack range or the number of enemies you can hit with one slash.

The only let-down was the bad port to pc, but certainly there is an DSfix and for partially partyplay a DSCfix.

Controller is highly recommend and was worth to buy only for this game.
Публикувана 27 юни 2015. Последно редактирана 27 юни 2015.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
175.6 изиграни часа (49.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Payday 2 is one of the most fun FPS games i've ever played. Doesn't matter if u just want to have some fun or your looking for a challenge. When you got the equipment ingame its up to you if go for stealth or you just run'n'gun and take everything down.

Payday 2 got a fluent gameplay, so everthing feels smooth. I really like the mechanics of the game e.g. if you take the guard of the security room down, the cameras stop spotting you(for alert) or in general the more you carry with you, the easier you get spotted. There are alot of missions with replayability cause some things are kinda random (entrance of the security room and the safe).

There are 5 different classes(1 free dlc class) mastermind, enforcer, technican, ghost and fugitive so you got different options going through a heist. While progressing in the game you still want to level up and do heist cause there are alot of skills to unlock that give you different expiriences of a heist. Beside the skills you also got a some perkdecks where you can choose from.

The game also got alot of patches and content updates so there is always something to do. After a successful heist you will get an unlock e.g. cash money, mask(new one, colors, patterns) or weapon mods.

Conclussion: Payday 2 is a really fun game with lots of updates, variety and really good and smooth gameplay.
Публикувана 17 март 2015. Последно редактирана 17 март 2015.
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