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Postat: 4 mart. 2022 la 9:13
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Full disclosure: I haven't played an online match yet, so I cannot vouch for the multiplayer. However, I have played the tutorial and a couple Score Attack matches, and I can definitely say that the ground level mechanics are pretty solid.

The controls are easy to grasp, and I can see it being a ton of fun with friends! The visual presentation is quite good, despite almost everything being 3D models, they still managed to achieve that claymation feel, with imperfect models filled with "fingerprints" and no interpolation between frames, for example.

Being an Early Access game, it's naturally still in active development, and there are a ton of little issues that I'd like to see addressed: 1. There are no graphics options in-game, and the launcher simply offers obtuse "Fantastic!" and "Standard" presets, with no option to tweak settings individually; 2. Sound design is weak, weapons don't feel powerful enough, for example; 3. The HUD and menus are a little too "basic", I'd love to see them take a bit more of a clay-like appearance; 4. Bots! I know this game's focus is on multiplayer, but it'd be cool to have the option to fill a match between two human players with six other bots, or be able to play solo on multiplayer only modes.
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