Kalil 13 May @ 12:13pm 
radgenome 16 Mar, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
I mean this is my new account. :coolstar2022:
radgenome 4 Jan, 2023 @ 10:11am 
I'm over here now lol :songoku:
Anhedonia 13 Dec, 2020 @ 11:32am 
The soy boy lookin twink below, lied about having cancer for steam points. Ironic much?
Square Penix 10 Dec, 2020 @ 6:25pm 
-rep toxic
John 14:6 21 Sep, 2020 @ 4:50pm 
Sup Slime! Just wanted to see if you still think Oblivion is the best you have played after playing so many more games??? I see you have been a busy bee.....
Mile 24 Mar, 2018 @ 4:43am 
Morgul Xen 23 Oct, 2016 @ 11:40pm 
💫 23 Oct, 2016 @ 2:32pm 
no problem man! they were great games and i love playing them :D thansk for accepting
Anhedonia 19 Oct, 2016 @ 10:31am 
The 3rd Attempt - Sons of the winter.

Really good black metal, new(ish) band from 2 ex-carpathian forest members

John 14:6 15 Sep, 2016 @ 11:20pm 
I see your playing Bioshock ; D save often! it's a little glitchy when you go into ur map. My game froze and lost an hour plus of game play : /
John 14:6 28 Jul, 2016 @ 9:11pm 
maybe 150hrs, never got to do the dlc's. maybe I will pick it up during a sale. so many games so little time lol.
Morgul Xen 25 Jul, 2016 @ 2:53am 
John 14:6 23 Jul, 2016 @ 6:34pm 
Yes, I loved Oblivion it was my first ES game before I had steam. I was hoping they would have remastered it instead of Skyrim. For me Skyrim is still my favorite......
Fallout 21 Jun, 2016 @ 7:07pm 
Pardon me, could you tell Alohasaurus that I apologize? (Again.) Tell him i'm just trying my hardest to keep things under control. Sometimes I don't know what is and what is not spam, of which why there is a report feature that isn't used often. Like, I do make mistakes, but i'm just some guy who is trying to please everyone while trying to be polite. Also the reason why I deleted his last post to me was because someone reported it.

Thanks in advance. It's just this is the second time that we've had to argue about this and this time he blocked me. So I can't say anything to make him understand.

If it helps him understand better, you can just copy and paste this entire comment.
32872187297 7 May, 2016 @ 1:53pm 
Wow you are good at detecting sarcasm, you are incredibly intelligent!
32872187297 5 May, 2016 @ 12:12pm 
The Doctor / Varda 13 Feb, 2016 @ 4:53am 
Hi, I don't sell votes. I just offer to promote the game in a group of more than 50.000 members. You can ask the people who could publish their games, they are on the list.
They can decide to vote or not, but imagine, more than 50 k members ;)
Basileous 26 Dec, 2015 @ 3:46pm 
Yep and making reviews too xD
ZuvuYeay 18 Dec, 2015 @ 2:04pm 
my PC is broken right now,nothing powerful enough,i played a kings bounty ages ago and have might & magic heroes VI,was enjoying it,i like turnbase,don't mind inquisition,it is kind of turnbase if you pause combat enough

luckily for me they tailor more games like TBS rpg for consoles now like divinity etc

look forward to fall out when the price comes down
Slimebeast 6 Dec, 2015 @ 1:33am 
@Spank n Uranus
Like old Elder Scrolls.... Now I want to play The Quest so bad! :happypug:
Spank n Uranus 5 Dec, 2015 @ 4:16pm 
Pretty much just imagine an old Elder Scrolls game. Lots of exploration, quests, crafting, etc. Multiple races and builds/classes to play as. I don't know how big the game world is exactly though, as I bought a lot of the expansions that are available for it on iOS.

This game will be more open than Grimrock 1. I've not played Grimrock 2 so I can't comment on that one.
falckieejr 2 Dec, 2015 @ 3:00pm 
becus this is my smurf
ZuvuYeay 30 Nov, 2015 @ 10:12am 
hi,my laptop can barely play a P&C anymore its broken,can't afford a new PC yet,it is quite annoying,i do play PS3 & PS4,you not on PS4 are you,don't see you online,i'm finishing dragon age origins right now on PS3,started it in my laptop ages ago
Alice Cooper 26 Nov, 2015 @ 3:38am 
Thank you kind pug! You should get the game in his next sale, has about 2 years so its gonna be at least a 66-75% sale! Go for it! 🐼
MrUnitato 14 Nov, 2015 @ 10:37am 
Pugs ^-^
Sly BluePaw 🐾 13 Nov, 2015 @ 6:11pm 
Meow Meow, Dog. :catpaw:
[AP] Will 13 Nov, 2015 @ 5:08am 
In fairness, this guy seems to get off on being rude and arrogant to people.

He can't help being how he is, even though everyone still hates him for it.
HYDE 13 Nov, 2015 @ 1:00am 
You said I was illiterate and bad at games. I know you'll delete your comment, so I captured it in a screencap.

Allow me the honor of saying caught you, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weasel.
Slimebeast 12 Nov, 2015 @ 10:07pm 
DUANE!, lol what are you talking about? I know nothing about you losing, and I've said nothing about being lynched.
HYDE 12 Nov, 2015 @ 3:47pm 
Then why do you treat me "losing" as a reason for me to be lynched, you hypocrite?
Slimebeast 12 Nov, 2015 @ 8:41am 
I don't play Dota 2, I only tried it for two games and it was boring. The chance you met me in those two games is miniscule. But what if it had been me and I Iost to you? It's not like it's the end of the world lol.
HYDE 11 Nov, 2015 @ 9:18pm 
Also, if you delete that, it means I'm right and you have no skill. Using your logic, you better dox yourself and set yourself on fire.
HYDE 11 Nov, 2015 @ 9:17pm 
This closet no skill failure was beat by me in Dota 2.
Soul Reaver 9 Nov, 2015 @ 2:50pm 
Dont worry what A Gatorade said on the review its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ im running full AMD hardware and have had no issue running the game at every setting maxed
McquacK 9 Nov, 2015 @ 1:43pm 
He's not spoiling the game, he's a troll. It's quite sad that he's doing this. I'd consider it spam if you're asking me. Just report for spamming or abusing the comment section. None of it is true don't worry, he's doing this to piss everyone off because he find it funny. But we all know he's the only one sadly enough
SKaREO 9 Nov, 2015 @ 1:30pm 
For wisdom, read the Book of Ezekiel - Chapter 7
❤ Lusty ❤ 30 Oct, 2015 @ 2:28pm 
Basileous 21 Jun, 2015 @ 1:23pm 
I get most of my games as gifts or from humble bundle like deals from bundle sites like Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, Humble Bundle, etc. I spend a maximum of $50 at least in each summer sale and no more than $20 for holiday sale lol.
Basileous 16 Jun, 2015 @ 4:59pm 
Both. Why? ;o