Mindbreaking emotion-havers since 2009.
Buying games from Steam is like holding your money over a lighter. Valve is a company that will ban you for no reason, all but confirm they did it for no reason, and refuse to talk like adults about it.
Things you don't like =/= bait. Grow up and learn to not piss yourself in fear whenever you're uncomfortable.
The only thing involuntary about me is my relevance. Feel free to change that, it'd make life much easier for all of us.
The only way to fix the internet is to shame the cuckchannel babble-spewing lemmings into submission. If you have a problem with shame tactics, ask yourself why and feel free to join me instead of randomly accusing me of being the problem. I know you won't because you can't challenge yourself to, but I'm offering anyway.
Don't waste my time or yours with any of the ♥♥♥♥ you made up in your head about my supposedly thinking or having emotions. We both know it's not the case, and will just open yourself up to me getting to break you.
If you don't want me to poke you, don't do anything that will give me the chance to poke you.
Currently Offline
♥♥♥♥ off with your censorship, Valve.
I'm putting this back up every time you fat shekel-snatchers remove it.
Message me if you want to keep in touch, because Valve is gonna likely come up with an excuse to permaban me.
If you censor my bio again, Valve, I'm just gonna move it in here. This stops when you knock it off with this Marxist ♥♥♥♥.
Favorite Guide
Created by - HYDE
WARNING: Do not follow this guide if you're a Mandalore paypig. Any eceleb worshiper wanting to check his exoskelloteen will have it lethally mess his shoes. Actually I change my mind, follow this guide or you're gay. It's that time of year again. You've g
Review Showcase
This game is a breath of fresh air in today's problematic era of anime girls with unrealistic breast sizes that make me feel uncomfortable. I relate heavily to the main character, Alex, a man who suffers from excessively poor testosterone, and a protagonist on the level of Max from Life is Strange.
However, this game has a fatal flaw; it has too few PoC. As a responsible parent, I believe that my wife's son deserves games where he can play a game and be amazed that there are people who share his skin color, instead of the overly-white population that exists in the game currently that would disgust our founding fathers.
I can safely say that this game is almost as bad as the orange man. 10/10, goes well with my Soylent, rent don't buy

UPDATE: There ARE PoC in this game, but by the time I reached that point, Jamal took my computer to pawn it off.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Recent Activity
1.5 hrs on record
last played on 14 Jan
8 hrs on record
last played on 4 Jan
1.8 hrs on record
last played on 18 Nov, 2024
Kuricalan 20 Jan @ 12:06pm 
HYDE 20 Jan @ 12:05pm 
Yes, it's concerning that you shut down like a special education dropout in response to people saying things you don't like. I'm glad you developed the self-awareness to realize this.

The achievements that describe the many deaths you got from the game bodying you?
Kuricalan 20 Jan @ 11:59am 
Pretty concerning if it's not a troll, but I'm not in a position to judge.

Also I'll have you know I'm atleast somewhat okay at Terraria! The achievements don't lie! I hope!
HYDE 20 Jan @ 11:48am 
v Things you don't like =/= trolling, buddy. And you're still ♥♥♥♥ at 60 Seconds, Cyber Hook, Dead Cells, Move or Die, Terraria, and You Have To Win The Game.
Kuricalan 20 Jan @ 11:40am 
Pretty good troll, actually made me mad.
HYDE 29 May, 2022 @ 4:56am 
v uh