Miss Lucy Sausage
South Africa
Maybe your baby is crying because it wants a cigarette
Screenshot Showcase
100 World Records
9 9
Verskoon my baas, jy het'n sms-boodskap
Answer: NO 6859 is no a prime number. Step-by-step explanation: 19 ÷ 19 = 1 - No remainder!
Miss Lucy Sausage 4 Feb @ 5:33am 
Who are you?

User 3: 23+1047=865

I know your name, I know your address, I know your favorite color, I know everything about you.

I can control your emotions.

I can travel through time.

Im the only one who will ever know, who knows, who knows, who knows, who knows who knows, who knows.
I can solve a rubix cube (1-3, 4 or 5x3, 6 or 7x3), any number of colors in one hour.
Miss Lucy Sausage 30 Jan @ 6:37am 