Ennis, Texas, United States
Sometimes I chew on my desk to stave off starvation (I have food I'm just bored)
Need to get a new mouse, current one doesn't register me holding down m1 very well.
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
3.7 Hours played
A bit of a preface: me and a buddy wanted to find a game similar to Barotrauma but a bit more casual for when we weren't feeling up to deal with End Worms, and he found this game. We played it, and this is what transpired.

An experience akin to getting a spiked mace slowly inserted into your urethra. The game tries to sell itself as a submarine game, and it is for about the first hour or so, but after that it just goes downhill. This game doesn't even try to hide that it's a blatant ripoff of Undertale after the sub section. The story sucks ass and that wouldn't really be an issue if it wasn't the entire focus of the game. It's just plotpoint to plotpoint and it never makes any sense. There's a character named David who gets his head shot off, and then 10 minutes later with no explanation, he's back and cracking ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jokes. The progression is agonizingly slow, but I guess if you play Warframe you'll love it. The combat is like if Half Life: Blue Shift had sex with Dark Souls, but instead of being the child, it's the mold that grew from the semen they forgot to clean off the bed. The voice acting is alright I guess, but a lot of the time just feels off.

I really wish I could give this game a better review but I wanted to play a submarine game and got whatever the ♥♥♥♥ this is.
Those aren't pebbles
They're kidney stones
Motion 8 Mar @ 2:53am 
+rep killed the sandbagging teammate
Lord Octavious 4 Mar @ 6:33pm 
HOT 🔥 CLAUDETTES 👧 IN YOUR AREA 🗺️ are playing ⏯️ DEAD BY DAYLIGHT ☠️ Are YOU 👨‍🦲 hung 😏 like a HOOKED SURVIVOR 🎣 or is your C.OCK🍆 exhausted 😰 from being DEAD HARD??? Share 🤝 with ONE friend 👱 and NURSE 🏥 will click 🖱️ your FLASHLIGHT 🔦 until your SPINE CHILL 🐈 activates. Share 🤝 with FIVE friends 👧 and JANE ROMERO 💁‍♀️ will suck 🌬️ your SLIPPERY MEAT 🥩 in the KILLER SHACK 🏚️ Share 🤝 with TEN friends 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 and get POUNDED 🔨 by a red rank SWF 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 and covered in MURKY REAGENT 💦 Better HURRY 🏃 and BLOW 🌬️ another survivors GEN 💡 before C.UNTRESS 🐰 uses NOED 💀 (No One Escapes D.ICK 🍆)!
GratTheSorcerer 3 Mar @ 5:25am 
Factually untrue, I named my firstborn child Pallet and I dropped him 4 times in that 1v1
Lane ☯ 3 Mar @ 5:04am 
+rep this guy ♥♥♥♥ on my spirit and ran me for 35 min in 1v1s without dropping a single pallet. He also managed to complete all the gens while in chase, power the exit gate, and escape uninjured. Truly talented.
F1sh n' chips 25 Feb @ 6:35pm 
+rep helped me beat a friend
GratTheSorcerer 24 Dec, 2024 @ 1:37am 
There's a few tutorials online that explain it better than me