7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.4 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 10 Jan, 2024 @ 3:02am

Early Access Review
I was sold on this game ever since trying the prologue a while back, so naturally I had to buy this as soon as it came out. While I haven't played too much yet, I'm liking the character variety and especially the unique season events (weather forecast, as they call it). For example, during spring it might be rainy which creates puddles that slow you down but also provide you with extra water for harvesting (the new system the game uses for powering up), while during summer there can be thunderstorms that constantly strike the ground, damaging you if you're not careful.

As for characters, they each have their own starter tools and you unlock them for general use on others by completing various achievements (mostly related to beating each season with the specific character) so the build variety increases as you finish more runs.

The artstyle is great - some of the sprites are definitely far more adorable than they should be (although don't let that distract you from their deadliness - I'm looking at you, certain fiery thing strolling around the place during summer...).

And speaking of difficulty - while the game can definitely feel punishing at times, it does have sliders for adjusting enemy health, speed and damage (all the way down to 25% of the initial values if you want a really casual experience). It also goes the other way if you feel it's too easy, as you can also increase it up to 175% instead. Also, the prologue/demo is still up at the time I'm writing this so you can just get a feel of it for yourself.

All in all, it's a charming little game in the increasingly popular "survivor" genre, or however you want to call it. It's good enough as it is, but I'm sure it'll continue improving during the early access period as well.
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