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24.4 uur in totaal (10.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
No Man's Sky Next is the game we were told we would get. At the very least closer to that. Glad to change this review to Positive from Negative.
Geplaatst 24 augustus 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 27 juli 2018.
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120.9 uur in totaal (24.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Built a city in the shape of my Johnson.

9.8/10 would build a park district at the bush again
Geplaatst 28 juni 2016.
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34.8 uur in totaal (33.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
-Made all my soldiers friends and family
-decked them out with best weapons
-also have no name scum I send as human shields
-tough mission
-aliens are everywhere
-my best friends Mikey and Mitchells are taking heavy fire
-cant get shot at alien cause he's around corner
-send in Human Shield #1
-he sits in corner of aliens
-Mikey gets better shooting position
-alien murders HS1
-Mikey lays down some big machine gun fire
-send in Human Shield #2
-Aliens panick, start focusing HS2
-Dies right away but Mikey and Mitchells getting mad crits
-send in remaining 2 human shields
-Its a slaughter, but Mikey and Mitchells can't stop the killing spree
-Mission Success, all aliens ded
-Mission Rating: Poor

-3.5/10 Mission Rating broken, friendos lived
Geplaatst 25 juni 2016.
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34.0 uur in totaal (30.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Imma raid her tomb yaknowwhahtimsayin?!

(genuinely one of the most fun action platforming games I have played in years, this is a game made with love and craft, please play this game if nothing else but the sweetest after credits message you'll ever see)

Geplaatst 25 juni 2016.
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34.7 uur in totaal (33.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Amazing RPG, excellent introduction into the world of the Witcher if you hadn't played one before.

Combat is still a bit iffy, but worth it for the story, characters, atmosphere, and fun quests.

Play it twice to see everything.
Geplaatst 25 juni 2016.
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40.2 uur in totaal
One of the best games I have ever played.
Amazing story, fun gameplay, and great characters.
Also, play the DLC, it's all good.

9.8/10 fantastic, amazing game
Geplaatst 25 juni 2016.
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0.6 uur in totaal
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I think I may have a ♥♥♥♥ drawing obsession.

The monsters are all penises.
The walls are penises.
My hands, are penises.
My weapon? a penis.
What do health potions look like? penises.
Its all penises.
All of it.

Geplaatst 8 juni 2016.
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15.6 uur in totaal (1.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang

What is it: FTL with Friends!

This game is actually super cool! The whole idea and concept is honest just a dream game if you want to be running LANs or just want a good game for you and the buds!
The basic idea is this, You and your friends are in charge of running a spaceship, so you'll need a pilot, a weapon specialist, a scientist, an engineer and of course, a captain. then you just go exploring the depths of space! completing missions and the like!

Decent multiplayer! didn't have much trouble connecting, making a server, and the server lag wasn't ever a problem.
Gameplay seems solid! the controls and weapons all seem to function well! the weapons aren't too exciting yet though.
Pilot and run your own spaceship with your friends! This all works awesome! the piloting controls, and the whole UI is great if you are changing things in the menus and various panels found throughout your craft.
Jobs are actually fun! the jobs are surprising all filled with interesting things to do at almost every moment of gameplay, no real down time or dull moments for anyone! though admittedly, Pilot and Engineer have the most to do, and the most responsibility.
Go to planets! You can actually go to a variety of planets and fight monsters, aliens, robots or the general populace for the loot found about the place!
You can level up and upgrade your character! You can actually pick from a decent selection of perks that improve your job efficiency, and get a variety of armours and weapons along the way!

Shooting isn't so great yet: With the exception of spaceship shooting, the FPS gameplay is weak, but functional. with work, this will be much better in time I imagine!
Planets can be dull: Some planets can be strange, or seem very.... glitchy. This part definitely feels the most unpolished, but I'm confident it will improve with time.
Navigation can be awkward: Too often we got a mission at a such-n-such location, and we had no clue how to get there. I think some work needs to be done in this area.
Progression is Minimal: The character progression is fine, but the ship progression seems non-existent. to my knowledge, you cannot upgrade your ship to another ship, merely attach upgrades to certain parts of the ship. This is all well and good, but once you start making coin, it would be cool to be able to buy a new spacecraft to use in game.

-Campaign Mode: A full story to experience with your friends spanning a good 6 hours or so! with firefights, exploration, science stuff, and diplomacy! I would love that kind of experience, making the tough decisions as captain, putting controversial decisions to a vote for your crew, or possibly facing Reaper-ish foes! It would be fantastic!
-Custom-Made Missions: This would fit into the campaign side of things, but A mission builder type of system would be awesome! You could make entire missions or campaigns to then play with friends or share online, with the option of including voiced dialogue and tree-style story elements!
-Launchable Starfighters: It would be awesome if in the event of a large battle, a launchable craft could be made available to aid the mothership in violent incursions! This could also open the door to additional exploration options!

In closing, this game is freaking great! It is missing a little shine and polish, but is very reminiscent of the "Mount and Blade" series, which is definitely a good thing! just add a bit more scope, and some more cool doo-dads here and there, we have a true classic!
Geplaatst 7 oktober 2015.
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4.3 uur in totaal

This is a very basic beat-em' up game set in the Legend of Korra universe, more specifically between Book 2 and 3.

The story is actually surprisingly boring and very thin for a licensed Korra game, really not much to it at all; Evil guy can take away Korra's powers, and she has to relearn all of them throughout the game.

I'm actually certain they just didn't want her to have her powers at the beginning so they could simulate a sense of "Progression" by relearning them all. It all seems really tacked on at last minute and really doesn't make use of the excellent source material by any stretch.

The gameplay is alright. It's not exactly mindless clicking of fast attack, you do have to time dodges and blocks. for me, this wasn't too bad, but I found that I never used my strong attacks very much, they usually took so much time that I would get hit by some projectile before I could connect any damage to enemies. I also found the powers imbalanced somewhat; Earth and Water are decent, water being predominantly a ranged attack, and Earth being a very close quarters and high damage attack. I found Fire to have the most limited range, and to be the weakest, the trade-off being speed was much better. I used Fire very little because of this, only good for one on one attacks. Air on the other hand is OP as hell. it does average damage, goes quite fast, and has a ♥♥♥♥ ton of range and area damage. As soon as I got air, I used almost nothing else. The game does a good job of making a lot of the combat look cool, but that soon loses its value, as it becomes repetitive and more of a grind; save for the boss fights.

The earlier boss fights are also kind of hard, and the later ones are stupid easy. seems a little backwards, but I suppose you do feel more powerful because of it.

I could be okay with all of these things, but I payed about $10 for this game, and I beat it in 4 hours.
Like, I was done and bored with the game once I had finished, so it's good that they didn't make it a 20 hour trek.
But this game should be bought for no more than $5 in my opinion.

In conclusion, this game feels like a hurried attempt to slap together a licensed game for Korra, the gameplay and mechanics are solid (what we should come to expect from the wonderful Platinum Games) but the story and length are hugely disappointing for Korra fans hoping to find a new window into her world.
I feel like this game was ordered in too small a timespan to deliver something really worthwhile (This shows in the lack of menu options for graphics and such) but rather than deliver a decent lengthened, buggy mess; Platinum focused on making a tight combat system and a shorter campaign.

If you absolutely LOVE Korra, then check it out on a steam sale. Otherwise, stay away.

Geplaatst 5 oktober 2015.
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0.5 uur in totaal
"That explains the lazer raptors"

Geplaatst 29 mei 2015.
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