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Posted: 12 Feb, 2024 @ 11:49pm

Yes, that is how I choose to start my review of this game.

Cyberpunk 2077 was in a state of absolute shambles and barely holding together. But this game expansion took the base game and expanded upon the base game so much that It has led me to play the games on hours on end on my Portable PC and the Desktop. Something which I really draw parallel to is the Relic Skill tree system to the Mutation of Skill Trees in Witcher 3's Blood & Wine Expansion. The game is simply amazing now just like a pie and this expansion feels like the perfect Coffee I would have with the said pie.

Edris Alba was the star of this expansion in tandem to Keanu Reeves, this gave us 2 stars for this game and gave it the initial marketing boost for this game to come up. But more over the single player Story!
The story takes the whole f@cking cake and the whole bakery with it. I love the work that the writers team put in this game and made the story soo deep with the game designers and directors making the game fun to play with.

End of Expansion Spoilers: If you choose to betray Songbird (Sung So-Mi), The finale leads you down in a Cat & Mouse chase with hiding all over chase from a Death Robot controlled by Blackwall-Cyberpsycho-So-Mi. You see into her past, her life and see what she does. The game makes you feel bad for betraying So-Mi and gives you death of another FIA agent Alex, You can or cannot kill Songbird, which is on you.
But! if you choose to betray Reed, you get to know that Songbird was playing you all along, There is no-way you can cure yourself AND songbird using the same technology that Songbird was asking to steal from the Barghest Leader 'Kurt Hansen'.

I purposefully did not use the word Antagonist in here because the game tricks you. The game has no Black & White, It is always operating on the Grey Spectrum which lets the end decision on us, the players of this game.

I would recommend this Expansion just on the basis of the Story and the non-technical things it gave us in this expansion because they were still in the next major Update (2.01) that came out already.
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