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Скорошни рецензии на Shrimphony of the Coconut Isle

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2,383.2 изиграни часа (2,377.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Scumbag company allows bots to rampage through their own servers. Valve is personally hosting all measures of bigotry. N words, F slurs, doxxing tf2 youtuber. Valve PERSONALLY hosts servers for the people who program bots to use such terms, not to mention swat the aforementioned tf2 youtubers. Seriously, send us a postcard when you get to hell Valve development managers
Публикувана 26 май.
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11.9 изиграни часа
Their Community manager saved this game by telling players to tank the steam reviews. They endured harassment, death threats, doxxing, merely for being a member of the arrowhead team. They were put out in front to take all the flak for sony and for arrowhead. But they stayed on, they didnt give up, they didnt quit the team, and their strategy worked. They were the only one who stood up to sony at the studio. Now, they've been fired for doing so. ♥♥♥♥ sony, but ♥♥♥♥ arrowhead too. I would never recommend any games from this cancerous mass of a studio. Evil ♥♥♥♥. Respect labor or i pray your company dies
Публикувана 5 май. Последно редактирана 7 май.
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15.1 изиграни часа
Hacker's Paradise: The Game apparently. Will change my review if they fix the vulnerablities
Публикувана 20 март.
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8.1 изиграни часа (3.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Edit: Going to leave my original review below, but i no longer recommend this game. You will be constantly annoyed by the bugs I mention below. Like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I am sooooo tired of minions constantly ignoring their own needs and then quitting. Needs a lot of work.

I recommend this game, but only kinda. Some seriously annoying bugs are present, the main two that actually hurt the game are that, for one, sometimes minions, for some reason, just will not go and pick up their pay, and then they will quit. I've got two tellers in the treasure room, theres not like a long line, they just won't even make the trip upstairs to get their pay sometimes.

The other one is that guards will use the training room for way too long at a time, they will train and train and train even as they get hungrier, even as their need to use the restroom and shower grows and grows, and then they will quit for not having their needs met, despite that being their own damn fault. Once these issues are fixed, it will be a better game
Публикувана 20 ноември 2023. Последно редактирана 22 ноември 2023.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 21 дек. 2023 в 2:29 (преглед на отклика)
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36.1 изиграни часа (6.7 часа по време на рецензията)
using the star ring is some of the most fun I've had in a game ever, i feel like a god
Публикувана 12 юли 2023.
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63.2 изиграни часа (62.7 часа по време на рецензията)
TL;DR: Overall, it's a good game but rather short for what you might expect out of a game centered around a progression system. There's clearly some inspiration from binding of isaac but this game definitely has its own identity, and take care to know that its identity really isn't as a rogue like anyway, as the damage options aren't all that unique, don't have any stand out synergies, and you definitely have tools up your sleeve to brute force a level if you want, throwing adaptability and RNG out the window. The base building has potential but it isn't really my thing, though I will say it seems like a rough time trying to build a nice town if you have 40+ followers who houses you have to keep space for, since there's no higher density housing than 1 per person. Fun game, but for now at least, just buy it on sale

And now for the easier said than done ideas part:
Very fun game, it's fairly short though and the endgame seems to be about grinding to build up your base to your liking. There either needs to be some substantial optimization or a cap on the number of followers you can have, once you start having like 40+ you start to experience substantial lag at times, especially when all your followers first wake up each day. And somewhere around 70, going up much further is bound to result in a loop of starting the game, walking to the temple to try and sacrifice a follower and reduce the lag, only to crash on the way there. There's no reason really you'd want to go this high, but the game has several quests that give you followers basically for free that don't require you even to leave your base, so if you spend enough time base building, it'll happen. You can of course refuse the quests for -25 to your faith, but why refuse a free follower when you don't know the alternative is eventually ruining your save file?

My kinda bad solution would be to make beating each of the dungeons grant you another bit of land themed around that area, where you could build buildings and move some followers over from your other areas over. This would give you plenty of space to lessen the load on hardware from processing all your followers behavior all at once, and would allow for you to produce more as well as make more cool towns if thats your thing. I call this bad though, because without the addition of more items, buildings and areas, all requiring a lot more resources and/or overall effort to obtain, then these areas would otherwise be useless as far as beating the game currently goes.

One area is far more than enough to absolutely run the game through, and in fact the only real reason currently to stick around the base for a chunk of time between stages it seems to me is to get your followers high enough of a level so that their demon forms absolutely cheese everything for you. Fighting them sword and curse alone however is perhaps too simple still, so long as you remember to give a sermon between every run to get access to more and better weapons.

Basically, there needs to be a more involved and longer progression system, probably mostly coming after one-who-waits, with perhaps more one-or-the-other rituals added in along the way for keeping saves unique and interesting, as well as more milestone-type buildings like the summoning circle. Or, alternatively, an expansion of systems like the summoning circle(maybe an additional choice of ability for each demon type?), the missionary(I like the idea of maybe a scouting mission, such that your starting weapon and curse are known before you go in, and on the map between stages, one weapon or curse present in each possible choice of stage will show up on the map), as well as maybe adding a more in depth hierarchy system to the cult itself(perhaps adding the option to recruit a pontiff for each of the unlockable areas proposed above, who will run their town with a focus on the production type you choose and perhaps according to a set of tenets you choose, all the while possibly plotting to stage a coup and having the whole town attack you as a quest? idk).
That all would take a ton of work though and would probably undermine the current progression and story structure as you have it now, so I definitely understand not taking game design ideas from an internet rando!

a couple side notes:

Divine Guardian is too good as it is for when you unlock it especially, and if you combine that with the fleece of the glass cannon, you will never have to worry about running out of curse. And if you then combine that with divine curse, you don't even have to play the game anymore, you can kill almost everything by just running around spamming nothing but it. Which is fun btw, very fun but adding even total 2.5 second cool down between uses rather than just the use-time would make it far less cheesy since you wouldn't be able to just stand in the same spot on a boss and spam.

Demons need better explanations for how they work in game. How do i get the purple ones with the special abilities? I've read it's at high levels but when my follower is at DCXI and I still almost never see purple, it makes me wonder lol. What do the level values actually do to affect the demon's ability? it seems like for vesta and orcus and fornax they'd up the damage, and it does, but how differently do they scale in damage? a lvl 100 orcus will vaporize almost everything, but vesta seems to be not great no matter the level. How much extra curse does vosegus give per level? and what is the ratio between lvl and starting hearts with paean? Is the game supposed to tell you some or all of this but my game is just bugged(or I'm an idiot?)

Overall, it's a good game but rather short for what you might expect out of a game centered around a progression system. There's clearly some inspiration from binding of isaac but this game definitely has its own identity, and take care to know that its identity really isn't as a rogue like anyway, as the damage options aren't all that unique, don't have any stand out synergies, and you definitely have tools up your sleeve to brute force a level if you want, throwing adaptability and RNG out the window. Fun game, but for now, just buy it on sale
Публикувана 31 януари 2023.
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96.1 изиграни часа (95.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Spent so long looking for the shimmer only to realize that it doesn't exist in tmodloader yet :(

still, 10/10!
Публикувана 22 януари 2023.
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40.6 изиграни часа (25.2 часа по време на рецензията)
I don't think it's quite as good as Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep from Borderlands 2, but if you're looking for a full-on game that really does capture the feeling of that DLC, this is the game for you. It needs a new game plus mode/true vault hunter mode to be 9/10 or maybe even 10/10(which hopefully is coming?), but till then 8/10 is where i think it lands
Публикувана 11 януари 2023. Последно редактирана 11 януари 2023.
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58.6 изиграни часа (56.8 часа по време на рецензията)
It's a great game! Super simple city builder without a lot of the more complex systems of a game like cities skylines, while still allowing for the fun of laying out a town in exactly the way you want and resource management
Публикувана 13 август 2022.
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1,052.3 изиграни часа (32.7 часа по време на рецензията)
good game. love playing. oh, looks like i missed work today. oh well. grind grind grind. oh, my daughter's recital started 20 minutes ago? well, she sucks at piano anyway, im not missing much anyway. grind grind grind
Публикувана 30 септември 2021.
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