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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 45.0 hrs on record (27.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Sep, 2023 @ 9:04pm

There is just enough context for newcomers to enjoy the story, and enough in-game tips to fully understand the game.
Takeaways: Beautiful scenery, awesome controls, amazing dogfights. Be prepared for BS, and boy is it welcome. Obviously not a sim in any way, but it nails the freedom of the skies. SF64 ending.
Newcomers: Expert mode. Learn it fast, Mission 1 or Free Flight until you get the hang of it. Or enjoy a mediocre experience. The fights on Normal, even, are intense; forgoing full pitch, yaw and roll control is asking for a spanking.
Ace Combat 7 is EXACTLY what sequels should be - better in every single way. Loving attention to detail. Maybe not much for story, but it's as serviceable as you'd expect from an universe called Strangereal.
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