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Kövesd ezt a felhasználót, hogy láthasd, mikor tesz közzé új Steames útmutatót, hoz létre új gyűjteményeket, vagy tesz közzé elemeket a Steam Műhelyben.

1–3/3 bejegyzés mutatása
Piece Of Cake - My easy maps
Gyűjtemény alkotója: .sheridan .vespo
I foudn it easier to create hard maps, than easy ones. That is why I decided to make this collection exclusively dedicated to easy maps. Unskilled players or players with little experience should all be able to master these.
Good Maps I'd recommend
Gyűjtemény alkotója: .sheridan .vespo
Just some maps I have played and would like to remember. This collection is mainly for myself, but I thought, I would make it public, so everyone can have some quality maps to play.
Thinking with Portals
Gyűjtemény alkotója: .sheridan .vespo
This is a collection of levels, which use (usually) one gadget per map. They are generally hard to very hard maps, though you might find them easy, if you already know a trick or two. All of these will require you to think with portals, not just to use cub
Laponként: 9 18 30