He slices, he dices, he defeats the bad guys and gets the women. Most importantly TURTLE HARDBODY does not give one single ♥♥♥♥ while saving the world.

"I'm not sure I will ever sleep again" - Stephen King

"There were more explosions than I ever thought possible" - Michael Bay

"Grittier than Pulp Fiction combined with Inglourious Basterds will ever be" - Quentin Tarantino

"Frothier than I could ever hope to be" - Rick Santorum

"I wish I was alive so I could watch this movie" - Abraham Lincoln

"Makes Machete look like My Little Pony" - Robert Rodriguez

"A+++, would watch again, 12 stars, and our scale only goes to 5! The only movie you will ever need" - Ebert and Roper

"Turtle Hardbody does for movies what the bible did for christianity, an epic for all time" - Rick Perry
Zurzeit online
Brutal and engaging story
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48 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 19. Juli
Errungenschaften   115 von 700
5,7 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 14. Juli
0,4 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 2. Juli
Errungenschaften   1 von 34
TITTEN 19. Aug. 2015 um 17:42 
MANATEE STEELFIST!!! 24. Juli 2012 um 14:15 
TURTLE HARDBODY is no match for the MANATEE OF STEEL, we shall settle this with a waffles at dawn!
Khan 20. Jan. 2012 um 16:44 
All hail HARDBODY, our new surpreme overlord.
MANATEE STEELFIST!!! 16. Jan. 2012 um 21:30 
It seems that TURTLE HARDBODY is poised to rock everyone's world. President HARDBODY 2012 I think so.
Aeternus 4. Juli 2011 um 19:43 
hey buddy!!!
zix99 3. Juli 2011 um 10:25 
hi deak!